"There is a member of the Abyss Organization in the west, wearing blue blood-stained clothes, yellow hair, and pockmarked face!"

"Oh me, oh me."

"In the north of the west, there is a round-faced, big-nosed, fat man, with a woman in gray clothes beside him."


"In the east, behind the temporary bathing area, the woman... the most ferocious one is her!"


As Ling Yun reported the points one by one, Li Hongfu led several of the strongest warrior officers.

With the help of special anesthetics.

Silently solved the Abyss Cultists pointed out by Ling Yun.

A large number of members of the Abyss Organization disappeared.

Even though Li Hongfu led his men very cautiously.

It still aroused the vigilance of those members of the Abyss Organization.

Just when an officer led the team to capture two members of the Abyss Organization who were very close at the same time.

One of the members of the Abyss Organization with keen senses actually dodged the tranquilizer gun.

After he dodged the tranquilizer gun. '

The member of the Abyss Organization immediately shouted loudly.

"Do it!!"

"They have a way to identify us!"

Hearing his shout, Li Hongfu's order quickly sounded in the intercom.

"Stop him!"

Hearing the order, the soldiers did not care to hide their figures and acted quickly.

At the same time, the members of the Abyss Organization who noticed something strange immediately attacked.

But when they took action.

They were dumbfounded.

Where are so many of us?

They were mostly surrounded by those examiners and soldiers.

Notice the problem.

A member of the Abyss Organization decisively fired a flare into the sky.

As the flare took off.

Li Hongfu, who had just captured a member of the Abyss Organization, shouted immediately.

"Hurry up and shoot it down!!"


But the speed of that special flare was too fast.

Even if someone fired a gun, it could not hit it.

And just when it was about to completely take off and explode

an energy bullet hit it accurately and knocked it to the ground.


Looking at the flames that exploded on the ground and were blocked by others.

Li Hongfu breathed a sigh of relief.

And looked at the direction where the bullets were fired.

Ling Yun, wearing a mask, made a reassuring gesture to Li Hongfu.

At the same time, Ling Yun's voice rang out in Li Hongfu's earphones.

"Leave the flares to me!"

"You focus on sniping those members of the Abyss!"

Seeing that one flare failed.

Then the members of the Abyss were also dumbfounded.

"Can you hit a flare of this speed?"

"You're cheating, right?"

"But if you can hit one, what about so many?"

Under the cover of several accomplices, he quickly and continuously released several flares in different directions.

Looking at those flares that moved like snails under his Mangekyō Sharingan.

Ling Yun's mouth curled slightly.


"Bang bang bang!!"

As the flares were shot down one by one.

Exploded on the ground.

Li Hongfu's praise was also heard from the intercom.

"Good boy! Great job!"

But at this time Ling Yun poured a bucket of cold water on him.

"Hurry up and deal with those members of the Abyss Organization."

"Things may be more troublesome than we thought."

"Two kilometers away, I have found some members of the Abyss Organization gathering."

"They may attack the fortress defense line at any time."

"We have to hurry!"

"And remember to collect their bodies."

"You know what's going on underground!"

Hearing Ling Yun's reminder, Li Hongfu also issued an order in the communication system.

"You all heard it, follow the boy's order."

"Today, can we hold on longer?"

"It all depends on him!"

Although this small internal purge caused considerable casualties.

But it was successfully resolved.

Then Li Hongfu immediately ordered the selection of suitable people to form a new defense line.

And Ling Yun was also responsible for identifying the newly escaped people.

Identify whether there are any members of the Abyss Organization mixed in.


After the defense line was formed, Li Hongfu also came to Ling Yun.

He extended an olive branch to Ling Yun.

"Brother Ling Yun, you are awesome!"

"Have you considered coming to the military in District 72 after graduation?"

"Nothing else, as long as you come, I will at least give you a platoon leader!"

"If you have the strength of a third-level warrior."

"I will give you the position of company commander!"

Looking at Li Hongfu's shining eyes, Ling Yun, who was recovering from his injuries, shook his head.

"I have no such consideration for the time being."

"When I graduate...

"It is likely that I will join the Zhenyuan Guard."

"Or go to the Meteorite Empire and see the outside world. "

"What a pity!"

Hearing Ling Yun's words, Li Hongfu felt a little regretful.

However, such a genius should not be buried in a small place like District 72!

There is a bigger world outside waiting for him to explore.


Time passed by every second.

Two kilometers away from the fortress position.

The leading black-robed man looked around cautiously and frowned.

Why is there always an inexplicable sense of surveillance?

But there are magic blood trees all around, if there were enemies, they would have launched an attack long ago!

The black-robed man...

Just at this moment.

"Sir, you can launch the attack."

"At least one-third of us have all mixed in!"

"Now is the best time for us to launch the attack!"

Hearing the report from his men, the leading black-robed man nodded.

No longer entangled with the sense of surveillance.

Then he gave orders to the people gathered behind him.

"Attack, Abyss Eternal! ! "

As the leading black-robed man's voice sounded.

Behind him, countless members of the Abyss Organization with fanatical eyes also shouted loudly.

"The Abyss is eternal!"

"The Abyss is eternal!"



As the Abyss Organization launched an attack.

Ling Yun, who had been monitoring them, also gave a warning at the first time.

"The members of the Abyss Organization are taking action, everyone be careful!"

Hearing Ling Yun's warning, the extraordinary soldiers also shouted loudly.

"Everyone be on alert, enemy attack! ! !"

"Everyone be on alert, enemy attack! ! ”


As the alarm sounded.

Everyone in the fortress picked up their weapons and prepared.

At this moment, they are all warriors.

Warriors fighting for themselves!

After the warning.

Ling Yun did not choose to just watch.

Instead, he took out a second-level energy weapon sniper rifle and set it up at a sniper point in the fortress.

This weapon was what Ling Yun asked Li Hongfu for.

——Military Type III Hurricane

The bullets equipped are not as magnificent as the demon-killing bullets used by Ling Yun himself.

But it is not bad, second-level bullets-armor-piercing bullets.

And there is a benefit to using their things.

Unlimited quantity!

Of course, this is also what Ling Yun fought for himself.

Previously, Ling Yun's marksmanship performance was quite dazzling.


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