At this point, Yuwen Xiu also sighed with regret.

"I wanted to take you back so that the Holy Emperor could see you in person."

"But if this is the case, it will ruin your chance."

Accepting the baptism of the heavens and the worlds is not a benefit that ordinary people can imagine.

Yuwen Xiu could only give up.

"I will leave a trace in this plane."

"When this plane is completely civilized, and you become the master of the plane,"

"I will come back and take you to the Holy Dynasty, where you should be."

In fact, Lu Ming was not impressed by Yuwen Xiu's idea of going to the Holy Dynasty.

After all, the enemy, the Demon Lord, was in front of him.

Although he was weak, he could not let him occupy his homeland.

Therefore, Yuwen Xiu's words also fulfilled his wishes.

But Xu Wen smelled a bad meaning.

""Master Yuwen, are you going to leave Blue Star?"

Xu Wen asked with some worry.

At present, Yuwen Xiu had no ill will towards them, and was even very friendly.

Not long ago, he helped them to easily drive away Gorfa from the angel world.

Moreover, if Yuwen Xiu was not there.

When all four holy artifacts were obtained, Blue Star would be connected to the heavens and the worlds, and the Demon Lord would descend.

At that time, no one on Blue Star would be able to stop the Demon Lord.

"There are still places in the Holy Dynasty that need me, so I naturally can't stay here for long."

Yuwen Xiu also saw Xu Wen's worry and said with a smile

"Don't worry, with Lu Ming here, that little demon king can't cause any trouble."

"Don't underestimate the Son of the Plane"

"Even in the myriad worlds, there are only a few Sons of the Planes, and their strength is not something that the Demon Lord can challenge."

These words coming from Yuwen Xiu's mouth were a reassurance to Xu Wen.

Lu Ming also agreed with him. Since he mastered the Immortal Body of the Ming King, fighting against opponents of higher ranks is as easy as eating and drinking.

Now that he has the third-grade cultivation, he can easily fight against a first-grade warrior.

With the blessing of the human race's luck, he is confident that he can fight against a super-grade martial saint without losing.

He can also clearly feel that the current Immortal Body of the Ming King is not at full strength.

Perhaps when he becomes a super-grade martial saint, the Immortal Body of the Ming King will be able to truly show its power.

At that time, perhaps the Demon Lord is not invincible.

While Lu Ming was thinking in his heart, Yuwen Xiu also said goodbye to the three of them.

"Okay, now that the destined person has been found, it's time for me to go back and report."

""See you next time, when you will become the master of the plane."

Yuwen Xiu smiled proudly, gave Lu Ming a warning, and then pushed open the wooden house.

His figure rushed straight into the sky, and in the process, his black robe was seamlessly replaced by golden armor.

Then, a space crack appeared in front of Yuwen Xiu.

He got into it, and with a twist of space, his figure disappeared in it.

Even the space crack disappeared, as if it had never existed.

"He is truly a god."

Looking at Yuwen Xiu leaving, Lu Yue couldn't help but sigh.

Then he suddenly realized and said in annoyance

"Yes, I forgot to ask Senior Yuwen, what realm is above the Martial Saint?"

"I don't know what level Senior Yuwen's cultivation has reached."

Seeing Lu Yue's expression, Xu Wen was also relieved.

"It's okay. I'll ask Senior Yuwen for advice next time he comes."

"It's useless to know now. Senior Yuwen also said that Blue Star is not yet civilized. Our realm can only be limited to the Super Martial Saint, and we can't go any further."

After hearing the consolation of the master, Lu Yue calmed down and realized that he was a little anxious.

"The most urgent task is to find the whereabouts of the other two holy artifacts."

"In the end, we still have to find it."

Xu Wen said, sighing.

He wanted to stop the military's search for the holy artifact and stop getting involved in this matter.

But it seems that the unsealing of the holy artifact and the enlightenment of the Blue Star plane are inevitable and cannot be changed by his will.

""Master, don't worry, I will never let the holy weapon fall into the hands of evil people."

Lu Yue guessed Xu Wen's worries.

Knowing the power of the holy weapon, he would not let it fall into the hands of evil people.

"I can also join the search for the holy artifact."

Lu Ming also raised his hand

"Don't get involved, just pack up and go back to school."

Lu Yue frowned, not wanting Lu Ming to get involved in this mess, and wanted to send him back.

"Dad, before I came here, the principal just gave me a diploma"

"I've already graduated, how can I go back?"

Lu Ming took out his graduation certificate and shook it in front of Lu Yue to show it.

Lu Yue suddenly realized that his son was no longer a child.

Now, he was an adult who could stand on his own. He could even win the Emperor's Pen among all the geniuses in the secret realm.

But he still treated him as a child.

"Okay, in that case, Lu Ming, you should follow your father."

"During this time, I will continue to send people to collect information about the Prajna Bell and the Demon Emperor Sword."

"Once I have a clue, I will inform you two."

Seeing Xu Wen speak, the two of them stopped talking and responded one after another.

At the same time.

Holy Dynasty.

This is the most vast territory in the heavens and the worlds, and no other realm can compare with it.

It is said that in the ancient times, the immortals and gods once controlled this territory, and this place was not called the Holy Dynasty.

The immortals and gods devoured countless planes and finally created such a vast territory.

After that, the immortals and gods disappeared, and then the Holy Dynasty was established.

Yu Wenxiu returned to the Holy Dynasty and rushed to the Imperial Domain as soon as possible.

This is the central area of the Holy Dynasty, and all the relatives of the Holy Dynasty live here.

The most honorable one should be the most respected one in the world, the Holy Emperor

""I, the humble general Yuwen Xiu, pay my respects to the Holy Emperor."

In the Holy Emperor's bedroom,

Yuwen Xiu rushed over without stopping and saluted respectfully.

The Holy Emperor was wearing ordinary clothes at this time, but he still looked majestic.

His expression was relaxed, but the domineering aura between his eyebrows was still easily detected, making people feel awe-inspiring.

""This time, have you found the destined person?"

The Holy Emperor put away the documents in his hand and looked at Yuwen Xiu.

Being stared at by those eyes, Yuwen Xiu immediately felt that everything in his heart was seen through by the Holy Emperor, and said respectfully

""I have lived up to your majesty's high expectations and have found the destined person."

After that, Yuwen Xiu explained everything about Blue Star and Lu Ming to the Holy Emperor in detail.

"I understand. Thank you for your hard work, General Yuwen."

The Holy Emperor said this, and Yuwen Xiu's face changed immediately, and he said he dared not.

Then, the Holy Emperor sent someone to take Yuwen Xiu away.

When the palace was completely empty, the Holy Emperor leaned back in his chair and stroked his brow.

"Lu Ming? Son of the Plane?"

"I, Ye Wudao, have been planning for thousands of years, how come I have to encounter a variable like you?"

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