The sky had just darkened when I returned to the Hundred Households Office.

Yang Shan was not on duty today, and had already gone home.

Then, the news about General Li Cheng's cracking of the Ma Mansion murder case quickly spread in the Zhenfu Division.

Many people were shocked.

No one expected that a murder case involving officials would be solved so easily.

And the main contributor to this murder case was a small flag officer who had just taken office.

According to the small flag officer, he also discovered a huge secret in this Ma Mansion murder case.

If he reports it tomorrow, there will definitely be a big reward, which makes many small flags and even general flags envious.

"Brother Ye, we have followed your instructions and spread the news."

After an incense stick, Lin Tao and others quickly returned to the Baihu Office from the vicinity of the Northern Zhenfu Division.

In the General Flag Room.

Li Cheng and Ye Beixuan sat in the lobby, listening to Lin Tao's report.

Until this time, Li Cheng looked at Ye Beixuan.

"Beixuan, is this idea feasible?"

Ye Beixuan picked up a cup of tea at hand, took a sip and smiled: "Don't worry, Uncle Li, we don't know who the big fish behind this is, but with such a murder, he must be as clear as a mirror in his heart."

"He will definitely keep a close eye on our Northern Zhenfu Division, and he will know any movement at the first time."

"Now the bait has been spread, it depends on whether this fish will be hooked."

Although most of the Jinyiwei in the Zhenfu Division have been off duty now.

But those who stayed behind could also pass the message to those who were interested, and they could make a person in charge of the Ministry of Personnel commit suicide to attract the attention of the Jinyiwei.

Ye Beixuan didn't believe that such a person would have no spies in the Northern Pacification Division.

Sometimes it is more effective to startle the snake than anything else.

It only takes a little time to get the desired result.

"Brother Ye, don't laugh, and don't drink tea. You look like a villain in a novel."

Lin Tao glanced at Ye Beixuan's smile and muttered.

Ye Beixuan's hand twitched again, and the smile on his face froze in place.

Damn it, this kid is really itchy if he doesn't beat him for a day.

I guess he has some alphabet attributes.

Look, I'll finish my work tonight. Whether you do it or not, you're done!

"Get out!"

Ye Beixuan resisted the urge to draw his sword and cursed.

Lin Tao did not dare to resist and lowered his head angrily: "Get out!"


After waiting for a while.

Ye Beixuan felt that the time was almost up, and he stood up first.

"Uncle Li, it's getting late. We have completed the big case and we must celebrate."

Li Cheng laughed and nodded in agreement.

"Let's go! Yanyu Tower, I'll pay for the whole thing tonight."

Just as Ye Beixuan expected.

After they returned to the North Zhenfu Division from Ma Shuang's mansion.

There was always a pair of eyes watching their whereabouts.

After seeing Ye Beixuan and others happily going to celebrate, the man's face changed slightly.

After Ye Beixuan and his group walked away, he quietly came to the outside of the North Zhenfu Division.

Then a Jinyiwei quickly walked out of the North Zhenfu Division and whispered a few words in the man's ear.

Then, the figure turned and disappeared.


In the west of the capital, a mansion with three entrances.

The figure that disappeared outside the Northern Pacification Office just now quickly walked into the mansion.

He ran all the way to the lobby in the center of the courtyard.

In the center of the lobby, a middle-aged man in his thirties, wearing a blue silk brocade robe and looking a bit treacherous, was sitting in the first seat.

He looked a little anxious, as if waiting for some news.

Beside him, there was a bearded scholar who looked like a teacher.


Just then.

The figure also came outside the lobby and walked in.

Seeing this figure, the middle-aged man in the lead stood up instantly and asked anxiously: "How is the news? Have those Jinyiwei found any clues about Ma Shuang's murder?"

The figure immediately replied respectfully: "Master... things are not good. According to the information I got... those Jinyiwei solved the case!"


The middle-aged man's pupils suddenly shrank.

"How is this possible! Jinyiwei took over the case for only one day. How could they solve the case so quickly!"

The middle-aged man paced back and forth. When did these Jinyiwei become so efficient!

In the past, let alone solving a case in one day, even if it was ten...

A few days are considered normal.

Even more, a considerable number of cases remain unsolved.

I won't be so unlucky.

He calmed down a little and continued to ask: "Do you know what monster caused Ma Shuang's death?"

"It was a cat monster."

"Cat monster?"

The middle-aged man frowned: "Doesn't Ma Shuang like those beasts the most? How did he die in the hands of a cat monster in the end?"

"Master, what do you think?"

The middle-aged man asked the master who had been standing not far away.

The master also spoke directly: "Sir, Ma Shuang's death is strange. He died suddenly after he found out about us, but we did nothing. This is very intriguing."

"Those guys in the Jinyiwei have a sharper nose than dogs. Although this matter has nothing to do with us, I am afraid that they will smell the smell and find some special clues left by Ma Shuang."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man became even more uneasy.

He knew exactly what he had done.

He was fearless when Ma Shuang found out about him. A small official in the Ministry of Personnel was no threat to him at all.

Even if he wanted to, he could kill Ma Shuang's family without a burial place, and not even leave the body.

In fact, he was preparing to do so.

As long as he killed the person and destroyed the body, and then made some arrangements.

Ma Shuang's death was a new unsolved case, and no one could find out about him.

But now, Ma Shuang died before he could do anything.

It completely disrupted his position.

If Ma Shuang left any clues and was found by the Jinyiwei.

He was finished.

Even the people behind him could not protect him.

The biggest possibility was that he would disappear with him.

At this time, the servant hesitated and spoke again: "Master, I have found out a piece of news."

"Tell me quickly."

"It is... a small flag officer of the Jinyiwei who is investigating the case of Master Ma today. It seems that he has discovered some secrets in Master Ma's home. The Jinyiwei who are handling the case are very excited."

"They said that as long as the secret is sent up tomorrow, it will definitely be a great achievement. Now they have gone to celebrate together."

As soon as these words came out.

The middle-aged man's body trembled suddenly, and his face became a little ugly.

What you fear will come true.

He didn't know what the secret left by Ma Shuang was about.

But he felt vaguely that it was aimed at him.

Including Ma Shuang's death, perhaps it was all carefully arranged to let the Jinyiwei get involved in this matter.

Once those secrets are reported by the Jinyiwei.

Ten heads of his own will not be enough!


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