The battle was over, and the two sides were in chaos.

Ye Beixuan was completely unaware of Lü Wudi's challenge.

He was busy moving at the moment.

After coming out of the Northern Zhenfu Division.

Ye Beixuan went to the house that was awarded this time.

It was only two sticks of incense away from the Northern Zhenfu Division.

When Ye Beixuan saw a luxurious three-story courtyard.

He smiled a little more.


It solved his urgent problem!

I just demolished my house last night, and today I got a big one.

With the value of this courtyard, it is at least three or four hundred thousand taels.

It is also equipped with forty servants and a female housekeeper of the innate level.

"Put everything in, and then come home with me."

Ye Beixuan waved his hand, and the Jinyiwei warriors immediately did as he was told.

Then Ye Beixuan took them back to his home.

Only the little maid Yao'er was at home, and she suddenly saw a large number of Jinyiwei breaking into the house.

She thought something had happened.

She was relieved only after seeing Ye Beixuan.

"Sir, did you say we are moving?"

After hearing what Ye Beixuan said, Yao'er's eyes widened.

Ye Beixuan smiled and nodded: "Yes, pack up some of your personal belongings, and we will leave."

Yao'er did not dare to neglect it.

She packed her clothes.

It was not until after noon that all the things were finally moved to the new house.

And there were two big characters hanging on the house: Ye Mansion

"Sir... This place is so big."

After entering the yard, Yao'er was almost dazzled.

This mansion is at least ten times bigger than Ye Beixuan's previous home.

"It is quite big."

Ye Beixuan was also walking around the courtyard for the first time.

There were pavilions and towers inside, and there was a rockery pond in the backyard with some koi fish.

After walking around, Ye Beixuan sighed that it was worthy of being a royal reward, comparable to the residence of a third or fourth rank official.

He sat in the living room.

All the maids came in and paid homage to Ye Beixuan.

"Greetings, Master."

These maids were trained by the palace and were specially used for rewards. They knew all the rules.

And each of them looked outstanding.

Long legs and thin waists were almost standard, not inferior to ordinary ladies in painted boats.

No wonder the wealthy families in the past liked to mess around with their maids when they had nothing to do. This was really hard to bear.

"What's your name?"

Ye Beixuan pointed to a tall girl in the front among the maids.

The girl was about 1.7 meters tall, with a melon-shaped face, about 20 years old, and a good-looking appearance.

If ordinary maids have some of the level of the ladies of the pleasure boats, then she is definitely comparable to some of the top girls in the pleasure boats.

"Reporting to the Lord, my name is Tang Caiwei."

Have a name?

Those who can have a name are the family members of officials who have committed crimes.

They were given slave status.

Ye Beixuan picked up the roster next to him.

Sure enough, he saw that Tang Cai was the concubine of a fourth-rank official five years ago. The official was sentenced to exile for corruption and bribery.

Tang Caiwei was also implicated and became a slave.

"You don't have to call me Lord in the future, just call me Master. I will leave my Ye Mansion to you and my personal maid Yao'er to take care of it."

"You have done a good job, this Master will reward you, and it is not impossible to help you get rid of slavery in the future."

When he heard this.

Tang Caiwei knelt down instantly. She knew her new master.

The eighth-ranked Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list was the youngest Divine Sword Master personally awarded by the emperor.

He will definitely be a top figure in Dali in the future.

It was her honor to follow such an existence.

"Caiwei will definitely not disappoint the young master's expectations."

"Very good, go and pack your things."

Ye Beixuan waved his hand.

Immediately, everyone left the room and only Yao'er was left.

"Young master... am I useless? I don't know anything and can't help the young master share his worries..."

Hearing Yao'er's words, Ye Beixuan laughed: "There are many kinds of sharing worries. Isn't it also sharing worries when you help me dress and get up every day?"


"Don't say anything, come back to my room, I have something good to give you."

Ye Beixuan said and went straight to his room.

Behind him.

Yao'er's pretty face suddenly blushed.

Good stuff?

That's not a good thing. It will make your stomach swollen due to allergies!

But since my master has already spoken.

Yao'er didn't dare to neglect it.

Sooner or later, I will be the master's person, and it is my great blessing to be able to give it to the master!

Followed Ye Beixuan into the wing room.

This room is two or three times larger than Ye Beixuan's previous bedroom.

Not only is the bed soft, but there are also some special items.

Like whips... chains... more than a dozen kinds.

Looking at the things in the room that seem to be used for fun.

Yao'er's cheeks are even redder.

This... This is so exciting for the first time, it's not good!

After seeing these things, Ye Beixuan was also a little confused.

Damn! ? ?

Even these things are prepared.

This is special... The ancients really played wild!

"Master... Should I take a bath first?"

Yao'er said timidly to Ye Beixuan.

Ye Beixuan waved his hand: "No, why take a bath? It's not too late to take a bath after you sweat."

Yao'er's face became even redder, and her slender legs were constantly rubbing: "That won't be clean..."

Ye Beixuan: "??????????"

"What clean or not? I'm going to teach you a technique. What are you thinking about? Come over and sit on the bed."

Looking at Yao'er's expression, Ye Beixuan knew that this girl was overthinking.

What are you thinking about in the broad daylight?

She was so young and trembling.


Yao'er suddenly realized it, and hurriedly sat down at the head of the bed according to Ye Beixuan's instructions.

Took off her embroidered shoes.

"Take off your socks too."

Ye Beixuan looked at Yao'er's crystal feet and said.


Although Yao'er was puzzled as to why she had to take off her socks when practicing, she did not dare to neglect Ye Beixuan's instructions.


A pair of small and exquisite jade feet appeared in front of Ye Beixuan.

The skin was white, some blood vessels could be seen, and the toes were round and top-grade.

"Close your eyes and feel my method of moving qi carefully."

Ye Beixuan put one hand directly on Yao'er's lower abdomen, which felt good and had obvious lines.

It was just a little straight, as if she was very nervous.

Ye Beixuan did not experience it carefully, and circulated the method of moving qi in the first few levels of the Nine Yang Magic Art in Yao'er's body according to his own changes.

With his pure Gangqi.

This circulation directly opened up the meridians in Yao'er's body, allowing her to completely step into the level of body tempering.

It took half an hour.

Ye Beixuan opened his eyes again.

"Did you remember it?"

Yao'er looked at her body and felt a little strange.

In a short time, she realized that her physical fitness had greatly improved, and even her strength was much greater than before.

There was a warm current rising in the Dantian, which was quite comfortable.

"I've got it. Thank you, sir!"

"Okay, go and practice. With the wisp of true qi I injected into your body, you will be able to enter the condensed meridians in less than a week. Then I'll give you something good."


After doing all this.

Ye Beixuan just wanted to take advantage of the few days off to take a good rest.

He heard the voice of the housekeeper Caiwei coming from the door of the mansion.

"Sir! Someone sent a challenge!"


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