The military restricted area, the low-lying basin.

Lu Yue held the long sword in his hand, closed his eyes, and looked solemn and peaceful, as if he was comprehending something.

At this moment, a vibration came from his pocket, interrupting his comprehension.

Lu Yue took out his mobile phone and found that the caller was not Liu Yun, but his mentor, Xiong Anguo, whom he had not contacted for a long time.

"Teacher, what do you want to talk to me about?"

After graduation, Lu Yue rarely talked to Xiong Anguo.

Now that he received his call, he was flattered.

"Teacher? Lu Yue, you actually have the nerve to call me teacher"

"If you think I'm your teacher, why didn't you tell me earlier that Lu Ming is so talented?"

Xiong Anguo said this sincerely, and he was quite disappointed.

If Lu Ming had been discovered by him earlier and trained by him, why would he have selected elite seeds with great fanfare for this trial?

Wouldn't it be more convenient to just bet on Lu Ming?

Lu Ming? Talent?

Xiong Anguo's words rang in Lu Yue's ears, but they sounded strange.

His own Lu Ming's talent was mediocre.���He only became a warrior at the age of 18.

This talent is already ordinary, so why is there any need to explain it?

When Xiong Anguo heard Lu Yue's words, he was immediately dumbfounded.

The talent is ordinary? No need to explain it?

Xiong Anguo was almost laughing at Lu Yue.

"Lu Yue, do you remember the military's trial plan?"

Xiong Anguo stopped questioning and asked Lu Yue.

Lu Yue naturally nodded in agreement.

The trial plan is to select 100 strong men from the military, upload their consciousness to the virtual combat system, and create an intelligent personality with their martial arts insights.

Once the challenger defeats the intelligent personality, he can obtain the uploaded martial arts insights.

Although this idea is a fantasy, it is really possible to achieve. For this reason, the military has invested a lot of material and financial resources, and even Lu Yue has participated in it.

Just when Lu Yue was curious about why Xiong Anguo mentioned this, Xiong Anguo began to explain

"I selected one seed from each of the eight training camps in Huainan Province to conduct trials."

"Lu Ming is one of them."

"The content of the trial is the test version of the trial plan."

Lu Yue's eyelids began to twitch.

He only knew that Lu Ming passed the initial test and entered the training camp, but he didn't expect this kind of thing.

And, judging from Xiong Anguo's expression, Lu Ming should have performed well in the trial.

Otherwise, if it was a small matter, Xiong Anguo would not have called him.

Sure enough, Xiong Anguo's next sentence shocked him.

"Just one day"

"Lu Ming fought from the first level all the way to the 70th level."

"He is still trying to pass the levels. I don't know the exact number, but he is not going to pass them very slowly."

Listening to Xiong Anguo's words, Lu Yue couldn't help but smack his lips.

Those who can enter their insights into the virtual combat system are all top military elites.

Even if they are restricted to the same level as Lu Ming, their strength is not much weaker.

In this case, being able to clear 70 levels in one day is enough to show Lu Ming's strength.

"And this, Lu Yue, you actually said that Lu Ming's talent is mediocre."

"Don't you usually care about your son?"

Xiong Anguo's words made Lu Yue smile bitterly.

"Teacher, I want to, too."

Lu Yue's words finally made Xiong Anguo recall.

He was not only Lu Ming's father, but also the top master of the military, a sharp sword that was invincible.

When the three martial saints of Daxia had ill intentions, he was the only one who could guard the four directions and protect the safety of Daxia.

The price of equality was the alienation from relatives.

""Lu Yue, I didn't mean that."

Xiong Anguo also knew that he had said the wrong thing and apologized quickly.

Lu Yue also knew that his teacher was outspoken.

Maybe others said that on purpose, but if it was Xiong Anguo, it was definitely not

"But teacher, Lu Ming's talent is mediocre, it's really not just my opinion"

"It was not until he was eighteen that he finally broke through his physical limits and became a warrior."

"If you say he has any talent, I will definitely not agree."

Lu Yue still didn't quite believe Xiong Anguo's words.

Xiong Anguo didn't waste any more words.

Anyway, there was no rush. When Lu Yue saw Lu Ming's performance, he would naturally understand how correct what he said was.

So, the master and apprentice hung up the phone.

"Could it be that I really saw it wrong?"

"Is there really a martial arts talent in Ming'er that I haven't noticed?"

In the basin, Lu Yue sat cross-legged, thinking hard, and his calm mood was completely disturbed by Xiong Anguo's call.

At the same time, in Nandu, Cheng family.

As the first family in Nandu and even the entire south, the Cheng family is still brightly lit even in the middle of the night.

The bright building is so conspicuous in the dark Nandu.

Even more conspicuous is the tall tower that reaches the sky in the middle of the Cheng family.

The tower stands so lonely, but no one dares to invade.

Everyone looks at the tower with admiration and respect in their eyes.

Just because this is the residence of the Cheng family martial saint.

One of the three great martial saints in the world, the ultimate in the world, an existence that can reach the ears of heaven

"Report to the head of the family"

"News came that the military was recruiting elites from training camps in various provinces and sending them to military bases in various provinces."

"At present, it seems that this may be a move against the Son of God."

""Master, do we need to take any countermeasures?" Cheng Nan shook his head after listening to his subordinates' report.

"No need to respond.

Cheng Nan's reply puzzled his subordinates.

"Let me ask you, what is the purpose of our joining forces with the military to carry out this southern trial?"

"In order to find a whetstone for the Son of God, to help him perfect his path to spiritual cultivation, and to build a supreme foundation for him."

As Cheng Nan's confidant, his men naturally knew a lot about this and could easily answer the questions.

"Since it is a whetstone, it cannot be too fragile"

"If it breaks as soon as it is ground, then there is no point in having a grindstone."

Cheng Nan continued to chuckle.

In fact, this was also what the Cheng family martial saint meant.

If he had not personally negotiated with the military, how could this southern trial be held smoothly.

Listening to Cheng Nan's words, his subordinates seemed to be thinking about something.

But he did not say another sentence.

What if there is a grindstone that is too hard?

Soon, his subordinates found that their ideas were ridiculous.

Although the Son of God was only in the seventh-grade refining realm, his cultivation was unfathomable, and even he could not see through it.

In fact, as early as a few years ago, the Son of God entered the sight of the martial saint and was trained by the martial saint.

It was extremely difficult to find an opponent who was worthy of fighting him.

Among the same generation, the only opponents were the two sons of the martial saint in the north.

Even if the military really picked out the elites of the elites, so what?

How could the military's training be compared with the Cheng family's?

That was personally guided by the martial saint.

The subordinates gradually drove this absurd idea out of their minds.

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