
The sound was as dull as drum beats, and it kept exploding.

Cheng Sheng looked curiously at the place where the black smoke was rising, and his expression changed.

This was a minor magical power, and its power was terrifying.

He just couldn't believe that Lu Ming could even take this move.

"This sound, seems to be, a heartbeat?"

In the audience, the burly man from the Crazy Dragon Martial Arts School listened to the muffled sound and felt that it was more and more similar to a heartbeat.

Whether it was its rhythm or its sound.

But this was too shocking.

Just the sound of a heartbeat could fill the entire venue. What kind of ancient beast was this?

Everyone stared at the ring, and the black smoke gradually dissipated.

A two-meter-tall, shirtless figure walked out of it.

As his body grew, Lu Ming's muscles also grew stronger, and his arms were knotted with veins.

He looked down at Cheng Sheng from a high position, his body intact.

A pair of eyes burning with fighting spirit stared at Cheng Sheng closely.

The little magical power that Cheng Sheng displayed was indeed beyond Lu Ming's expectations.

But he activated the Dragon Yuan Prajna Gong and entered the first gear. Even the intense high temperature could not withstand him at all.

"Another perfect level of physical training martial art!"

"Although it is not a first-class martial art, it is quite exaggerated!"

Lin Heng was dumbfounded and his words were not very clear.

Among all kinds of martial arts, physical training is the most difficult to practice and the improvement is the greatest.

And in Lu Ming, this is already the fourth perfect martial art he has demonstrated.

Even if you start practicing from the womb, it is impossible to practice so many!

Of course, the methods used by Lu Ming and Cheng Sheng also made the scene boil again. The small magical power displayed by Cheng Sheng had already shocked everyone.

Who would have thought that even in such a situation, Lu Ming still broke out.

The scene became more and more confusing, and the emotions of the audience were getting higher and higher.

"Very good, very good"

"This is interesting."

After his strongest move was broken, Cheng Sheng was not panicked, but laughed wildly.

Lu Ming stared at his opponent in confusion, not understanding why he acted like this.

Then Cheng Sheng gradually stopped laughing, and an inexplicable aura was released.

He began to be filled with a sense of dominance.

"It surprised me that"

""In a small southern city, there is someone who can make me use my full strength."

Cheng Sheng shouted fiercely, and an extremely oppressive aura suddenly appeared.

This aura was not directed at Lu Ming, but at the entire world.

Filled with immense pressure, this aura was extremely overbearing, wanting to overwhelm Lu Ming, as if wanting him to surrender.

"This is……"

In the front row of the audience, Lin Heng could hardly hide his shock.

He sat in his seat blankly, his eyes complicated.

Ma Qianlong beside him was even more dazed, as if he was living in a dream.

The two teams from the Kuanglong Martial Arts School and the Yunliu Martial Arts School also stood up in shock from the audience.

Even when Cheng Sheng used his minor magical powers, they didn't look like this.

It was enough to show how shocked they were at this moment.

"This is... the true meaning of martial arts!"

The elegant man sensed it for a long time before squeezing out such a sound from his throat.

No matter how unbelievable it is, the senses of a warrior will not lie.

The breath of the true meaning of martial arts emanating from Cheng Sheng is indeed the breath of the true meaning of martial arts.

But he is obviously a seventh-grade warrior, how can he have the true meaning of martial arts that only a fifth-grade awakening spirit realm can have?

In the audience, countless people flashed question marks in their minds.


The tooth-grinding sound of bone friction came from Lu Ming's body.

Oppressed by Cheng Sheng's domineering true meaning of martial arts, he only felt that the gravity around him seemed to become stronger.

His back was constantly under heavy pressure, but he still stood stubbornly, fighting against Cheng Sheng's domineering true meaning.

Seeing Lu Ming like this, Cheng Sheng smiled slightly.

The secret that had been suppressed for two years was finally revealed at this moment. Cheng Sheng couldn't wait to have an audience, and Lu Ming in front of him was undoubtedly the best candidate.

""For the past two years, my cultivation has remained stagnant, just to condense this true meaning of martial arts."

Cheng Sheng said, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

This is the invincible road chosen for him by Cheng Family Martial Saint.

There were ancients before, but no one will come after them. They have disappeared in the long years, and even Cheng Family Martial Saint does not know if they can make it.

But Cheng Sheng gritted his teeth and walked step by step to the present.

He suppressed his voice, as if suppressing a certain joy.

The domineering true meaning permeated around him. If you were closer to the ring, you could feel the oppression, which was breathless.

Not to mention Lu Ming who was in front of Cheng Sheng.

The pressure he was under was the greatest.

"Grandpa said that the ancient warriors, after perfecting their spirit, had another realm, the Supreme Golden Body."

"Those who have cultivated the golden body are blessed by heaven and are invulnerable to all kinds of attacks. They have the supreme foundation. Anyone who can achieve the super martial saint must be invincible in the world!"

Hearing the words invincible in the world, Lu Ming's mind was shocked.

Textbooks have also described the supreme golden body realm, but it was just a legend, and it was not as detailed as what Cheng Sheng mentioned.

Could it be that the reason why Cheng Sheng condensed the true meaning of martial arts in the perfect soul refining was related to this.

While Lu Ming used the power of his physical body to resist Cheng Sheng's domineering true meaning, he listened to Cheng Sheng's story.

"But until now, no one in the world can practice the supreme golden body."

"They even believed that the Supreme Golden Body was just a legend and never existed."

"But they were wrong!"

"The Supreme Golden Body is not a legend, it really exists in the world"

"It's just that the martial arts of this world are wrong!"

Cheng Sheng's words became more and more excited, but Lu Ming frowned slightly.

The martial arts of this world are wrong?

What does Cheng Sheng mean by this?

Cheng Sheng deliberately lowered his voice, and then isolated the true meaning of martial arts, so that only Lu Ming could hear his words.

He had anticipated Lu Ming's ending, so he did not hold back at all.

After all, no matter how much the dead know, it is harmless.

These words also need to be vented in his heart, and at this moment he has no more���endure

"The true meaning of martial arts should be condensed in the seventh level of spiritual refinement"

"By using the true meaning of martial arts to break through the limits of the body and achieve the second limit of the human body, one can achieve the supreme golden body."

"There is something wrong with the world's practice. I don't know what influenced it."

"Otherwise, how come there has been no Supreme Golden Body since the ancient times when our human race has produced so many talented people?"

The secrets that Cheng Sheng mentioned shocked Lu Ming.

It turned out that there was such a reason why the human race no longer had the Supreme Golden Body.

But why is this the case with all the martial arts in the world?

Lu Ming didn't have time to think about it, because Cheng Sheng had kept silent.

He stared at Lu Ming with teasing eyes and a hint of satisfaction.

This secret had been accumulated in his heart for two years, and now he could finally pour it out, and a stone in his heart fell.

But this secret was a secret that the Cheng family had obtained for many years, so naturally Lu Ming couldn't know it like this.


"After hearing so much, you should be able to die with peace of mind, right?"

Cheng Sheng laughed heartily and used the Imperial Fist again.

After the domineering true meaning was applied, this fist technique that was about to surpass the first-grade martial arts became even more powerful.

Cheng Sheng's fist was wrapped in a domineering pressure and blasted towards Lu Ming!

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