The next day.

At the Huainan Military Base.

Eight helicopters descended from the sky, their propellers swirling and making deafening noises.

Eight elites from different training camps all set out on their way home.

On the way to the helicopters, everyone's eyes could not help but linger on a young man.

Especially the elites from the other seven training camps.

Only those who had participated in the trials could know how terrifying Lu Ming's strength was. They did not look away until they all boarded the helicopters and flew in different directions.

"It's really uncomfortable to be stared at."

Lu Ming shrugged his shoulders and complained when the helicopter took off.

After breaking through to the seventh level of the Spirit Refining Realm and gaining spiritual awareness, he could sense the gazes of everyone, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"In their hearts, you are now a legend."

Zhu Ting said jokingly.

But it was not just a joke. Even the person in charge of their training camp commented on Lu Ming in this way.

The value of this trial was not a joke.

The trial situation of ten provinces in the whole south was also counted last night.

A total of 87 people participated in this trial.

Only Lu Ming was able to pass the level.

And he was the first by a large margin.

The best person after him only passed the 50th level. It was half less than Lu Ming.

Countless people were shocked by this, and Lu Ming's name was circulated wildly in the army.

There were even People compare him with the first young genius in the south, the son of the Cheng family.

Zhu Ting's mind was full of thoughts, and she didn't know where to start.

She had noticed Lu Ming since the first day of training.

After that, Lu Ming's performance every time was beyond her imagination.

Including this trial.

Now Lu Ming's cultivation has reached the seventh level.

There is only one level difference between him and her.

And who would have thought that a week ago, he was only at the peak of the ninth level.

Lu Ming also lowered his head, looking at the scenery below, without saying a word.

The silence between the two was not broken until they arrived at the training camp.

"There are still three days until the Southern Trial"

"Three days later, we will go to the training ground"

"During these three days, you can tell me what you need.

After getting off the helicopter, Zhu Ting and Lu Ming explained the situation.

"I need a spacious practice room."

"During the trial, I have a lot of martial arts insights that need to be sorted out."

Unexpectedly, Lu Ming made a request as soon as Zhu Ting finished speaking.

Obviously, he had already planned for her three days.

After arranging a training room for him, Zhu Ting sighed as she watched Lu Ming rushing to the training room.

"Talented and hardworking"

"No matter which point, it is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

The secret place in the army.

It was still the low-lying basin.

Lu Yue sat cross-legged, and in front of him was still the black-patterned long sword.

After sitting for a long time, Lu Yue finally opened his eyes.

He couldn't calm down all day today.

It was just because of the rumors in the army.

The news that Lu Ming passed the test and became the first in the fault also reached his ears.

Logically speaking, Lu Yue should be happy that his son has achieved such an achievement.

But when he thought of the southern test later, Lu Yue couldn't help frowning.

The better Lu Ming is, the more likely he is to fall into the trap.

The more dazzling he is, the greater the probability of entering the trap.

With his current performance, it is almost inevitable that he will enter the trap.

""Cang Xuan, what do you think I should do?"

Lu Yue looked at the long sword in front of him, like a confused person seeking help from his friend.

The long sword made a clanging sound, which rang in Lu Yue's ears.

Lu Yue listened to the sound of the sword and gradually fell into deep thought.

Since he took control of the Cang Xuan Sword, he has shouldered a heavy responsibility to protect the world. He attacked brazenly during border wars and guarded Da Xia during peace.

He didn't have much time to care about his son.

He just hoped that he would live an ordinary life.

Lu Ming also grew up like this in the past eighteen years.

But Lu Yue didn't expect that the current Lu Ming would give him such a big surprise.

On par with the number one genius in the south?

In the clanging sound of the Cang Xuan Sword, Lu Yue finally woke up.

"If Ming'er joins the game, I will go to Nandu."

"Cheng family martial saint, so what?"

"He is nothing but a coward."

Lu Yue's eyes flashed coldly, and he suddenly realized it, like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

The Cangxuan Sword actually flew out from the ground and surrounded Lu Yue, looking very intimate.

In the combat base not far away.

Tea room.

Xiong Anguo and a middle-aged man sat on the sofa, sipping tea in the cup.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man paused, as if he had noticed something, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Teacher, what's the good news?

Seeing the middle-aged man smiling, Xiong Anguo couldn't help but be confused.

"Lu Yue realized"

"These years, he has suffered a lot."The middle-aged man sighed and shook his head.

In the past few years, in order to make further progress, Lu Yue has been sensing the Cangxuan Sword every day, trying to improve his cultivation.

But the middle-aged man knows that what he lacks is not perception.

It is the state of mind.

"It's good to think it through, it's good to think it through."

The middle-aged man said two sentences in a row, then turned to look at Xiong Anguo

"An Guo, it seems that our military can finally have a martial saint."

"You mean……"

Xiong Anguo was not a fool. After listening to his teacher's words, he immediately looked in the direction of Lu Yue.

Three days passed quietly.

Training Camp No. 3.

In the training room where Lu Ming was

"Blood Spirit Prajna Technique!"

In the quiet room, Lu Ming suddenly let out a loud shout.

His body suddenly became huge, his height grew to 2.2 meters, and his body was full of explosive muscles.

Even the 2.1-meter-long Youlong Spear was like a toy in front of him.

In the trial, there were quite a few warriors who practiced physical training.

As he defeated them, their martial arts insights also poured into Lu Ming's brain.

With the blessing of the Son of the Great Dao, and relying on his extraordinary understanding, Lu Ming successfully extracted the essence of these physical training martial arts and forged this blood spirit martial arts.

While practicing, Lu Ming unexpectedly discovered that the remaining ferocity of the blood of all beasts was still contained in his body.

He also refined this ferocity into the Blood Spirit Prajna Technique.

On his terrifying body, fine blood-colored lines can be seen. These blood-colored lines are the remaining ferocity after Lu Ming took the blood of all beasts.

Strange symbols appeared on Lu Ming's body, which was weird and blessed Lu Ming's body.

This ferocity also affected Lu Ming's brain, giving him a bloodthirsty temperament.

【Warlike person】 fate, also under this fierce blessing, more excited.

After adapting to this powerful body, Lu Ming began to hold the Dragon Spear tightly.

These days, he did not just improve this martial art.

He absorbed the insights of the gatekeepers in the trial and improved the four martial arts.

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