"Is this the true meaning of the Martial Saint?!"

Around the ring, Lei Ling and the two martial arts gyms' eyes narrowed.

Behind Lu Ming was an illusory figure holding a sword.

His face could not be seen clearly, but the sharp martial arts true meaning could not be hidden in any way.

They would never misjudge the aura of the Martial Saint's true meaning!

The three groups of people belonged to the three great martial saints of Daxia.

The Martial Saint's phantom behind Lu Ming was a swordsman.

Almost at the same time, the three groups of people had a name in their minds.

"The military!"

Lei Ling finally knew where his instinctive warning came from.

Who would have thought that this apprenticeship test would turn into a battle between two martial saints.

These are martial saints!

On the stage, the two martial saints didn't know what everyone was thinking. After all, they were just a thought separated from Lu Yue and Cheng's martial saint. The shadow behind Lu Ming swung his sword, and a stunning sword light was emitted instantly.

Lu Yue's duty to him was to eliminate the existence that threatened Lu Ming's life.���

The phantom of the martial arts in front of him was undoubtedly the only target.

The sword light was stunning, and the sword frosted the fourteen continents.

This sword energy directly cut off the phantom of the Cheng family martial saint, annihilating it before it happened.

And this tall sword-wielding figure also dissipated between heaven and earth.

On the ring, only Lu Ming, who stood there and lost all his voice, was left in an instant.

The huge venue was silent, no one spoke, and everyone was shocked by the scene just now.

First, Cheng Sheng was in danger, and the phantom of the Cheng family martial saint appeared.

The powerful pressure of the martial saint suppressed Lu Ming to the current miserable state.

Then the phantom of the sword-wielding strongman appeared and chopped off the phantom of the Cheng family martial saint.

What the hell is going on!

The amount of information today almost made everyone present feel brain overloaded.

After a long time, there was a sound again.

This sound came from Lu Ming, who was motionless on the ring.

Lu Ming felt very strange at this time.

After facing the overwhelming pressure from the Martial Saint, he raised his head stubbornly, and the Climbing True Meaning seemed to be stimulated. The

Climbing True Meaning returned to Lu Ming's body, wandering around in his body, repairing and strengthening every part of his body.

This step may sound long, but in fact it only took a short time.

Lu Ming's injuries were soon completely healed.

At this time, he looked inside his body curiously, but he had not yet mastered the initiative of his body, which felt very strange.

It was as if his soul had left his body.

He clearly saw the Climbing True Meaning wandering around in every part of his body.

Bones, meridians, and even muscles were tempered to a deeper level.

A faint golden light began to appear in Lu Ming's body.

The crackling sound of bones moving was so abrupt on the ring where a pin drop could be heard.

A strange fragrance then floated to the tip of everyone's nose.

They looked in the direction of the sound and fragrance, and they all pointed to Lu Ming standing on the ring, motionless.

His blood had already solidified, and large chunks of blood covered his body.

But at this moment, there was an unconcealable golden light emanating from his body.

This layer of golden light was very faint, but it could not escape the eyes of many powerful people.

Under the ring, Cheng Sheng also noticed this strangeness. He smelled the fragrance at the tip of his nose, and looked at the golden light emanating from Lu Ming's body. He collapsed immediately!

The body glowed, and the flesh smelled fragrant!

This is the sign of breaking the secondary limit of the human body and achieving the supreme golden body!

By some strange coincidence, Lu Ming actually condensed the supreme golden body!

Cheng Sheng could recognize it, and Lei Ling could naturally recognize it as well.

The people from the other two Wusheng martial arts schools could also recognize it!


"We must inform the Martial Saint of this as soon as possible!"

On the side of the Crazy Dragon Martial Arts School, the elegant man made a prompt decision.

This matter has become no longer simple.

A martial arts genius from the military!

The true meaning of martial arts, the Supreme Golden Body.

Taking one of them alone is enough to cause a sensation.

Not to mention the latter!

That is the foundation of the strongest Martial Saint.

If Lu Ming really grows up...

The elegant man felt terrified just by imagining it.

Moreover, the military did this in the Cheng family Martial Saint's disciple assessment. Does it have other plans?

Many thoughts emerged in the elegant man's mind.

This matter is no longer under his control.

He made a prompt decision and led the Crazy Dragon Martial Arts School to The crowd left the scene directly.

The people from Yunliu Martial Arts School followed closely and also left the scene quickly.

Suddenly, only Lei Ling with a complicated expression and Cheng Sheng with a dull expression were left in the arena.

The rest of the audience were looking at Lu Ming on the stage.

He finally recovered from the state of soul leaving his body.

The first thing he felt was the lightness of his body and the endless sense of power. His physical fitness increased dramatically again, and he had a supreme golden body that was invulnerable to all kinds of attacks.

If he faced Cheng Sheng's small magical power again, even if he did not activate the first gear state, Lu Ming at this time would be confident that he would be unscathed.

""Supreme Golden Body Realm!"

Lu Ming clenched his fists, feeling the vigorous power in his body, and sighed.

The Supreme Golden Body Realm that had been achieved by the ancients and never to be achieved again was actually achieved by him by chance.

However, it cannot be said to be a coincidence.

Whether it was facing the pressure of the Martial Saint, or the unyielding fighting spirit of the [Warrior], or the true meaning of ascending to the heights condensed through the battle tactics.

If any one of the links was missing, it would not have made Lu Ming what he is today.

"I didn't expect that my father actually had a trick up his sleeve for me."

Thinking of the sword that he had just slashed at the Cheng Family Martial Saint, Lu Ming was still shaken when he recalled it now.

The power of that sword was beyond Lu Ming's imagination.

Even the real body of the Cheng Family Martial Saint was still destroyed by his sword.

That was a genuine Martial Saint!

The same mind exists, doesn't it mean that Lu Yue's strength is far superior to that of the Cheng Family Martial Saint?

��After thinking for a long time, Lu Ming finally put aside these distractions.

After all, the level of Martial Saint was still too far away for him.

"The last game, the final, Lu Ming wins!"

After a long silence, Lei Ling finally announced Lu Ming's victory.

Even if the Martial Saint Shadow was not destroyed, Cheng Sheng, who was forced by Lu Ming to use life-saving means, had already lost this game.

What's more, even the Martial Saint Shadow of the Cheng family's Martial Saint was destroyed!

The result was presented in front of tens of thousands of people in the audience, what could Lei Ling do?

The whole audience suddenly fell into a deafening cheer.

Lu Ming was surrounded by a crowd of admiring eyes, his expression unchanged.

But Cheng Sheng in the audience was gritting his teeth.

After two years of preparation by the Cheng family, all of this originally belonged to him.

Deafening cheers!

Supreme Golden Body!

But now, all of it has been made for Lu Ming!

Cheng Sheng clenched his fists. Compared with his own failure, the opponent's success was more difficult for him to accept.

Lu Ming had no way of knowing his broken defense, and he didn't need to care.

The Cheng family's divine son.

It was just a slightly stronger defeated opponent in his martial arts.

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