Nandu, Southern Martial Arts University.

Under the Enlightenment Tree.

Lu Ming sat cross-legged in meditation, looking inward at his body.

His consciousness explored his body inch by inch.

Everyone is different, and everyone's secrets are different and in different places.

There is no trace to find, so one can only rely on oneself to slowly explore.

As Lu Ming searched, he came up with content about the secrets of the human body.

Secrets, human treasures.

Contained somewhere in the human body, they need to be opened by extraordinary means.

This extraordinary means is the true meaning of martial arts.

It can be said that the true meaning of martial arts is the key to activating the secrets of the human body.

After finding the secrets of the human body, all that is needed is to activate them with the true meaning of martial arts.

The process is not complicated, but finding the secrets of the human body is more cumbersome.

Lu Ming's consciousness searched through the body bit by bit.

Time slowly passed in this process.

"Nanfang Budo University……"

Arriving at the school gate, an ordinary-looking young man looked up to check the plaque on the gate.

He carried a long sword on his back and was not noticeable in the crowd.

But if someone recognized him here, they would be shocked.

Because he was Ouyang Qiu.

The former number one in the northern colleges and universities.

"Although I lost to Chu Jue, it was a blessing in disguise for me."

"Let’s start with Lin Xingqiang"

"Take back everything I lost."

Ouyang Qiu's eyes were deep as he walked to the side.

There was no one there, but a heavy bronze bell was placed there.

It was the Battle Bell.

In the era of martial arts, everyone was martial.

Naturally, there were fights between the major martial arts colleges.

The Battle Bell was specially set up for this purpose.

When the bell rang, the challenged party had to accept the challenge and decide who was better.

In the past, no one touched the Battle Bell.

Therefore, Ouyang Qiu's behavior quickly attracted the attention of the people around him.

"What does he want to do?"

Under the gazes of the people around him, Ouyang Qiu leaped up and came to the bell-striking wood.

He stretched out his palm, pressed the other end of the bell-striking wood, and pressed hard.

The heavy bell-striking wood instantly hit the bronze bell.



The sound of the bell was deafening, almost filling the entire Southern Martial Arts University.

Countless students and teachers were slightly stunned when they heard the bell.

They naturally understood the meaning of the bell ringing.

Then, a long whistle enveloped the entire sky and rang in everyone's ears.

"Tianjing Budo University, Ouyang Qiu"

"Come and ask for advice!"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The reputation of this number one person in the north was naturally known to everyone.

Moreover, he had once been defeated by Lin Xingqiang.

In an instant, a surging crowd rushed towards the school gate.

"Lin Xingqiang is really going backwards as he gets older"

"As the top student in a southern university, he actually lost to a freshman."

"He really has no shame at all."

Standing on the martial arts arena.

Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles.

While waiting for his opponent, Ouyang Qiu was also learning about Lin Xingqiang's recent situation.

When he found out that he was defeated by an unknown freshman, he couldn't help but sneer.

Although he was also defeated by Chu Jue, who had just entered the school.

But he is the son of the Martial Saint after all.

When Ouyang Qiu thought of the way Chu Jue defeated him, a trace of fear appeared on his face.

Even though he had made a breakthrough at this time.

But if he had to fight Chu Jue again, he still had no confidence in a complete victory. He was not even sure of winning.

There is no false reputation under a great name, and the strength of the Martial Saint's son is far beyond the imagination of many people.

"Lin Xingqiang really made me wait so long"

"If it weren't for the defeat, would his martial arts heart have been shattered?"

Ouyang Qiu was already getting impatient.

After waiting here for a long time, he didn't see Lin Xingqiang.

He didn't know that he came at such a coincidence.

It happened that the fourteen southern disciples had some collective enlightenment and were practicing under the enlightenment tree.

Hearing his words, most of the students under the ring were a little indignant.

But the gap in strength was there. He was the number one in the northern colleges and universities, even if he was once, even if he was defeated by Lin Xingqiang, but a lean camel is still bigger than a horse, and they can't match it.

They can only swallow their anger.

But their swallowing of anger only made Ouyang Qiu worse.

"However, even if Lin Xingqiang did not appear"

"Is there no one else in your Southern Martial Arts University?"

"Or are you all a bunch of cowards at Southern Martial Arts University?"

Ouyang Qiu was arrogant and laughed wildly on the stage.

Under the stage, many students clenched their fists.

But they also knew the gap between their strength and Ouyang Qiu.

No matter how much he mocked them, they were still like turtles, and did not say a word.

"How boring!"

Seeing that they were unmoved, Ouyang Qiu looked helpless.

The huge gap in strength made provocation useless to these students.

"Even if Lin Xingqiang is not here"

"Don’t you have the so-called Fourteen Sons of the South in your South?"

"Don't they dare to come?"

Ouyang Qiu's shout received no response.

Office building, Vice President's office.

He was always humiliating Southern Martial Arts University just by standing on the ring.

"Is there still no news from the people you sent?"

Lin Heng stood in front of the window, always paying attention to the situation on the ring.

This situation made him look very unhappy.

It just so happened that the fourteen southern disciples were practicing in seclusion.

However, for the reputation of the school, he still gritted his teeth and sent people to wake them up from their practice.

After all, defeat is defeat.

But not daring to fight is another matter.

"There is news"

"The Fourteen Southern Masters have just finished their retreat"

"They have learned about what happened here and are on their way.

Ma Qianlong looked at his subordinates' reply, finally wiped off his sweat, and hurriedly conveyed it to Lin Heng.

"That's good."

Lin Heng finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

At this time, under the Enlightenment Tree.

With the departure of the Fourteen Southern Sons, Lu Ming was the only one left.

He was still sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed under the tree.

His consciousness was still exploring every inch of his body.

Suddenly, Lu Ming's consciousness stopped somewhere.

It was near his heart, in an inconspicuous corner.

It was too ordinary. So ordinary that Lu Ming almost didn't notice it and ignored it.

"I finally found you."

Looking for such an inconspicuous place in the body was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But Lu Ming finally found it. This was his own treasure trove.

"What is the secret treasure in my body?"

At this moment, Lu Ming was so excited that he couldn't express it in words.

But he still controlled his breathing and calmed himself down.

The true meaning of ascending suddenly burst out, poured into his body, and rushed towards the secret treasure.

Strange changes suddenly surged in that secret treasure.

Lu Ming felt the changes in his body and didn't notice that as he injected the true meaning of martial arts, the enlightenment tree actually shook.

Each leaf emitted a little light and fell towards his body.

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