Across the world, Yunliu Martial Arts School

""Yunwu Guards!"

Yun Liu shouted in a low voice, and ten strong warriors in white robes with numbers from one to ten printed on their backs responded in a deep voice.


Just like Chu Kuanglong's twelve guardians.

The ten Yunwu Guards were trained by Yunliu since childhood and are the real top fighting force of Yunliu Martial Arts School.

They are ten first-class warriors specializing in martial arts and have also mastered the art of combined attack.

Once they are truly displayed, even a super-class martial saint can be restrained.

They are the most powerful force in the hands of Yunliu Martial Saint.

"Departure, destination, Mysterious Beast Forest!"

Yun Liuzi also got the news of the Prajna Bell.

Like Chu Kuanglong, he came out in full force. This time, he was determined to win.

The two martial saints who were equally powerful made the same choice.

At the same time.

In the south, Nandu.

The towering Tower of Tongtian.

On the top of the tower, Cheng Wuji sat cross-legged on the edge, and one step further was the world below.

Lei Ling appeared behind him without knowing when.

"Martial Saint"

"The latest news is that the Mad Dragon Martial Saint and the Cloud Flow Martial Saint have led their men to the Mystical Beast Forest."

"And, after them, the military also responded"

"Led by Lu Yue, they also headed towards the Mystical Beast Forest."

""Martial Saint, after all, this is about the Prajna Bell, which is a sacred weapon. Are we really not going to fight for it?"

Lei Ling finished telling everything, his face a little anxious.

Others have already set off, but his own Martial Saint is extremely calm, with a look of indifference on his face.

His thoughts are really hard to guess.

""Lei Ling, you are upset."

Cheng Wuji did not even turn around, but continued to close his eyes and meditate, and said to Lei Ling:

"I lost my composure."

After Cheng Wuji finished speaking, Lei Ling realized his own loss of composure and responded.

Cheng Wuji's calm voice continued to ring.

"Holy artifact, I thought about fighting for it"

"But that time, Cheng Sheng's performance disappointed me"

"Even so, it can also be said that the holy weapon may not be destined for my Cheng family."

"Moreover, the holy weapon is only an external force after all."

"No matter how strong the external force is, if it does not belong to your own body, what use is it?"

Cheng Wuji's tone was calm, but it was like a heavy hammer hitting Lei Ling's heart, making him sober up.

"Thank you for your teachings, Martial Saint."

Lei Ling took a deep breath.

Perhaps, he was shocked by Lu Ming's news. So much so that he had a desire and an urgency to get the holy weapon.

Now that Cheng Wuji had awakened him, he suddenly realized.

"If I am not strong, what good can ten thousand bells do to me?"

Cheng Wuji said no more and continued to devote himself to his own practice.

What about the holy weapon?

As long as he is strong enough, he can break all the laws with one force.

By then, even a martial saint with a holy weapon will not be his opponent.

A few days later

"Is this the Mysterious Beast Forest?"

Chu Kuanglong and his party came to the entrance of the Mysterious Beast Forest and couldn't help but sigh.

Here, ancient trees are towering, and everything is thriving, like a beautiful paradise.

If you don't say it, who can imagine that such a peaceful forest was once the place where the Martial Saint Bloodshed happened ?

"No one has ever explored the Mysterious Beast Forest."

"The only martial saint who tried, the grass on his grave was already half a meter tall."

"After entering, you must be careful about everything, and everything should be focused on finding the Prajna Bell."

Before entering the Mystical Beast Forest, Chu Kuanglong communicated with his twelve guardians.

Even he was fully prepared before entering the Mystical Beast Forest. After all, the bloody place of the Martial Saint, the fierce place in the world, and the dangerous place.

These nicknames of the Mystical Beast Forest are not a joke with you.

""Martial Saint, someone is coming."

After the arrangement was completed, the Eagle Guardian suddenly stepped forward and asked Chu Kuanglong for instructions.

As his name suggests, he was as sensitive as an eagle and quickly sensed the approaching aura.

The twelve guardians were very familiar with each other and naturally knew that the Eagle Guardian would not shoot without a purpose.

Therefore, they quickly became alert and scanned the surroundings nervously.

Then they saw ten figures in white robes appear in front of them.

The leader was Yun Liu, who had a Taoist style.

"Twelve Dharma Guardians!"

"Cloud Guard!"

"Chu Kuanglong!"

""Yun Liu!"

After a few greetings, they recognized each other's identities.

Suddenly, the situation became tense.

"The Mystical Beast Forest is not an ordinary place. I suspect there is more than one level 10 beast here."

"Yunliu, how about joining forces?"

The two groups were deadlocked, and Chu Kuanglong made a proposal

"Join forces?"

Yun Liu was also somewhat moved, and Chu Kuanglong continued to speak

"You and I will take the initiative to find the level 10 beasts and contain their actions."

"As for the Yunwu Guards and the twelve guardians, they were all searching for the Prajna Bell in the Mystic Beast Forest."

"Whoever gets the Prajna Bell first will own it, how about that?"

After listening to Chu Kuanglong's proposal, Yun Liu agreed.

He was confident in his Yunwu Guards.

In addition, Chu Kuanglong was right, he was still a little afraid of the Mystical Beast Forest.

It would be nice if Chu Kuanglong could take care of him.

"Do you understand?"

Chu Kuanglong said, and shouted to the Yunwu Guards and the twelve guardians.

The next moment, they responded loudly.

Seeing this, Chu Kuanglong did not say anything more.

He and Yunliu came to the front of the team and took the lead in entering the Mystical Beast Forest to explore the way.

As for the twelve guardians and the Yunwu Guards, they followed them in.

In the center of the Mystical Beast Forest, next to the pool.

The mammoth came to the pool, stretched out its trunk, and sucked a few mouthfuls of water.

Next to it, the Tianxuan Spirit Phoenix flapped its wings and floated beside it.

"Several months have passed since the dragon ape headed west."

"That damn monkey, how come he didn't make any noise at all."

Tianxuan Lingfeng complained a few words.

The fierce beasts have a long life span and often feel bored.

Therefore, they often agree on a time to come out and chat.

However, Long Jiao prefers to practice in seclusion, and it is difficult to chat with him a few times a year.

Usually there are only three of them, but this time Long Yuan was sent to the west and has not returned for a long time.

Tianxuan Lingfeng is not worried about its safety, but feels that it is even more boring.

"That playful monkey, maybe he went to play somewhere again."

"I guess he will be back soon."

The mammoth didn't take it seriously, thinking that the dragon ape had gone out to play.

After all, that's his nature.


Tianxuan Lingfeng hummed, and at the same time, it felt awe-inspiring.

The next moment, it subconsciously flapped its wings, and its figure suddenly flew countless meters.

In the next moment after it flew away

, a figure fell down and hit the ground with its palm, instantly smashing a deep pit in the ground. There was a violent tremor between heaven and earth, and then another figure appeared.

Two humans?

Tianxuan Lingfeng and the mammoth reacted quickly, their eyes sharp.

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