"It's still a hard dish."

Hearing Lu Ming's voice, Gao Sheng's expression was playful, but he did not despise it.

After all, his attack was not something that could be taken casually. The fact that Lu Ming was able to block it with one shot was enough to show his strength.


The wind was whistling, and a violent gust of wind swept through the surroundings.

That was the collision between two martial arts true meanings.

Gao Sheng's martial arts true meaning was an extremely brutal murderous intent.

It was forged with the lives of countless people.

His cultivation was extremely close to the fourth level, and his martial arts true meaning was almost condensed into substance, oppressing his four feet.

But Lu Ming's climbing true meaning could compete with it.

Yu Ye and the other three who were watching, as well as the many demon cultivators behind Gao Sheng, were all unable to withstand this strong wind.

Their figures couldn't help but retreat, leaving deep scratches on the ground.

This was just the influence of the residual power.

"These two people……"

"And this Lu Ming, where did he come from?"

The strength displayed by Gao Sheng was beyond the imagination of Yu Ye and the other two.

But what they could not imagine was Lu Ming on the opposite side.

The information showed that he was only a sixth-grade cultivator.

However, he was able to fight against Gao Sheng and was evenly matched.

This was too exaggerated!

"This is too boring."

Lu Ming was quite impatient and spat.

He grasped the spear of the Dragon Spear, pulled it to his waist, and his figure suddenly burst out.

The Dragon Spear was like a tiger demanding its life, rushing straight towards Goldman Sachs with an unstoppable momentum.

He actually took the initiative to attack Goldman Sachs.

Yu Ye and the other two opened their eyes wide, and even tried their best to control the frequency of their breathing.

The Dragon Spear was majestic and pressed straight towards Goldman Sachs. The

Six-Combination Spear was unstoppable, sweeping the six directions, shaking all directions, and killing Goldman Sachs domineeringly from all angles.

The spear light was domineering and shining, and the sound of breaking through the air kept whistling.

Goldman Sachs' nerves were also tense, capturing the murderous intent contained in Lu Ming's spear.

Even he had to deal with it seriously.

He waved the frozen fish and kept resisting Lu Ming's domineering spear.

When the frozen fish collided with the Dragon Spear, it emitted incomparable sparks, shooting out in all directions.


Yu Ye and the other two swallowed their saliva with their throats moving.

What did they see?

Gao Sheng, who was known as the Frozen Fish Executioner, was actually being beaten by Lu Ming?

You know, he is a master close to the fourth rank.

But in front of Lu Ming, he still couldn't get any advantage. On the one hand, they were shocked, and on the other hand, they couldn't help but become curious.

At such an age and with such combat power, Lu Ming couldn't be unknown.

Unless he was the secret weapon of the military.

Yu Ye and the other two were making guesses, and the fight between the two was still fierce.

From time to time, the people watching the fight had to move a little.

Because the remaining moves of the two people's fight flew out, although they were remaining moves, but the cultivation of the two people was extremely strong.

The aftermath alone posed an unimaginable threat to everyone.

As for the surrounding environment, it became a mess in the fight between the two.

Gravel, dust, fallen leaves and flying trees...


Goldman lifted the frozen fish up heavily, and burst out with tremendous force.

Just as Lu Ming's Dragon Spear was smashed down, it was blocked by Goldman's frozen fish.

The huge force that burst out bounced him back and flew backwards.

He flipped in the air, and then used the Dragon Spear to support his body and regain his balance.

The heavy breathing sound like a bellows came out of Goldman's mouth.

He stared at Lu Ming, his eyes full of indignation.

He never expected that his plan would be ruined by a young boy.

Moreover, the strength of this boy is really ridiculous.

"did not expect"

"I would actually use my trump card on an unknown kid."

Goldman smirked, not wanting to drag it out any longer. After all, delay would lead to changes.

He took off his glasses and roared to the sky.

For a moment, the demonic energy seemed to be boiling, overflowing from every corner of his body, covering him.

"Demonic species!"

"He actually got the demon seed!"

Yu Ye and the other two were well-informed and quickly recognized the scene in front of them.

The demon seed is a precious thing of the Demon Cult.

After using it, the strength will increase dramatically.

And the stronger the cultivation, the better the effect.

According to the people of the Demon Cult, the demon seed is a kind of sacrifice.

Sacrifice yourself to show respect to the demon god, and then get the corresponding reward.

Although this statement has not been confirmed, the improvement of strength by the demon seed is a real existence.

Although Lu Ming did not know what the demon seed was, he could feel the rise of Goldman Sachs's strength.

His long hair danced without wind, and his fair face revealed a bit of madness like a madman. The dark demonic energy emanated around him, showing an extremely evil charm.

Holding the frozen fish that exuded cold air in his hand, it was even more oppressive.

"Allows me to use the magic seed in advance"

"Boy, your death is already precious enough."

Goldman put down the frozen fish and approached Lu Ming step by step.

As he moved forward step by step, an indescribable momentum was also gathered by him.

Strong frost gathered at the frozen fish in his hand, and the frost kept whistling, as if to freeze people.

Pressure began to spread around Lu Ming.

Such an atmosphere finally made him feel oppressive.

He also felt excited for the first time in a long time.

The fighting spirit was boiling, and the flames of war were burning on his body.

"This is more interesting than before."

At this moment, Lu Ming's face flashed with a trace of entanglement.

What method should he use?

Great Sun Reincarnation? Blood Spirit Prajna? Jieyin Tianlin?

Goldman Sachs didn't seem to be worth using his fatal gun.

Lu Ming didn't expect that sometimes too many methods would make it difficult to choose.

"Let's try a new trick."

As Goldman Sachs approached, Lu Ming finally made his decision.

""Jie Yin Tian Lin!"

He opened his arms to both sides and shouted softly.

Behind him, a picture of a circling blue dragon suddenly appeared.

However, under the cover of clothes, no one noticed it.

But Gao Sheng instinctively froze.

He looked at Lu Ming's eyes, a little puzzled.

Those eyes were shining with noble golden color at this time.

Indifferent, aloof, and seemed to have an innate suppression.

Gao Sheng was like this, not to mention the people around him.

They all trembled, trembling with the dragon power on Lu Ming.

Those with lower cultivation couldn't help but tremble their lips.

"You have become stronger."

Lu Ming held up the Dragon Spear and walked towards Goldman Sachs with a smile on his face, his eyes flashing with enthusiasm.

"But I'm still stronger"

"Be prepared for a disastrous defeat!"

After saying that, Lu Ming laughed loudly, and his figure approached quickly like lightning.

The Liuhe Spear was used again.

The Liuhe Spear, which was endowed with the power of the Azure Dragon, was even more domineering and smashed down on Goldman Sachs incomparably.

Goldman Sachs reacted and raised the frozen fish in his hand to try to block the attack.


A loud bang suddenly rang in the ears of the people around.

They wanted to know what was going on, but they couldn't see clearly.

Because the scattered dust and smoke were centered on the two people, constantly flying, blocking their sight.

The dust and smoke gradually dissipated, and the figures of the two people were finally seen clearly by others.

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