Just when Ling Yun's classmates were eating the big melon of the Zhang family.

The culprit Ling Yun was also listening with relish in a corner of the troop carrier.

It must be said that no matter which world, these students are still very interesting.

Especially Zhao Da'er's "Don't talk nonsense everywhere".

"Hey, Ling Yun, aren't you nervous?"

"We will enter the Demon Blood Forest in a while!"

He Yiling looked at Ling Yun who was eating the melon silently and asked.

"It's okay!"

"It's just an assessment anyway, and there are examiners to rescue."

"What's there to be nervous about?"

"Just do your best."

Hearing Ling Yun's words, He Yiling also silently began to cheer herself up.

"That's right, what's there to be nervous about in an assessment!"

"Just do your best!"


In the endless forest full of blood-red leaves.

One by one, the troop carriers began to separate from the main force and enter various test sites according to the pre-made plans.


As the troop carrier passed through a dense forest, it finally stopped in an open space.

The dim troop carrier compartment was opened.

A thin ray of sunlight shone into the compartment and awakened the students in the compartment.

"We are here, get off in order!"

A soldier gave an order to the students in the compartment.

Upon hearing the order, the students of Class 9 got off in order as required.

Everyone got off the car, and the four soldiers in charge of transportation announced the start of the assessment to everyone.

They also returned to the car in turn and drove the troop carrier away.

The troop carrier left, and the students looked at the black land and the magic blood tree with red leaves in front of them.

A touch of excitement flashed across their faces.

This was their first time in the wild.

It was also the real face of the abyss monster.

It was also the first time they could truly use their extraordinary powers that they had cultivated for many years without restrictions!

Everyone did not stay there for long.

Then he followed the rules of the comprehensive exam.

And the routes that he arranged for everyone in advance to start his own assessment.

After all, the Demon Blood Forest is so big.

Add some restricted areas.

There are hundreds of thousands of candidates in District 72, and there are tens of thousands of candidates assigned to the Demon Blood Forest. The routes of action will inevitably overlap.

And the number of monsters that have been cleared will be too many.

This will test the strength of the candidates.

After all, the law of the jungle is always the unchanging melody of the world!

"Be careful! See you at the end!"

"It's nothing for me, it's mainly you!"

"Don't be stubborn when you encounter a strong monster."

Ling Yun told He Yiling.

"Don't worry, my dad prepared this for me!"

He Yiling rolled up his sleeves to reveal his combat uniform.

"Even if I encounter an accident, I will have time to ask for help."

"But you..."

Looking at the worry in He Yiling's eyes, Ling Yun also rolled up his sleeves.

"Don't worry! I'm not bad at all!"

"See you at the end!"

"Yes, see you at the end!"

Watching He Yiling go away, Ling Yun also used the instant body technique to jump onto the branch and started to hurry on.

Prepare to be the first to hunt all the monsters on the route.

Want to enter the top university.

The results of this comprehensive exam are a necessary stepping stone!

And I can't fall behind!


As time passed by.

The sun began to slowly set.

Looking at the setting sun, Ling Yun shot through the head of a six-eyed ghost fox in front of him.

The sound of the detection device also sounded.

"The test candidate hunted a first-level middle-level six-eyed ghost fox, the test score +10, the total score 174, ranked 105th."

Hearing the ranking of the detection device, Ling Yun also felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

You know, Ling Yun has tried his best to hunt monsters except for not using the kaleidoscope.

But there is still a big gap between him and those guys.

Of course, there were also reasons that the route Ling Yun was assigned to was not dangerous enough and there were not enough monsters.

But it was almost night, this was his chance!

At night, the monsters became more ferocious, and some hidden nocturnal monsters would also appear.

Those monsters had higher points.

They would also be more dangerous!

In order to move better at night.

Ling Yun took a bottle of energy recovery potion.

Then he jumped onto a branch and began to rest and recover the physical strength he had just consumed.

There were many students who made the same decision as Ling Yun at the same time.

Only with a better rest could he get more points when the night fell completely.


The central fortress of the Demon Blood Forest.

Countless examiners kept going back and forth, bringing the seriously injured and eliminated candidates back to the fortress for treatment.

The whole fortress was also constantly echoing with the painful groans of the candidates..

He looked at the candidates who were being treated on the spot outside the window for a while.

Minister of Education Zheng He couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

I don't know how many students will die this time!

The demon hunting assessment can screen out those who are qualified to become extraordinary people in the fastest and most effective way.

It's just that the price is too cruel.

However... thinking of the real battlefield fighting against the abyss creatures, Zheng He strengthened his determination again.


It's been too long since I fought and I'm old!

I don't know when I became so indecisive.

Obviously on the battlefield.

I have never been so soft-hearted watching countless teammates die.

"Minister Zheng! The top 200 candidates ranked on the first day are out!"

Hearing the voice of Li Qingshan, the principal of No. 1 Middle School, Zheng He also tidied his clothes and turned back to the room.

On a huge holographic projection in the room.

The surveillance images of a full 200 candidates were projected on it.

Looking at the performance of these candidates, Zheng He rarely showed a smile on his face.

"It seems that the results of our District 72 this year should not be too bad!"

"There should be more talents who can enter top universities."

Looking at the 200 candidates, Zheng He saw a somewhat unfamiliar figure at a glance.

"Hey! Old Liu is hiding well enough!?"

"Your school has another good talent."

"Why haven't I seen you provide any information?"

Hearing this, Liu Hao, the principal of the Third Middle School, who was chatting with the principal of the Second Middle School, was also stunned.

Liu Hao stepped forward to take a closer look.

"Is this... Ling Yun?"

Liu Hao still has some impression of Ling Yun.

After all, he is the first person in the Third Middle School who knows the disadvantages of absorbing source energy in advance.

But he still chooses to absorb source energy to cause damage to the body!

Although he survived by chance, he was unable to practice, which can be regarded as an educational model of the Third Middle School!


After finding out that it was Ling Yun, Liu Hao also retrieved a piece of information from his mobile phone and sent it to Zheng He.

"Minister Zheng, this is his information."

"Although he has a good fighting talent."

"But due to some special reasons, he absorbed the source energy in advance to become a warrior, which made him unable to practice."

Zheng He said with regret when he heard that he couldn't practice.

"So that's how it is!"

"But it's a pity!"


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