"Damn it!"

Long Jiao cursed.

It had been lurking in the pool for a long time.

It had finally waited for this rare opportunity, but was cut off by this sword.

When Chu Kuanglong escaped, it also cast its eyes in the direction of the sword light.

Lu Yue held the Cangxuan Sword and looked at it calmly.

After all, they were both human beings. In times of crisis, it was right to help Chu Kuanglong.

This was also what Xu Wen told him before leaving.

His cultivation was also a super martial saint, but compared to Chu Kuanglong and Yunliu, he was slightly inferior.

But the sword in his hand...

Long Jiao had the blood of a real dragon in his body after all, and he instantly sensed the extraordinaryness of the long sword.

But it was not afraid, and it opened its mouth and spit out a huge dragon breath towards Lu Ming.

Its cultivation was already top-notch, and its real dragon blood was also rich, and it was infinitely close to a real dragon.

It was also able to use some of the methods of a real dragon.

Lu Yue's expression was serious, and he did not move too much, but slashed with a clean and neat sword.

Suddenly, another stunning sword light shone.

After cutting off the dragon's breath, he continued on his way.���

The dragon easily dodged it, and the sword light fell into the pool, leaving a deep sword mark in the pool.

The water in the pool was diverted by the sword, and it returned to normal after a few seconds.

The sword that just landed on it, even with the body of the dragon, was still hurting at this time.

It was also really angry. Within a day, so many human ants came to attack.

The huge body completely emerged from the pool and entangled Lu Yue.

The dragon has been immersed in the Xuan Beast Forest for countless years. Even the Tianxuan Lingfeng and the mammoth elephant have never seen it really attack.

Now that it is really angry, even Lu Yue holding the Cangxuan Sword can only barely cope with it.

He summoned the Dharma without hesitation, still releasing the monstrous sword energy, and fought with the dragon.

Chu Kuanglong and Yun Liu didn't expect that there was such a terrifying dragon hidden in the pool.

Especially Chu Kuanglong.

If it weren't for Lu Yue's rescue, the dragon's attack just now would obviously be able to injure him.

After being injured, he and Yun Liu could never be the opponents of these three ancient species, and the final outcome can be imagined.

Therefore, there was a hint of complexity in his eyes when he looked at Lu Yue.

Of course, this emotion was quickly hidden by him.

The three of them activated their Dharma images, exerted all their strength as martial saints, and fought with their opponents.

The sky was dark and the earth was shaking.

Only the dazzling light during the fight resounded, causing the sky and the earth to change color.

On the west side of the Mystical Beast Forest.

Although the battle here was not as fierce as in the central area, the twelve guardians and the Yunwu Guards were all at a disadvantage.

The ferocious beasts gathered into a beast tide and attacked them frantically.

Originally, with the strength of the twelve guardians and the Yunwu Guards, it would not have been so difficult in the face of such a scene.

But unfortunately, they were controlled by the Prajna Bell, and some of them could not wake up for a long time, and died tragically at the hands of the ferocious beasts.

Even when some people opened their eyes again, they were already controlled by the Prajna Bell, and they did not hesitate to attack their former companions.

"Damn it!"

"What kind of evil weapon is this Prajna Bell?"

One of the twelve guardians roared, on the verge of collapse.

A figure flashed in the dark like lightning, leaving wounds on their bodies with sharp claws.

They were unable to resist, because they had to face other fierce beasts in front of them.

There was even a backstab from their former companions.

"Snake guardian! Tiger guardian! Wake up!"

During the battle, the twelve guardians shouted anxiously.

But the two guardians controlled by the Prajna Bell seemed to be possessed by evil spirits. They didn't care and just rushed towards them.

They didn't dare to attack with all their strength, because there was a thunder leopard hiding in the dark.

If they fought to the death, they would encounter his fatal blow, so they were very uncomfortable.

On the other side, the situation of the Yunwu Guards was not much better.

They used the combined attack technique and fought against the dragon ape with the cultivation of first-grade warriors.

But like the twelve guardians, they also had partners who were affected by the Prajna Bell and lost their minds.

Therefore, the combined attack technique they performed was also incomplete.

Originally, the combined attack technique of the ten of them was considered perfect and could rival the Martial Saint.

But after it was incomplete, it was also stretched to its limits against the dragon ape.

As an ancient relic, the dragon ape had no other magical powers, but its brute force was also terrifying.

With the incomplete combined attack technique alone, they could not resist at all, so they were soon injured one after another.

"Is that the Prajna Bell?"

At this time, Lu Ming also led the team to the western part of the Mysterious Beast Forest.

Their eyes were also attracted by the Prajna Bell floating in the sky.

But soon, they also noticed the twelve guardians and the Cloud Guards fighting with the fierce beasts.

Although the beasts were in a strange state, it was not difficult for Lu Ming to see that they were already at a disadvantage.

Among them was a level 10 fierce beast dragon ape.

"You go help them"

"Leave this giant ape to me."

Lu Ming did not doubt him and immediately gave the order, then headed towards the dragon ape alone.

The team behind him also knew his strength, so they went directly to the direction of the twelve guardians without any doubt.

The combined attack of several Cloud Guards had been defeated by the Dragon Ape, and they were all knocked away, scattered on the ground like fallen leaves.

The Dragon Ape was still approaching and had already arrived in front of them.

Several Cloud Guards were already covered with gloom.

As the Dragon Ape approached, its footsteps became dull, as if stepping on everyone's hearts.

"Are we going to die here?"

Some people were unwilling to give in, but they had been severely injured by the dragon ape and could only cough up blood.

""Everyone, step back."

At this moment, a tall figure suddenly flew over and flashed in front of the Yunwu Guards.

The Yunwu Guards thought that reinforcements had arrived and were delighted. However, this joy was instantly dimmed.

Because they realized that���He was only a second-grade cultivator.

All of them, first-grade warriors, were no match for this ferocious beast, let alone a mere second-grade one?

This was not saving people, it was clearly sending him to his death!

The hope in Yun Wuwei's heart was instantly extinguished, and he sentenced Lu Ming to death.

Even the dragon ape's golden eyes were filled with strangeness.

Such a tiny ant dared to stand in front of it?

The dragon ape clenched its fists, with a cruel and playful smile on its lips, and came in front of Lu Ming.

""Human Emperor Pen!"

Lu Ming shouted, and the Human Emperor Pen flew out of the unknown space and landed in his hand.

Instantly, the luck of the human race was instantly blessed on his whole body.

The magnificent crown of the luck of the human race, as well as the illusory armor, were all attached to his body. The slender Human Emperor Pen was like a spear in his hand, with its sharp edge.

At the same time, the Blood Spirit Prajna Art was quietly performed, making Lu Ming's figure surge.

His pupils were also dyed golden like the dragon ape, even deeper.

It was already full firepower!

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