Since condensing the Supreme Golden Body, this was the first time that Lu Ming used pure physical strength.

After being washed by the true meaning of martial arts, his physique has reached the top.

When a pair of flesh palms exert force, it is like fine iron.


A loud bang exploded around!

Fukada Koichi's head was blown up by Lu Ming's slap!

His head turned into powder, leaving only a headless body.

The headless body slowly fell to the ground.

The faces of the island warriors who were close to him were all warm.

This was the blood flying from Fukada Koichi's broken neck.

They stared at the scene in front of them in a daze.

Fukada Koichi, one of the top prodigies of the island country, died just like that?!

Not to mention the people of the island country, even the Daxia side was dumbfounded at this time.

They only saw Fukada Koichi leaning over and getting ready to draw his sword.

Then an inexplicable power emanated from Lu Ming.

Fukada Koichi was like being frozen, watching Lu Ming approach step by step.

Then came the slap!

With one slap, Fukada Koichi's head was smashed!

No matter what, Fukada Koichi is a peak sixth-rank warrior.

Lu Ming's slap really shocked everyone.

"Damn Daxia people!"

After Shencun realized what was happening, his eyes suddenly spit fire.

He stared at Lu Ming viciously, as if he wanted to cut him into pieces!

This was the pride of their island country.

Diing in front of him like this, Shencun knew what kind of punishment he would face without even thinking about it.

Xiong Anguo, however, spoke up to protect Lu Ming.

"Kamimura, the life-and-death battle was proposed by Sora Fukada himself."

"If you want to use your power to overwhelm us, we promise to accompany you to the end."

After hearing Xiong Anguo's words, Shencun could only suppress his emotions no matter how hard he tried.

After all, it was indeed Fukada Koichi who proposed the life-and-death battle.

And the foundation of their island country is indeed not comparable to that of a big country like Daxia.

He snorted and left immediately.

As for Fukada Koichi's body, it was left there to rot and stink.

The reputation of the island country's top genius is no longer there.

A failed corpse is nothing in the eyes of the island people.

"The path of martial arts is like sailing against the current, you should keep moving forward"

"If you retreat when facing a strong enemy and dare not fight, what kind of martial arts is that and what kind of warrior is that?"

"When practicing martial arts, one should go against the will of heaven."

Lu Ming withdrew his hand and turned back, looking at the Huainan Tianjiao behind him.

This was his understanding of martial arts.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

If it were someone else, they would only think that this was some kind of empty promise.

But these words came from Lu Ming's mouth.

This was the existence of someone who defeated the son of the Cheng family with a fist and chopped off a peak sixth-grade warrior with a palm.

Many people seemed to have realized something in their hearts.

And their understanding was also transformed into Lu Ming's true understanding through [Teaching and Learning from Each Other].

Lu Ming's true meaning of climbing high suddenly became a little stronger.

Xiong Anguo looked at the many Tianjiao who were awakened by Lu Ming's words and fell into deep thought, and was also amazed

"Okay, let's all rest here."

"Around tomorrow morning, the entrance to the secret realm will open."

"But everyone should be prepared."

Xiong Anguo warned everyone with a serious expression.

Over the years, Daxia has also studied secret realms and has a method to assess the degree of danger in secret realms.

The degree of danger in this secret realm is completely manageable with everyone's cultivation.

What's more, there is also an incredibly strong Lu Ming.

He smashed Fukada Koichi's head with a slap.

Even Xiong Anguo couldn't estimate Lu Ming's true strength at this time.

"After entering the secret realm, stay away from this guy."

The island nation.

After Lu Ming showed his terrifying strength, Shencun's face became more gloomy.

They all have a detailed understanding of Tian Jiao of the Great Heaven.

The two sons of the Martial Saint in the north, Chu Jue and Yuntian.

The son of the Cheng family in the south, Cheng Sheng.

The latter has been hidden by the Cheng family for many years and his strength is not obvious.

They spent a lot of effort to cultivate Fukada Koichi, just to match the sons of the two Martial Saints.

But now, he died here at the hands of an unknown person.

What is this person's identity?!

Shencun stared at Lu Ming opposite him, angry and puzzled.

Even, he felt powerless in his heart.

At night.

Tianjing, Kuanglong Martial Arts Hall, Martial Saint Mountain.

The young man stood on the top of the mountain with his eyes closed.

He was tall and stood in place, but he was like a sword out of its sheath, unable to hide his edge.

His name is Chu Jue, the only son of the Kuanglong Martial Saint Chu Kuanglong.

The empty mountain top was the only one he was alone.

The true meaning of martial arts permeated his body, majestic and vast, boundless and endless

"Canglong, an ancient sacred beast, one of the thirty-two true dragons of heaven and earth"

"The last blue dragon in the world went crazy in the human world, causing riots and wreaking havoc on the world."

"In the end, he was killed by the Emperor of Man, marking the end of the True Dragon."

"But the power of the real dragon is still praised by history books of all dynasties."

Chu Jue closed his eyes, and many things emerged in his mind.

The true meaning of martial arts around him quietly condensed.


A vigorous roar suddenly exploded on the top of the mountain.

This is an extremely loud dragon roar!

The rich true meaning of martial arts, from invisible to visible, a huge monster quietly gathered behind Chu Jue.

It is dozens of meters long, with eyes like red torches. Although it is an illusory body, it also has a terrifying power.

This is the Canglong!

The most powerful sacred beast in the world!

Even if it is only constructed by Chu Jue with the true meaning of martial arts, it is also proud of the world.

The revived Canglong entrenched behind Chu Jue, and the dragon roar was loud and deafening.

When Chu Jue opened his eyes again, Canglong disappeared.

This is his way to imitate the son of God of the Cheng family.

He did not open his own secrets and awaken his own little magical power.

But he understood his father's little magical power, turning into a dragon.

With the true meaning of martial arts, he tried to turn into a Canglong.

""Not bad."

A voice with a hint of praise sounded.

The thin and old Mad Dragon Martial Saint walked out of the darkness.

Chu Jue's little magical power has already begun to glimpse the beginning.

If he practices for a while, he can continue to improve it.

But the two figures standing together always look a little weird.

The old Mad Dragon Martial Saint and the young Chu Jue look more like a grandfather and grandson, rather than a father and son.

"It was Cheng Sheng who inspired me."

"Whether it is to achieve the true meaning of martial arts with the seventh-grade cultivation, or to practice minor supernatural powers, it is a new way."

"Being able to think of it and do it is really powerful."

Chu Jue's expression was slightly excited. He had watched the battle between Cheng Sheng and Lu Ming many times.

For him, he also learned a lot from it.

"In the martial arts world, speed is not the real pursuit."

"There are countless geniuses along the way, but only a few can finally become Martial Saints."

Chu Jue did not reply, and the Mad Dragon Martial Saint did not say much.

After all, although they are father and son, the age gap between them is real.

"Just got the news"

"Lu Ming, who slapped to death a humble genius, was at the peak of the sixth rank."

"As the son of the Sword Master, this person needs more attention than the Cheng Family kid."

The Mad Dragon Martial Saint gave Chu Jue a few words and said no more.

"I'm going south."

"The military invited me and Yunliu to discuss something important. I guess it might be related to the holy weapon."

"You should practice now. If you have any questions, I will answer them after I come back."

After saying this, the figure of the Mad Dragon Martial Saint disappeared from the spot, leaving Chu Jue alone.

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