Southern Martial Arts University, student dormitory.

Lu Ming was sitting cross-legged in the villa's training room.

Today's fierce battle had brought him great gains. He crushed the thousand-meter road with invincibility and fought the Southern Fourteen Sons alone.

Both of them made his fighting spirit soar. After the operation of the battle tactics, this strong fighting spirit also became the strength in his body.

Now Lu Ming's strength is almost full.

Among them, there is also the credit of the Southern Fourteen Sons.

Through Lu Ming's guidance, they also gained.

Under the transformation of [teaching and learning from each other], Lu Ming also received a reward.

Among them, there are both martial arts insights and cultivation realms.

And as the Southern Fourteen Sons gradually gained a deeper understanding from Lu Ming's teaching.

Soon, another force grew in Lu Ming's body.

A little bit makes a lot, and water accumulates into a sea.

The strength in Lu Ming's body was finally full at this time.

His cultivation level was improved again, reaching the peak of the sixth grade.

But he had already condensed the true meaning of martial arts that only fifth-grade warriors should condense.

Therefore, the true meaning of martial arts burst out instantly, directly breaking through the bottleneck of the sixth grade peak.

Lu Ming's cultivation level soared all the way.

From the initial fifth grade, he directly reached the middle fifth grade.

That was because his true meaning of martial arts had been perfected.

If others wanted to be like him, from the initial fifth grade to the middle fifth grade in a single thought, they had to first condense the true meaning of martial arts.

And strengthen their own true meaning of martial arts to perfection.

Otherwise, it would be impossible.


Lu Ming, who was sitting cross-legged in meditation, slowly opened his eyes after his cultivation stabilized at the middle stage of the fifth grade.

The fifth grade is the realm of awakening the spirit.

Awakening the spirit has two meanings.

The first level is the spirit of the mind, which is the true meaning of martial arts.

Condensing the true meaning of martial arts and reaching perfection is the middle stage of the fifth grade.

The second level is the spirit of the human body and the secrets of the human body.

The human body is a great treasure, containing endless secrets.

Everyone has his or her own secrets.

Finding the secrets and opening them can not only strengthen oneself, but also gain opportunities.

For example, the small magical powers, the Great Sun Reincarnation of the Cheng family martial saint, and Lin Xingqiang's Heavenly Tyrant Body were all discovered from them.

Or it could be like Goldman Sachs' frozen fish, which has strange functions and is also a life tool with growth potential.

"I don't know whether my secret treasure will contain a minor magical power or a life-saving weapon."

Lu Ming had some expectations in his heart.

However, the secrets of the human body are hidden, and the secrets of different people are distributed in different places, so one can only rely on oneself to find them.

However, the contents of the secrets are random.

It may be a treasure, or it may be useless, all depends on luck.

Lu Ming was preparing to explore the secrets in his body.

After all, the search for secrets is an extremely long process, and one cannot rush for success.

Unless one is lucky and guesses it right at once, one can only search one place at a time.

What Lu Ming wanted to do was the latter.

However, when he just calmed down and looked inward at his body, the doorbell rang in the villa.

"Please come in."

Seeing the person coming, Lu Ming couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

The person coming was the vice-president Lin Heng.

After receiving Lu Ming's invitation, Lin Heng just waved his hand and declined.

"Xiao Lu, you are new here and you are not familiar with the school environment yet."

"You have a special status and are admitted earlier than other freshmen."

"Therefore, I will take you around the campus."

The vice president personally led the tour, which made Lu Ming feel flattered.

He did not refuse and followed behind Lin Heng.

The two walked side by side, and Lin Heng handed a student card to Lu Ming.

"This is your student card."

"The student card has two functions: one is to prove your identity, and the other is to store credits."

Lin Heng walked and talked, and Lu Ming played with the student card in his hand and listened to him quietly.

"Credits are the common currency of all universities."

"The martial arts resources of colleges and universities, such as martial arts, training rooms, and professional lecturer guidance, can all be exchanged for credits"

"In addition to completing the courses as required, you can also earn credits by taking on tasks."

"Our school also has a mission hall, which is the one in front of us."

Lin Heng brought Lu Ming to a building.

There were people coming and going here, and the flow of people was very dense.

Many people entered the building with excited and expectant expressions on their faces.

"You can also use credits to redeem school resources here"

"Correspondingly, the extra resources you have can also be exchanged for credits here"

"According to your ability, all the courses in school are redundant for you, so I put all these credits into the card, a total of 10,000 credits"

"You can come and see if you have a chance to exchange anything."

Lin Heng took Lu Ming for a brief tour and then left.

Lu Ming was a little bored.

He didn't lack anything, so he didn't take what Lin Heng just said to heart.

As if he saw some of Lu Ming's thoughts, Lin Heng smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, I'll show you some interesting things next."

"This is also the foundation of our school."

The foundation of the school?

To be worthy of such a name, it must be extraordinary.

Lu Ming was also aroused by Lin Heng's interest.

The two of them passed through the tall teaching building in the school and went straight to the back mountain, and continued to go deeper.

Until they came to a dense forest.

Lin Heng and Lu Ming continued to move forward, but the scene in front of them suddenly changed.

The dense forest disappeared directly.

"There is a magic illusion set up here."

"Although it's a small trick, it's quite useful."

Seeing Lu Ming's surprise, Lin Heng gave a brief explanation.

This made Lu Ming even more curious.

What exactly needs to be covered up by the illusion?

"Right in front of you"

"The foundation of our school."

Lin Heng did not keep the secret and pointed to a slightly sturdy tree in front of him.

The tree was about ten meters tall, with emerald green leaves and an inexplicable charm. It looked ordinary.

Under the tree, there were more than a dozen figures sitting cross-legged.

Lu Ming recognized them at a glance. They were the fourteen southerners who had fought with him.

But what was so special about such a small tree? Why did they practice here?

Lu Ming was a little confused.

""Try taking a breath."

Lin Heng smiled and reminded Lu Ming.

Lu Ming followed his instructions and his heart was immediately startled. His eyebrows were raised.

The smell of this tree was not very fragrant.

But taking a breath here made him feel refreshed and clear-headed instantly. He also had many inspirations that seemed to be about to come out.

"Is this the magic of this tree?"

Lu Ming was a little shocked and said incredulously.

Lin Heng echoed

"This tree is called the Enlightenment Tree in legend."

"Every part of it is extremely ordinary, but it exudes a strange spiritual charm, which greatly increases the probability of people entering enlightenment, and even comprehending the ultimate truth of heaven and earth."

"The elder who founded the Southern Martial Arts University moved this enlightenment tree with his great magical powers, practiced hard under the tree for many years, and entered the realm of martial saint."

"This tree is also the true foundation of our school."

"Of course, it is not cheap to practice here, 1,000 credits a day."

Lin Heng said a sky-high price.

You know, after completing four years of courses, you can only have 10,000 credits.

You will know how expensive it is to practice under this tree.

However, it is really worth it.

Lin Heng cast his eyes on the fourteen southern sons sitting under the tree, and said with a slightly strange expression:

"After your guidance, they all gained some insights"

"So they all applied to practice here."

Lu Ming nodded, and just as he was about to take a closer look, he suddenly paused.

One of his fates actually reacted violently at this moment.

"Principal Lin, I want to practice here for a while"

"Is it too late to apply now?"

Lin Heng, who was about to take Lu Ming to visit other places, was surprised when he heard this, but he didn't ask any more questions. He waved his hand and agreed to Lu Ming's request.

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