"The rules of the final trial are as follows:"

"Ten minutes later, all remaining trial subjects in the trial site will be attracted to the central area, including the trial subjects in the three S-level trial sites."

"When all the trial subjects die, the trial ends."

"All trialists, please prepare yourselves."

The final trial is a hidden level of this trial.

Only when two S-level trial sites are breached and the trialists are deemed to have the ability to breach the S-level trial sites, will the final trial begin.

The average level of the Huainan test site was far from enough to start the final trial.

But who would have thought that Lu Ming would descend from the sky.

"All the test subjects will gather in the central area?"

Lu Ming, who was about to go to the next S-level test site, stopped immediately after hearing the announcement.

This would save him from having to look for them one by one!

He turned around and headed towards the center of the test area.

He was very excited as he galloped along.

At this time, there were still hundreds of test sites that had not been conquered.

If so many of them gathered together at the same time,

Lu Ming felt a surge of fighting spirit just by imagining that scene.

"What a fighting maniac!"

"However, I have to say that the more I look at him, the more he looks like Lu Yue, even from behind."

Looking at Lu Ming's receding back, Zhao Dongfang couldn't help but sigh.

Then, he seemed to have thought of something, and a hint of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

In the trial site, except for Lu Ming, the faces of the other teams who heard the announcement changed.

They were in danger even when dealing with a B-level trial, let alone facing all the fierce beasts gathered together.

"Let's go, we have to get to the central area as soon as possible."

Soon, many teams made their decision and headed towards the trial area.

At the same time, the central area

"Looks like we have to wait a while."

Lu Ming held the Dragon Spear and looked into the distance.

Relying on Thunder Three Thousand, he arrived here in just a few minutes.

At this time, the test subjects had not yet finished gathering. Wherever he looked, there were only figures passing through the forest.

Among the many teams, Lu Ming's lone figure stood out.

Because he was standing in the middle, holding a spear, with an incomparable brilliance in his eyes.

"Lu Ming is there!"

After hurrying, Yang Chen and his team finally arrived at this area.

The boy was very sharp-eyed and was the first to discover that Lu Ming was there, and he exclaimed.

Yang Chen and the two girls also saw the dazzling figure with complicated expressions.

Lu Ming's score had already exceeded 100,000, and he was already the first who could not be knocked down.

Even this ultimate trial was caused by him.

Only this immortal could break through two S-level trial sites.

Chen Siyu and others had also rushed to the central area and saw Lu Ming at a glance.

Among the crowd, only his figure stood in the front.

Moreover, there was no fear in his eyes, and he was also looking straight at the dense forest, as if he was expecting

"Is this the strongest?"

Even if they were watching from afar, everyone could feel Lu Ming's moving spirit and sighed.

"All trial subjects have gathered in the central area. Please prepare yourself."

"During the final trial, each trial participant who kills the trial object will receive double points."

"I wish every trialist to achieve the ideal result."

Although there are double points, the enthusiasm of the crowd is not high.

After all, all the trialists in the entire trial area will come.

It is difficult to save your life in it, let alone get points.

Of course, the Huainan Examination Center will not let go of the life of its own genius.

When the preparations for the final trial began, many strong people were sent to the central area and hid in the dark.

Once someone is in danger, they will rescue him even if they can, and it is impossible to let the trialist die in the trial.

The students participating in the trial naturally did not know about this.

They were still on high alert and ready.

Soon, dense black shadows emerged from the dense forest.

They were countless ferocious beasts and mechanical puppets of various shapes.

After arriving at the central area, they were not in a hurry to attack, but formed a battle line. More and more ferocious beasts and mechanical puppets arrived, and they lined up on both sides. The terrifying number made many students' legs weak.

But Lu Ming was different.

More and more opponents appeared, which only made him feel extremely excited.

This was similar to the beast tide he encountered during the camp entrance assessment.

But now his opponents are getting stronger and stronger.

"I am also getting stronger and stronger."

Looking at the densely packed opponents, Lu Ming's soul trembled, his whole body was filled with fighting spirit, and he held the Youlong Spear in his hand tighter.

Suddenly, he sensed three fierce and tyrannical auras.

In the fierce beast battle line, the fierce beasts in the middle position retreated one after another, went to the sides, and left an empty space.

Three huge figures came to the center of the fierce beast battle line.

One of the giant elephants was huge, up to five meters high, with jade-like tusks that were smooth and hard, and an extremely thick trunk.

On its left was an equally huge gray wolf, lying on the ground, but its bloodthirsty eyes had already stared at the trialist on the opposite side, as if it had already imagined its deliciousness.

On the right side of the giant elephant was a huge python of similar size, its whole body was green and blue, and its scarlet snake tongue was daunting.


"Bloodthirsty Wolf!"

"Jade Demonic Python!"

The trial participants recognized the identities of the three beasts and were extremely shocked.

The three beasts were all well-known for being vicious beasts that should not be easily provoked.

In the textbooks they had studied, when mentioning these three beasts, there was only one word: run.

Unexpectedly, in the S-level trial ground, three beasts would appear at the same time.

Many students who already felt that it was not good, after seeing these three beasts, their eyes went dark.

"Three Great Fierce Beasts."Great

Fierce Beasts" is a name for great beasts.

It means that the strength of this kind of beast is far superior to that of the same level, or other strange things.

Lu Ming narrowed his eyes, met the eyes of the three great beasts, and smiled slightly.

"This kind of battle is interesting!"

As the humans and beasts confronted each other, Lu Ming's figure turned into a flash of lightning and shot out directly.

His figure did not stop in the air, holding the Dragon Spear in his hand, staring directly at the figure of the Bloodthirsty Wolf.


Everyone saw Lu Ming's figure flying out, and then the tip of the spear stabbed at the Bloodthirsty Wolf. The gun energy was so fierce that it raised a cloud of dust on the ground, blocking everyone's sight.

"Who is this?!"

Everyone was shocked. They didn't know which boss dared to do this to three powerful beasts in the spirit refining realm.

Although they thought so, everyone also looked at the dust with expectation.

They couldn't wait to know what the result would be.

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