"Lu Ming?"

"Who is this big guy?"

Except Yang Chen, the other three people trembled when they saw Lu Ming's points.

Being able to get full points means that he passed the trial alone.

Moreover, it was an A-level trial.

The A-level trial corresponds to the cultivation level of the middle stage of the soul refining.

Just now, Chen Siyu passed the B-level trial, and it was in the form of a team.

Comparing the two, Lu Ming's horror can be more evident.

Hearing what the three said, Yang Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Lu Ming, seems to be the one who just left our team."

On the helicopter, Yang Chen had noticed Lu Ming's nameplate.

Refusing to join their team meant that Lu Ming might have already formed a team, or was particularly confident in his own strength.

So Yang Chen paid more attention to him.

But he didn't expect that his guess would be confirmed so soon.

This made Yang Chen smack his lips.

Chen Siyu, the number one prodigy in Yangcheng, was only at the initial stage of the Spirit Refining.

But Lu Ming was able to defeat an opponent at the middle stage of the Spirit Refining.

The prodigy that emerged from this southern trial was truly amazing.

As for the other three, they were petrified after hearing what Yang Chen said.

"Is this true?"

The first person to question it was the boy.

He couldn't believe it. How could Lu Ming be so handsome and so strong?

Didn't God close a window for him?

The two girls didn't say anything. It was still hard to associate Lu Ming, who was number one on the list, with the handsome boy just now.

"Okay, stop worrying about it."

"If you keep arguing, the points will all belong to others."

Yang Chen did not argue too much with the boy.

It was meaningless to argue whether Lu Ming was the boy just now.

The important thing was to start earning points.

After hearing what Yang Chen said, everyone woke up from their dreams.

The four-member team regained their spirits and started to head towards the original destination.

At the same time.

A certain B-level trial site.

A group of five people looked at the projection on the bracelet. Except for the slender boy in the middle, everyone else showed resentment on their faces.

Around them, there were mechanical wreckages all over the ground.

There was even a huge machine that was chopped into pieces.

This team was the first team to break through the B-level trial.

But now, their limelight was hidden by Lu Ming alone.

"Boss, if he can go through the A-level trial, so can we."

Xu Yan looked at Chen Siyu with an indignant look on his face, wanting to fight for the first place.

But Chen Siyu shook his head.

"I can pass the A-level trial alone. The opponent is stronger than me."

"The reason why I was able to pass this mechanical test so easily is because of your help."

"If I were to take the exam myself, I would be able to pass it, but it would never be so easy."

"The Southern Trial gathers numerous geniuses, so don't underestimate anyone."

Chen Siyu was calm.

In such a short time, Lu Ming was able to pass the A-level trial alone, which was enough to prove his strength.

He had a clear understanding of the strength of his team and knew that it was difficult to match the other party.

Seeing Chen Siyu say this, Xu Yan had to give up.

But this couldn't stop some people from getting excited.

Ding Wenyao was one of them.

In the No. 3 training camp, she finally got the marrow cleansing pill through her own efforts.

Although the grade was slightly lower than the essence of all beasts, it also improved her qualifications.

Moreover, with the support of her family, she has now broken through to the realm of refining spirits.

Looking at the list of Lu Ming's name at the top of the list, she suddenly made a decision in her heart.

""Boss, what's wrong?"

Ding Wenyao stopped and her other teammates immediately looked over.

After all, Ding Wenyao was the one with the highest cultivation among them.

They naturally wanted to cling to Ding Wenyao's thighs.

"I have something to do, so I can't be with you guys anymore"

"You guys can find another teammate."

Ding Wenyao said, and then disappeared.

Only the others were left with a look of astonishment.

Let's talk about Lu Ming again.

After pulling the Dragon Spear out of the grizzly bear's head, he also opened the bracelet.

On the map, the current A-level trial site had a"Breakthrough" sign.

Others were not idle either, and other levels of trial sites also gradually dimmed.

However, the only A-level trial site that was breached was Lu Ming.

"Is there no one who wants to compete with me to see who can brush faster?"

"Then I can only show off my speed."

Simply breaking through the trial can no longer satisfy the fate of [Warrior].

He began to set goals for himself.

As the goals were set, the blood in his body circulated rapidly as if it were boiling.

As for his figure, he had already flown out and began to head to the next A-level trial site.

The invigilation room, the examiner's lounge.

Ma Qianlong leaned comfortably on the recliner, sipping the tea in the cup.

The trial had just begun, and for him who was well versed in relaxation, this time naturally could not be wasted.

However, this quietness was soon disturbed.

Knock, knock, knock... Knock, knock...

The rapid knock on the door made Ma Qianlong frown.

"Come in"

""What happened?"

Looking at the panicked staff, Ma Qianlong looked a little unhappy.

But the staff's words the next second made him drop his jaw.

"Examiner Ma, 30 A-level trial sites have been breached!"

30 A-level trial sites have been breached?!

Ma Qianlong was startled, stood up from the recliner, and quickly walked out the door.

What is going on?!

The trial started in less than an hour?!

When Ma Qianlong came outside, a group of staff had already gathered there, watching the surveillance screen in front of them.

Squeezing them away, Ma Qianlong came to the front, and the surveillance screen was appearing in front of him.

In the picture, a young man with a gun was facing a group of mechanical puppets.

Ma Qianlong recognized at a glance that this was one of the A-level trial sites he had set up.

There are two mechanical puppets in the early stage of soul refining, and seven mechanical puppets in the peak of qi refining. The combined combat power far exceeds that of ordinary middle-stage soul refining.

Among the many A-level trial sites, it is considered relatively difficult.

But what did Ma Qianlong see?

In the picture, the young man rushed forward brazenly, intending to confront the nine mechanical puppets head-on.

The nine mechanical puppets also attacked him at the same time.

The young man���Using the spear as a stick, he directly swept across the nine mechanical puppets.

The seven mechanical puppets at the peak of Qi Refining couldn't even withstand this stick.

After being knocked away by the boy, countless cracks appeared on their body surfaces, and they crashed into the big trees one after another. After a burst of flames, there was no movement.

As for the two mechanical puppets at the early stage of Spirit Refining, they barely held on and continued to attack the boy at the same time.

The long spear in the boy's hand was full of electric light, leaving afterimages in the air, and instantly pierced the two mechanical puppets at the same time.

The boy confidently put away the gun, and the two mechanical puppets fell down at the same time. Flowing like clouds and water, vivid and thorough!

Ma Qianlong watched the entire battle, and only these two thoughts were left in his mind.

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