Daxia, southern coast.

A huge warship docked at the port.

Two square formations stood side by side.

One of them was neat and tidy, all of them were young recruits.

The other was a little sloppy, but everyone's expression was still serious.

They were Huainan geniuses who were urgently recruited and participated in the southern trials.

Fifteen minutes after receiving the text message, they were picked up by special cars and then sent here by helicopter.

Standing in front of the two square formations was an acquaintance of Lu Ming, Xiong Anguo.

"Dear geniuses from Huainan Province,"

"We are sorry to urgently recruit everyone, but the incident happened suddenly. Please forgive the intrusion of our Huainan Military Base."

"The personnel on the helicopter have already explained the specific matters to you."

"A rare secret place appeared on a small island in the south"

"After negotiations with the island nation, we decided to send our young generation to compete with each other in the secret realm."

"The secret realm will be opened tomorrow, so we urgently need to mobilize everyone to come"

"But this exploration of the secret realm is no joke. This secret realm is close to the island country, and the island country has sent a large number of people. There may be a risk of life."

"If anyone wants to quit, they can leave now. I, Xiong Anguo, will never stop them."

Xiong Anguo's words were firm and decisive, but no one took a step back.

Secret realms are the names of some strange spaces.

These spaces do not exist on Blue Star, but exist in the void.

On Blue Star, space entrances sometimes appear, which can be used to enter secret realms.

Secret realms worth exploring are often abandoned ruins with various treasures.

Most of the martial arts and minerals that Daxia has now are obtained from secret realms.

However, the location of secret realms is very random, and sometimes they even appear at the border between two countries.

Usually, the two countries' factions compete fairly.

This secret realm is no exception.

The military originally The intention is to transfer new soldiers from other places.

But the time for opening the secret realm is really urgent. If it were not for helplessness, the military would not have resorted to this desperate measure.

Only Huainan Province is closest to the South China Sea, so many geniuses who have participated in the southern trials and ranked at the top were called here.

After all, their strength is obvious to all.

After Xiong Anguo's words fell, all the geniuses present took a step back.

Not to mention the preciousness of the secret realm.

This time, they are competing with the Japanese pirates from the island country.

The Great Xia blood in their bodies will never allow them to retreat in front of a small life.

Seeing everyone's performance, Xiong Anguo was also very satisfied.

"Everyone, you are here to shoulder the glory of our Great Xia."

"We look forward to the triumphant return of all the heroes!"

With Xiong Anguo's loud shout, nearly a thousand new recruits from Huainan Province and Huainan Military Base boarded the warship.

The warship quickly moved forward and headed for the island.

Once on the warship, staff members gave them special-looking headphones.

This was some kind of translator, which could translate the island language they heard.

"Island country, secret realm."

Putting on the translator, Lu Ming looked at the island in the distance, his eyes burning with fighting spirit.

It was a rare opportunity to take action.

He was really, too impatient.

On the warship, all the Huainan geniuses were looking at this genius.

Lu Ming's performance during the southern trial was still imprinted in their hearts.

Later, they heard about his deeds during the disciple assessment. He defeated the son of the Cheng family and became the well-deserved number one in the south.

Lu Ming's name resounded throughout the south, and everyone knew it.

The more geniuses, the more they knew how difficult it was to climb up.

But Lu Ming was He has reached the peak.

In the south, his reputation is even comparable to that of the two sons of the Martial Saint in the north.

The eyes of the people around him were full of envy and enthusiasm.

The warship did not travel for long before it stopped at a small island.

The army was waiting here. After Lu Ming and others got off the ship, they were taken in one direction.

Under the escort of the army, Lu Ming and others came to a transparent vortex.

Although they were several meters away, everyone still felt the horror of this transparent vortex.

There was a strong smell of destruction emanating from it.

"The power of space is the most terrifying power of heaven and earth."

"Even if you are a first-class warrior, you cannot act recklessly in such a chaotic space."

"When the space stabilizes, the secret realm will be opened."

Xiong Anguo looked at the transparent vortex and explained to everyone.

It was the first time for everyone to see the entrance to the secret realm, and they all looked around curiously.

While everyone was looking at the entrance to the secret realm, many people from the island country also came near them.

They were the closest to the secret realm, and the number of geniuses sent by them was also large.

In simple terms, there were twice as many geniuses as those sent by Daxia.

"This time, the secret realm is opened urgently, and Daxia cannot make full preparations"

"Therefore, in this battle for the secret realm, the advantage is on our side."

"Let the people of Daxia know the elegance of our great island empire's genius."

The leader of the island nation looked at the people from Daxia with a gloomy look.

The island nation's geniuses behind him were the same.

They looked indifferent, dressed in black, like machines without emotions.

"Mr. Kamimura"

"Can we kill people when we enter the secret realm this time?"

One of the island country's geniuses suddenly spoke up and looked at the leader.

He looked young, with a slightly pale face, and his long hair slightly covered his eyes. There was a bloodthirsty look in his eyes.

"Of course."

Kamimura looked at the island country's genius and smiled suddenly.

Fukada Koichi, a genius that only appears once in a thousand years in the island country.

As the successor of the island country's Zanqi swordsmanship, he has made great achievements in swordsmanship, and his cultivation has already reached the peak of the sixth rank. Moreover

, with his powerful strength, he has made a great name for himself in the island country.

Whenever he draws his sword, blood will be seen.

Although he is only eighteen years old, he has killed countless people.

After getting Kamimura's affirmation, Fukada Koichi grinned.

He reached out and grasped the hilt of his sword, took a deep breath, and looked at the many great summer prides opposite him as if he was staring at prey.

"The taste of Daxia Tianjiao's blood should be very good."

On the other side, Xiong Anguo was also giving everyone a brief introduction.

"The island nation also had a legacy in ancient times, most of which were assassination techniques."

"After the martial arts era, the island nation also became famous for its ninjas, who came and went without a trace."

"Entering the secret realm, you must be very alert and not let down your guard. This is no longer a joke."

After saying that, Xiong Anguo turned his gaze to Fukada Sora.

"When you encounter that ninja, don't be too aggressive and retreat in time."

"He is one of the rare talents in the island country."

""He has mastered the Zhanqi sword art and has broken through to the sixth level a few months ago. I wonder how strong he is now."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Except for Lu Ming, whose level was unknown, the highest level of the rest of them was no more than the seventh level.

How could they fight?

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