Seven days passed in a flash.

On the bus to the training camp.

The girl looked out the window, seemingly looking at the scenery outside, but in fact, she was looking at the face of the boy next to her with the reflection of the window.

He closed his eyes, and his slightly long hair covered his forehead, but he couldn't hide his handsomeness.

It was Lu Ming who was on the road.

Zhang Yongkang asked someone to refine the soul fruit, and it was soon refined into a pill and sent to Lu Ming.

The powerful effect of the medicine directly allowed Lu Ming to complete the internal organ refining.

Now he has perfected the internal organ refining, and is only one step away from the eighth-grade Qi refining realm.

The perfect internal organ refining is also called the ninth-grade peak.

At this time, Lu Ming's body is constantly alive, and his internal organs are constantly generating strength, nourishing every part of the body.

Not only does it keep every muscle in the body in the most suitable state for fighting, but it also allows Lu Ming to not feel tired and almost doesn't need to sleep.

Before getting on the bus, Lu Ming also observed the other people in the car.

Most of them, like him, have perfected the internal organ refining.

The worst cultivator has also perfected the bone refining, and is only one step away from the internal organ refining.

This made him smack his lips.

After all, Jiang Yuanlong, who had perfected his bone refining, was already considered the top in their area.

But if he were placed here, he would only be at the bottom.

"Jiangcheng is such a small place."

Lu Ming sighed as he felt the desire to fight.

Jiangcheng is just a small martial arts city.

Geniuses in big cities should be better fighters, right?

Thinking of this, Lu Ming's desire to fight became stronger and stronger, burning in his body.

Now he roughly understood the tactics of fighting.

Every time he had the desire to fight, it would condense in his body.

During the battle, this desire to fight would also circulate with the tactics of fighting, blessing Lu Ming's body.

When facing opponents who could bring pressure to him, the desire to fight would not only bless Lu Ming's combat power, but also improve his cultivation.

In the Xilin Mountains, Lu Ming relied on this point to break through the bone refining perfection in a short time.

"The battle tactics are much more powerful than I thought."

However, Lu Ming was actually very fortunate.

If it weren't for his fate of [a warlike person], which drove him to keep looking for opponents who could put pressure on him, he would not have discovered the characteristics of the battle tactics.

The bus made many turns on the mountain road before finally arriving at the final destination.

A military camp hidden in the mountains.

As the bus arrived, a heroic short-haired female officer walked out of the barracks.

She was wearing camouflage uniforms, but it was difficult to hide her graceful curves, which attracted the attention of many boys present.

This included Lu Ming.

In addition to admiration, he was more surprised.

The pressure brought to him by this female officer was like facing Zhang Yongkang directly.

But she was much younger than Zhang Yongkang.

Is she also a sixth-rank warrior?

The girl next to him had been paying attention to Lu Ming.

Seeing that he was staring at the female officer, the girl also glanced at him, then lowered her head, her toes clearly visible, and a sense of inferiority arose spontaneously.

It turned out that he liked big……

"All 56 people are here, let them go."

After Zhu Ting counted the number of people, the gate of the military camp opened immediately.

The 56 students entered in a mighty manner, came to an open space, and stood in front of Zhu Ting.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Huainan Province No. 3 Training Camp"

"I am the person in charge of the training camp, Zhu Ting"

"The boys' dormitory is on the left behind you, and the girls' dormitory is on the right."

"Single dormitory, each dormitory has your nameplate."

Before the students cheered, Zhu Ting's cold voice fell.

"Five minutes to place your luggage, then come back to gather."

"Latecomers will be kicked out of the training camp"

""Start the timer."

Zhu Ting pressed the timer. From her serious expression, it can be seen that she is not joking.

At that moment, the students picked up their suitcases and rushed to the dormitory building. They didn't even have time to greet each other. After putting down their suitcases, they rushed back quickly.

"It only took three minutes, very good."

Looking at the students in front of her, Zhu Ting put down the timer and continued

"In the next two weeks, I hope everyone will cooperate with me like this."

"The training camp lasted for two weeks. I hope everyone can cherish it and gain something."

"Now follow me, we will have the camp entrance examination."

When they heard the word"examination", many students' faces changed.

They had to take the examination right after entering the camp. What kind of devil is this?

But under the majesty of Zhu Ting, the students did not dare to say anything more and had to follow obediently.

Training center, third floor.

Looking at the rows of hibernation capsules neatly arranged in front of them, the students were a little confused.

Didn't they say they would take the examination? Why did they bring them to such a place?

"This is the military's advanced technology, the artificial brain system"

"Enter through consciousness and create a virtual combat system"

"You can think of it as virtual reality. The system will scan your body and upload all your physical data, so you can exert your full strength in it."

Zhu Ting briefly explained and began to give instructions.

"One hibernation capsule per person, get in."

"Follow the instructions inside and connect the artificial brain system."

After saying this, Zhu Ting walked out.

The students also found it novel and entered the hibernation capsule one after another and began to operate according to the instructions.

Lu Ming did the same.

""Please put on your helmet."

After sitting in the hibernation capsule, a gentle mechanical female voice sounded.

Lu Ming followed suit and put on the helmet placed in front of him.

His mind suddenly went blank.

It was as if a white door opened in front of him. When Lu Ming opened his eyes again, he was already in an endless plain.

Everything around him was still, even the white clouds in the sky seemed to be frozen there.

"It's really amazing."

Lu Ming felt his body and found that his internal organ refining was still there.

And no matter what he did, it was the same as in the real world, without any delay like in online games.

"Please choose your weapon."

The prompt sounded again, and various weapons suddenly appeared in front of Lu Ming.

He still chose the spear that he was best at.

"The camp entrance examination is about to begin, please wait patiently."

At the same time, in the monitoring room

"All 56 students have been loaded, and the assessment can begin at any time.

Lin Qianhe was responsible for monitoring the status of the students and reported to Zhu Ting.

"let's start"

"Give these little brats an impressive camp entrance assessment"

"I hope they don't get scared to death."

Zhu Ting and Lin Qianhe both showed evil smiles on their faces.

""Entry assessment begins!"

The prompt sounded, and everything around began to flow again.

The ground was shaking, and the vibration came from Lu Ming's feet.

He looked into the distance, and a black tide came from all directions, rushing towards him.

When he got closer, he found that these were extremely vicious beasts.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that this beast tide is dense and there is no end in sight.

It is like a whirlpool, wrapping Lu Ming in it.

Lu Ming, who was alone, seemed so small in this beast tide.

But when he met those ferocious beast eyes, he felt his blood boiling and his scalp tingling with excitement.

"This camp entrance examination is so cool!"

The endless ferocious beasts gathered a huge pressure, but they could not overwhelm Lu Ming.

He was full of fighting spirit, holding a spear, and took the initiative to kill the beast tide!

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