The door was pushed open.

What caught my eye.

Seven or eight pretty girls in their twenties were tied up in the corridor.

Their mouths were blocked.

These girls were terrified.

But their bodies had been tied up.

They looked at Xiao Yuan and others who came in.

They yelled at them.

But Xiao Yuan and others didn't care at all.

They just said to the three black-robed men.

"Sir, they are all excellent virgins. We won't disturb you from eating."

After that.

Xiao Yuan and the other two quickly went upstairs.

There were also several girls on the second floor.

Compared with the women on the first floor.

These people were all wearing brocade and silk, and it was obvious that they were ladies from wealthy families.

Although their looks were similar to those of the courtesans in the pleasure boats.

But they did not have that worldly air.

They looked pitiful.

When they saw them.

Zhao Huaiming and Cao Yan's eyes lit up.

"You two pick one, and leave the others to me. I will give them to you after I'm done playing."

Xiao Yuan said to Zhao Huaiming and Cao Yan.

"Don't worry, young marquis."

Xiao Yuan went to the third floor alone.

His expression was full of greed.

His heart was thumping.

"Let me see which beauty was sent here."

He, Xiao Yuan, had played with at least 300 women, if not 500.

But he had never played with a lady from an official family.

He could do whatever he wanted in the capital.

But no one dared to do such things that touched the bottom line under the feet of the emperor.

So he was still looking forward to today's feast.

Creak --

With the sound of the door being pushed open.

A voice like a frightened rabbit was heard from inside.

"Who is it!?"

Just listening to this voice, it must be a top beauty.

Xiao Yuan was even more satisfied.

He almost couldn't wait to step into the three-story pavilion.


On the branches of the ancient tree not far away.

Ye Beixuan had a panoramic view of all this.

He glanced at the full moon in the sky.

He stretched his waist lazily.

"Under the bright and clear world, there are such dirty things."

"It's really eye-opening. Today, I will use the sword in my hand to clear up the injustice in the world."

The figure of the young swordsman transformed by Ye Beixuan flashed.

Zila --

In the dark night.

A flash of lightning shone.

Clang --

The Yuanhong long sword hanging on his waist was pushed out.

A sword energy of several dozen meters long burst out almost instantly.

It slashed towards Guanxin Pavilion.

Almost at the moment when Ye Beixuan's sword energy swept across.

Inside Guanxin Pavilion.

The faces of the three black-robed men changed at the same time.

Three terrifying black auras spread from the three people.

They all slapped their palms towards the sword energy.

In the palms, hideous evil spirits appeared one by one, and the black true energy was like a tide.


The sound of the explosion resounded through the sky.

The formation that had been covering Guanxin Pavilion was also blown apart by this blow.

The sword energy and palm wind scattered.

Wherever the aftermath passed, rocks flew, and the ancient trees were torn into pieces.

Such a movement naturally frightened Xiao Yuan and Zhao Huaiming, who had just taken off their pants and stepped into the third floor, and shuddered all over.

They instantly shrank on the spot.

The three of them had drastic changes in their faces.

They hurried down from the upstairs.

"Young Marquis, could it be that Ye Beixuan is really here!!"

Zhao Huaiming and Cao Yan were extremely frightened.

Although they said they were not afraid of Ye Beixuan.

But Ye Beixuan had already left an indelible fear in their hearts.

Xiao Yuan was also trembling all over.

"Don't panic! With the three gentlemen here, even Ye Beixuan will die."


"Who is it!?"

The three men in black robes also shouted in a low voice.

They stepped to the outside.

The black robes on their bodies had been shaken off, revealing their true bodies.

The figures of the three of them were particularly strange.

And they were almost the same.

They were as thin as old wood, and their ten fingers were as long as eagle claws.

Their faces were covered with dense black lines.

It was like a worm crawling.

It was even more like a demon than a demon.


In the night.

Lightning flashed.

In the lightning.

A figure slowly appeared under the moonlight.

He was wearing a green robe.

He had a handsome face and exuded a majestic aura.

Sword Intention.

All the dead wood and broken stones within a few feet of him were directly chopped into pieces by the invisible sword energy.

This terrifying sword force.

made the three black-robed men look extremely solemn.

But after seeing the appearance of Ye Beixuan's illusion.

The three people and Xiao Yuan and others behind them all frowned at the same time.

Because they didn't know this person.

"This hero, we have no hatred in the past and no grudges today. I don't know why you are looking for trouble with us?"

After seeing Ye Beixuan's illusionary appearance.

Xiao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not Ye Beixuan, that's good.

Who knew that Ye Beixuan ignored him at all.

Instead, he looked at the three black-robed men.

"The Three Demons of Mobei, I've had such a hard time finding you three. I didn't expect that you three half-human, half-ghost things would actually run to the capital of Dali and work as dogs for others."

"But it's just right. Seeing that you all robbed decent women, I think you are all the same. I'll send you to heaven together."

The Three Demons of Mobei.

Three evil masters of the seventh level of Grandmaster.

The three are triplets. Because they were born deformed, they were abandoned by their parents since childhood.

Later, they practiced evil magic.

They like to eat young girls the most.

Especially virgin girls.

After being promoted to Grandmaster.

They have caused a lot of bloody storms in Mobei, and their men have killed thousands of people.

Especially the three of them are in tune with each other. Even the masters of the eighth level of Grandmaster have died in their hands!

Ye Beixuan had already investigated these three people before he came.

As soon as these words came out.

The brows of the Three Demons of Mobei were immediately frowned.

This guy... is actually looking for them!

But they don't care.

They have too many enemies in their lives.

Even they can't remember how many people they have killed.

The boy in front of them is only twenty years old.

No matter how powerful he is, how powerful can he be.

The leader of the three demons in Mobei sneered.

The hoarse voice carried a hint of murderous intent.

"A young boy who has just come out of the door is so shameless that he wants to use our name to spread the world."

"Don't you see what kind of person you are."

The three demons have been in Mobei for decades.

What kind of enemies have they not seen.

They didn't take Ye Beixuan seriously at all.

"At least, I'm better looking than you. If I were you, you three deformed kids, I would have found a dark corner and committed suicide."

Ye Beixuan laughed sarcastically.

"You are looking for death!!"

The three demons in Mobei were furious almost at the same time.

They were born with disabilities.

The most taboo thing is that others say about their appearance.

This young man in front of them repeatedly pokes at their sore spots.

This makes them unable to bear it any longer.


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