"How...how is it possible……"

Meeting room.

Everyone looked at the screen, and the only thing they could think of was outrageous. The screen showed the scene in the iron cage.

Jiang Yuanlong cast his eyes on Lu Ming and attacked with lightning speed.

His fist was so fast that it made a sound like thunder.

The next moment, he was dumbfounded and his eyes widened.

Lu Ming actually held his fist.

And no matter how hard he tried, his fist was fixed by Lu Ming and could not move.

"Your Thunder Fist"

"Too weak."

Lu Ming groaned and punched out.

The wind of the fist was fierce and the sound was like thunder!

The power from the fist made Jiang Yuanlong unbelievable.

He couldn't resist it at all and could only passively take the beating.

Until Lu Ming's last punch fell.

Combining the power of the previous nine punches, this punch was like a tiger descending from the mountain.

Jiang Yuanlong's figure flew out like a kite with a broken string, and a dent appeared on the edge of the iron cage.

After that, he did the same thing. The students present were beaten by Lu Ming one by one and fell to the ground.

Everyone was silent.

It turned out that all the masterpieces were from Lu Ming, not Jiang Yuanlong.

The principals who had just praised Jiang Yuanlong all blushed.

Lin Cheng himself walked unsteadily and looked lost.

Bai Zhiqiang was getting more and more confused.

Didn't Lu Ming just break through the limit? How come he is so strong?

Meanwhile, on the third floor, there was a huge training room.

The floor was made of hard qinggang rock, which could withstand the powerful strength of a warrior.

On one side, there was a row of weapon racks.

Knives, swords, guns, sticks, and all kinds of weapons were placed in them.

Zhang Yongkang sat in the main seat, looking at the tablet in his hand with a deep look in his eyes.

The scene on the tablet was also a scene of Lu Ming showing off his skills.

"The owner is inside, please come in."

As Lu Ming walked in, Zhang Yongkang put down the tablet and looked at the young man in front of him.

Lu Ming also looked at him.

The second time he saw Zhang Yongkang, the old man still gave him an unfathomable feeling.

He just sat there, but it seemed like a mountain, pressing people to breathe.

""Use your Thunder Fist to attack me."

Zhang Yongkang gave the order, and Lu Ming did not doubt it.

He shot out, and his fist exploded like thunder in the training room.

Lu Ming's arm was like lightning, and his fist swung out, straight at Zhang Yongkang's face.

Zhang Yongkang looked calm, still sitting firmly in his original position, just reaching out his hand, he could easily block Lu Ming's attack.

Every muscle in his palm trembled slightly, and the power of Lu Ming was removed, posing no threat to him.

This is the power of a Huajin warrior.

Lu Ming never gave up, and the nine thunders fell, and his fighting spirit was still boiling.

He took advantage of the situation to turn around, and all the power in his body was gathered. He gathered his energy into his fist and struck out again.

The tenth thunderclap exploded instantly.

Zhang Yongkang grabbed his fist and pushed it.

Lu Ming's figure suddenly retreated and landed steadily in the center of the training room.

His fighting spirit faded, knowing that Zhang Yongkang had ended the test.

Zhang Yongkang was a little surprised.

When he was testing just now, he noticed that Lu Ming's aura was constantly rising.

After the battle, this rise stopped quietly.

This kid's skills are a bit strange to be able to improve himself through fighting.

But Zhang Yongkang didn't delve into it.

After all, everyone has secrets.

"Ten-shot Thunder Fist."

Zhang Yongkang sighed.

His father had told him when he taught him the Thunder Fist.

The Thunder Fist was originally a seventh-grade martial art.

It originally had more than nine shots, but no one could make the tenth shot.

Zhang Yongkang didn't believe it, and practiced for decades before finally believing it.

But he didn't expect that a young boy could actually make ten shots.

"It's fate that makes people play tricks on them."

Zhang Yongkang shook his head and looked at Lu Ming.

"Boy, how long have you practiced this Thunder Fist?"

How long have you practiced it?"

After listening to Zhang Yongkang's question, Lu Ming thought for a while and said

"It should be half a day."

Half a day?!"

Zhang Yongkang was shocked and suddenly realized.

Seven days ago, this kid had just broken through the limit, but now he is in the bone refining realm.

He originally thought that Lu Ming's practice method was rather strange.

But in seven days, he was able to practice a martial art to the extreme and break through a small realm.

Lu Ming's talent can be imagined!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yongkang's breathing was slightly hurried.

A small Jiangcheng actually gave him a treasure.

When Lu Ming grows up, the achievements he can make are absolutely limitless.

After considering for a long time, Zhang Yongkang finally spoke

"Lu Ming, are you willing to become an honorary disciple of my Zhang family martial arts school?"

Honorary disciple?

Lu Ming was a little puzzled.

"It means you have trained in our martial arts school."

"It's like you are our spokesperson, one million Blue Star Coins per month."

"And, I will give you another gift."

As a sixth-rank warrior, the gift from Zhang Yongkang is definitely not an ordinary thing.

Lu Ming thought for a moment and finally agreed.

Zhang Yongkang offered such a price, and he probably valued his future achievements.

For Lu Ming now, there are only benefits, no disadvantages.


Seeing Lu Ming agreed, Zhang Yongkang didn't waste any words.

He stretched out his hand and a wooden box that was slightly taller than Lu Ming flew over.

The wooden box opened and a red tasseled spear flew into Zhang Yongkang's hand.

He threw it casually and Lu Ming took it.

The spear was about seven feet long and cold.

Lu Ming waved it casually, and the sharp spear stung the air, making a clear explosion sound. It was very smooth.

"This spear is called Youlong. Do you like it?"

Zhang Yongkang saw Lu Ming playing with the spear and smiled.

Lu Ming nodded naturally.

"This gun is your reward for passing the initial test."

"In addition, on behalf of Zhang's martial arts school, I will give you another set of spear skills."

After Zhang Yongkang said this, he stood up from the main seat and came to Lu Ming.

He stretched out his right hand, and a red tasseled spear flew out from the weapon rack and landed in his hand.

This magical scene made Lu Ming a little amazed.

"The fact that my Zhang family martial arts school was able to gain a firm foothold in Jiangcheng and that I, Zhang Yongkang, could be where I am today is largely due to this spearmanship."

""Just watch!"

Zhang Yongkang clenched the spear in his hand, and his whole momentum suddenly changed.

He was like a lion awakening, terrifying and violent.

"Seventh-grade martial arts, Wuji spearmanship"

"There are a total of sixteen moves, and each move is a killing skill!"As soon as Zhang Yongkang finished speaking, his long spear stretched out like a dragon.

The cold light came first, and the spear came out like a dragon.

Sometimes the long spear was like a sharp arrow, and sometimes it was like a full moon bow.

Zhang Yongkang's eyes were sharp, not like he was demonstrating, but more like he was fighting to the death.

Each of his shots was extremely tricky, directly taking lives.

Stab, probe, chop, smash!

The long spear's various martial arts were displayed vividly in Zhang Yongkang's hands.

Lu Ming was fascinated by it, his eyes were bright, and he was full of fascination.

If he could master this kind of martial arts, how powerful would it be!

It was not until Zhang Yongkang put away his gun and stopped that Lu Ming came back to his senses.

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