In the back mountain, in the cave.

Lu Ming didn't know what kind of bloody storm was going on outside.

He gritted his teeth and moved forward, going deeper and deeper into the cave.

The deeper he went, the more oppressive the fighting spirit became.

At this time, Lu Ming had already activated the Blood Spirit Prajna.

He was tall and slender, with strong muscles, and strange blood-colored patterns on his body, showing his ferocity.

The true meaning of climbing high permeated his body, which was Lu Ming's strongest form.

Even so, he still had a hard time. After all, this was once the place where the Martial Saint practiced.

Even the remaining aura was difficult for a low-level warrior like him to resist.

"Following the Emperor's order, the Emperor practiced hard here for a hundred years, seeking a breakthrough."

"The Human Emperor saw that the realm above the Martial Saint was not tolerated by this world. If he wanted to break through, he had to break through the void here and go to other worlds."

"The Emperor of Man wanted to borrow the luck of the dynasty to forge the Emperor of Man's pen; the Sword Immortal wanted to borrow the sword art to forge the Cangxuan Sword; the Demon Emperor wanted to borrow the blood of all the evildoers to forge the Demon Emperor's knife; the Saint Monk wanted to borrow the power of all living beings to forge the Prajna Bell."

""With the power of the holy weapon, Wu breaks the void."

Such remarks by the War Emperor shocked Lu Ming again.

Although he had some knowledge of the legend of the holy weapon from Lu Yue, he had never heard of it in such detail as the War Emperor did.

It even came out that those above the Martial Saint were not tolerated by this world.

But as a Martial Saint, the War Emperor had achieved the supreme golden body of the strongest Martial Saint.

Wu breaking the void could not be unrelated to him.

But why was there no record of the holy weapon forged by the War Emperor in the legend?

Lu Ming had this doubt in his mind, and soon got the answer in the next line.

"The emperor fought his enemies all his life with only his fists."

"I don't want to learn the holy weapon to break the void, nor do I need to"

"But the emperor has a shocking idea"

"Can the human body be treated as an implement, tempered through thousands of times, and made into a holy implement, so as to shatter the void with the flesh!"

Unconventional! Shocking!

This is Lu Ming's evaluation of the War Emperor's idea.

Who could have thought of making his own flesh as strong as a holy implement, and who could do it?

You know, Lu Yue, with a holy implement, the Cangxuan Sword, can fight against a super-grade martial saint with his first-grade cultivation. The War Emperor is already a super-grade martial saint, and he is also the strongest martial saint who has condensed the supreme golden body.

How powerful would it be if the flesh had the strength of a holy implement?

Lu Ming found it hard to imagine

"After decades of exploration, I finally figured out the trick"

"But the resources required to refine the holy weapon with the flesh are beyond my imagination"

"Unless you bathe in the pool of dragon blood in the Imperial Palace"

"Otherwise, even with the extraordinary fighting spirit, it would be extremely difficult to cultivate a holy body."

"When I break the void and return to the Zhan family, I will record this method."

"The method of casting weapons with the flesh is called the Thousand Hammers and Hundred Refining Method."

Even a brilliant man like the War Emperor has a hard time on this road.

Lu Ming did not know what the Dragon Blood Pool was.

And the imperial city of the ancient era was now buried somewhere by the wind and sand.

It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack to find it again.

But this did not prevent Lu Ming from being eager for the Thousand Hammers and Hundred Refining Method.

To train the body into a holy weapon.

This is simply, just thinking about it is exciting!

Although the War Emperor did not leave the Thousand Hammers and Hundred Refining Method to the Zhan family, it was recorded on the stone wall here.

These handwritings are full of incomparable fighting spirit and momentum.

Even with Lu Ming's comprehension, it took him a long time to understand this method, which is enough to show the profoundness of this method.

【The Son of the Great Dao] gave Lu Ming unimaginable comprehension.

Even he had such a hard time learning it, so you can imagine how difficult this technique was.

During his contemplation, the Thousand Hammers and Hundred Refining Techniques quickly entered Lu Ming's brain.

He sat cross-legged on the spot and practiced instinctively.

The majestic Qi and blood began to surge through his body.

And this was just the beginning.


Lu Ming couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

The War Emperor's Thousand Hammers and Hundreds of Refining Methods began with the bones.

After all, bones are the support of the body.

The majestic blood and energy melted the bones, and actually melted Lu Ming's bones bit by bit, and then flushed and solidified them with blood and energy.

When the bones were melted, what Lu Ming felt was a heart-wrenching pain.

But when the bones were re-solidified, an indescribable itch came from the new bones, and Lu Ming almost bit his teeth.

If it weren't for the new pale golden bones, Lu Ming would have thought that this was not a body refining technique at all, but a way for the War Emperor to torture people.

However, After only tempering a small section of bones, Lu Ming realized the huge consumption of this Thousand Hammer Refining Method. It seemed that his body's blood and energy were all drained, but in return, he only got a small section of bones in his body that emitted a faint golden light.

No wonder the Emperor of War said that the resources required for this technique exceeded his imagination.

Lu Ming's mind sank, and he concentrated his energy and changed the direction of tempering.

After all, the bones in the body are just support.

He has limited blood and energy in his body, and he can't refine so many parts.

Therefore, the best way is to temper the part that benefits the most.

After making the decision, Lu Ming closed his eyes again and practiced the Thousand Hammer Refining Method, enduring the inhuman pain.

At the same time, in an open space in the Zhan family

"Damn Daxia people!"

"You killed the people of my Great Island Empire, I want you to pay with your life!"

A group of island country geniuses who lived a good life made a sharp explosion.

They all clenched their weapons, with murderous intent.

But if you look closely, more people's arms are shaking.

They are afraid and nervous.

Even though there are nearly a hundred people gathered here.

Thinking of the terrifying strength and terrible means of the man in the middle, their eyes are full of fear.

"Pay with your life? Pay for what?"


Being stared at by nearly a hundred islanders, Lu Hao was not panicked at all, and even showed a crazy smile.

The blood on the corners of his mouth could not be washed away, and his teeth were also scarlet when he smiled.���Who knows how much blood of his fellow countrymen he had contaminated.

This made the islanders surrounding him step back in fear.

Most of them had witnessed the terrible behavior of this madman.

In the past few days, they didn't know how many of their compatriots had died at the hands of this Daxia man.

Moreover, his chest was cut open and his heart was eaten.

The scarlet blood stained on his teeth was probably the heart blood of one of their companions!

Lu Hao laughed wildly while surrounded by people.

The magic way is the magic way!

In the past few days, relying on devouring the hearts of everyone in the secret realm, Lu Hao's cultivation can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds.

From the peak of the seventh rank, he was forcibly pushed to the peak of the sixth rank.

"After eating this batch, I should be a fifth-grade"

"By then, even Lu Ming will be worthy of being stepped on by me!"

After experiencing the joy of magic, Lu Hao has been addicted to it.

He looked at those little days with a bloodthirsty smile on his lips.

It was as if he was staring at food!

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