"Ming'er, have you broken through the limit?"

Lu Ming's mother, Liu Yun, was a retired female soldier.

She had some experience in cultivation and could tell at a glance that Lu Ming's aura had changed. She was surprised and delighted.

"I made a breakthrough in class today."

Lu Ming did not hide it.

Now that he has the fate of [Martial Arts God], he will definitely be extraordinary in the future.

It is also a good thing to let his mother adapt in advance.

"Ming'er broke the limit?"

After hearing Liu Yun's voice, a male voice came from the other end of the phone.

Liu Yun nodded, and then turned the phone to Lu Ming. The man on the screen was his father Lu Yue.

Like his mother, he was a soldier, and an officer of a confidential rank. Lu Ming didn't know his specific position.

Anyway, he could afford a villa, so you can imagine how high his status was.

"Good, you are worthy of being my son, Lu Yue."

On the other end of the phone, Lu Yue laughed heartily and was very happy when he learned that Lu Ming had successfully broken the limit.

Liu Yun was also happy, but her smile was gentle, and she just looked at her son tenderly.

Seeing this, Lu Ming also struck while the iron was hot and added

"Moreover, the principal asked me to take part in the preliminary test of the Southern Trial today."

""Dad, Mom, just wait for my good news."

Lu Ming didn't notice that when he mentioned the southern trial, Lu Yue's brows inadvertently frowned.

But he quickly recovered and relaxed his brows without letting Lu Ming and Liu Yun notice.

After a while of greeting, Lu Yue said he had something to do and hung up the phone.

"Southern Trial……"

This trial caused a stir in the southern martial arts world, but only Lu Yue knew about it.

The southern trial was just a setup from beginning to end.

A specially made wedding dress.

He frowned, but finally shook his head.

"With Ming'er's aptitude, he probably won't be able to survive the final test."

"Let's pick a few techniques for him first."

Lu Yue looked up at the sky, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the clouds and reach the sky.

The next day, Zhang's Martial Arts School

"Sixth-rank warriors are extraordinary."

Looking at this martial arts hall with three floors, each floor is as big as a stadium, Lu Ming couldn't help but sigh.

The owner of this martial arts hall is Zhang Yongkang, a sixth-rank warrior, a famous and powerful warrior in Jiangcheng, with a remarkable reputation.

Zhang's martial arts hall is even more well-known in Jiangcheng.

After a simple identity verification, Lu Ming quickly entered the martial arts hall.

In the center of the venue, a group of teenagers of the same age as him had gathered.

After Lu Ming arrived, they just took a quick look and retracted their gaze.

It was just a kid who had just broken the limit.

Lu Ming looked around the crowd and recognized many people.

They were all famous geniuses in this area.

"Ye Jie, from Jiangcheng No. 4 Middle School, has reached the level of skin refining"

"Lin Fan, from Jiangcheng No. 11 Middle School, is said to be close to the Bone Refining Realm."

After breaking through the limit, one becomes a ninth-grade warrior and enters the martial arts world.

The ninth grade is called the Body Refining Realm, which is divided into three small realms: Skin Refining, Bone Refining, and Organ Refining.

Each small realm has its own wonders.

Lu Ming has heard of almost all of these talented geniuses.

He continued to move his eyes and saw a tall boy, his expression changed even more.

Jiang Yuanlong.

The undisputed number one genius in this area.

Jiang Yuanlong only broke through the limit when he was in the third year of high school.

But after breaking through the limit, his cultivation speed was swift, and he had already entered the Bone Refining Realm.

"The most urgent task is to quickly find a method to practice."

Looking at these peers who have higher cultivation than him, Lu Ming couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart.

Only by getting the method can he start practicing.

However, Daxia has strict control over the methods. Many people have to pass the martial arts college entrance examination and enter the martial arts college before they can practice the methods.

The rest either join the martial arts school and practice the martial arts of the martial arts school, but it also corresponds to high tuition fees.

Or, like Jiang Yuanlong and others, practice the family's martial arts.

But Lu Ming's family obviously doesn't have it.

Lu Yue and Liu Yun both entered the martial arts college after entering it. , and then practiced the martial arts in the school.

The martial arts must not be leaked, otherwise it would be a violation of the laws of Daxia and would be severely punished.

Lu Ming is now in a situation where a good cook cannot cook without rice.

In addition to these geniuses who have already started to practice martial arts, there are many people like Lu Ming who have just broken through the limit.

Obviously, they were also pulled here to make up the crowd.

After a while of silence, suddenly, a burst of powerful footsteps sounded in everyone's ears.

Looking in the direction where the sound came from, an old man with slightly white hair and beard walked towards everyone with a dragon-like gait.

"It's Master Zhang Yongkang."

Someone recognized the old man and let out a low cry.

Lu Ming also opened his eyes wide and stared at the old man.

A sixth-grade Huajin warrior is an extraordinary figure no matter where he is.

Although Zhang Yongkang is old, he is a sixth-grade warrior after all, and his spirit is still strong.

His tiger eyes are filled with fierceness. When everyone looks at him, they feel a stinging pain in their eyes and dare not look at him again.

When he came in front of everyone, Zhang Yongkang had a calm expression and a voice like a bell.

"Without further ado, I will announce the rules for the preliminary examination."

""I will teach you a martial art later."

Hearing this, many people were surprised.

Martial arts are advanced means of fighting against enemies, and they are also secrets that are not passed on.

Many people were overjoyed to learn a martial art after coming to participate in the preliminary examination.

"After the teaching, you will practice for the next seven days."

"After seven days, the assessment will be conducted in the form of a big fight."

"Choose one of you 24 to attend the provincial special training."

"You can choose to give up. Those who don't want to take the test don't have to come."

Zhang Yongkang added the last sentence because after he finished talking about the rules, many people had already given up.

Most of them were those who had just broken through the limit and had not yet practiced the skills.

The big fight, twenty���Choose one.

How could they be the opponents of Jiang Yuanlong and his people.

There are three small realms in the ninth level of the body refining realm. Every time you break through one realm, your strength will be stronger.

They are just little punks who have just broken through the limit. They haven't practiced any exercises. How the hell can they fight?

After Zhang Yongkang finished speaking, many people had already made up their minds.

As long as they finish learning the martial arts he teaches, they will leave here.

Except Lu Ming.

The road of martial arts is like sailing against the current.

If you think about retreating when you encounter difficulties, how can you reach the pinnacle of martial arts.

Lu Ming's eyes were burning, and he did not avoid Zhang Yongkang's sweeping gaze.

It's a good spirit, but it's a pity that his cultivation is not enough.

Among a group of dejected students, Lu Ming stands out.

But in Zhang Yongkang's eyes, that's all. In the road of martial arts, strength is the hard truth.

Without strong strength, no matter what kind of spirit you have, it's just rootless duckweed.

Strength is the root.

Of course, Zhang Yongkang won't tell them any big truths.

His time is precious

"Watch carefully, I will only demonstrate this once"

"What I am going to teach you is the eighth-grade martial art, the Thunder Fist."

After everyone turned their eyes over, Zhang Yongkang did not waste time and started to demonstrate directly.

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