"Let's go!" Ye Beixuan waved his hand. He took the lead and rushed towards the gate of Luo County. The Snow Drinking Mad Knife on his waist was trembling. He seemed to be excited about the upcoming bloodthirstiness. Ye Beixuan waved his hand. Clang——The Snow Drinking Mad Knife was unsheathed. He slashed at the slowly rising city gate. The terrifying knife energy rose to the sky. The knife light of dozens of meters slashed at the city gate. Boom——A loud noise. The gate made of black iron was smashed by Ye Beixuan's knife. All the Jinyiwei rushed into Luo County one after another. All the soldiers who resisted on the road had their throats cut open with a knife.

"Ye Beixuan, the food and grass are in the corner of Luo County. I have ordered people to burn them. I want to see whether you want our lives or the food and grass!!"

Hou Ran's voice sounded in the depths of Luo County in the distance.

He was fleeing quickly.

He had to escape before the imperial army completely surrounded Luo County.

Otherwise, once the imperial army formation was deployed, they would not have any chance.

Compared with the lives of himself and others, food and grass were naturally nothing.


Behind Ye Beixuan, Liu Fengping and others all looked at him.

Ye Beixuan waved his hand.

"They are just a few stray dogs. Let them run and find food and grass to solve the famine first. They won't live long!!"

When seeing those people, Ye Beixuan realized that the most critical Bingzhou garrison commander, who was also the eighth-ranked hall master of the Dragon God Sect, was missing among them.

Xu Xuance.

These people must have fled the city to seek refuge with Xu Xuance.

Then we can strangle them all at once.

Food and grass are the most important thing.

Only with food and grass can we fundamentally stop the rebellion in Huainan Road.

Otherwise, if the food and grass are lost, it will be useless even if those old dogs are cut into pieces.


Hearing Ye Beixuan's words.

Others nodded one after another.

They did not chase Hou Ran and others.

And Ye Beixuan jumped up.

He climbed directly to the roof of the tallest building around.

Looking towards Luo County.

The entire Luo County is not big, nor is it small.

With Ye Beixuan's eyesight, he can see the entire Luo County.

He is searching for possible hiding places for food and grass.

It is not easy to conceal such a large amount of food and grass.

And it is very likely that it is on the bank of Luoshui across Luo County if it is transported by water.

With that thought.

Ye Beixuan's eyes also began to search along the bank of Luoshui River.

When he saw a huge villa.

Ye Beixuan's eyes lit up.

That's it!!!

"Follow me!"

Ye Beixuan got on his horse.

He rushed towards the villa.

In just over ten minutes.

The team led by Ye Beixuan had arrived.

The guards guarding the gate of the villa had already fled, and they obviously knew what happened in the city.

"Whose mansion is this?"

Li Cheng, who was following Ye Beixuan, grabbed a servant and asked.

The servant knelt on the ground and trembled: "Reply... Report to the lord... This is the private residence given to the county magistrate by the rich merchant Jia family in the city!"

"The Jia family... is the largest grain merchant in the city."

In one sentence, the interests of these dog officials were explained.

The largest grain merchant.

Ye Beixuan sneered.

With food and grass for disaster relief, isn't he the largest grain merchant?

'"Send out a thousand people, divide them into five teams, and lead the way to bring back all the five largest grain merchants in the city!"

Ye Beixuan waved his hand and said to his centurions.


As the Jinyiwei took the order, they left.

Ye Beixuan's figure did not enter the villa.

Behind the villa.

There are huge houses.

As soon as he walked to the backyard.

Ye Beixuan felt something was wrong under his feet.


As soon as he raised his hand, everyone stopped moving forward.

Then Ye Beixuan stepped down to the ground.

Even a small mountain could be crushed by his foot.

But after landing on the ground.

In addition to the collapse of the houses in the distance.

Instead, a dull sound came from the ground.

"This... This is the sound of black iron, there is a mechanism underground!"

As soon as they heard the movement.

Everyone reacted immediately.

The long knife in Ye Beixuan's hand flashed.

The knife energy swept.

He slashed hard at the ground.


Even the heavy black iron could not stop Ye Beixuan's knife.

The entire ground was instantly cut open by the knife for dozens of meters.

A huge hole.


A huge dark secret room appeared in front of him.

Following the crack, he could see that in the secret room, there were densely packed bags piled up.

Ye Beixuan made two more cuts and directly opened the ground.

The huge secret room was completely exposed to everyone's sight.

It was the size of two or three football fields, and it completely emptied the underground of the villa.

Hundreds of thousands of dan of grain and grass were neatly piled in this secret room.

Ye Beixuan didn't even need to give any orders.

All the Jinyiwei jumped down and ran towards the grain and grass.

"Sir, this is the grain for disaster relief from the court, a total of 500,000 dan, no more, no less!"

Not long after.

Li Cheng came back to report.

Hearing this.

Ye Beixuan and Liu Fengping both smiled.

As long as there is grain and grass, it is the fundamental solution to the Huainan Road incident.

"Order people to carry out the grain and grass, distribute it to the people in the city first, leave half a month's rations, and let the imperial guards escort the rest, and distribute it to the surrounding counties first to stabilize the people's hearts."


Following Ye Beixuan's order.

The whole county city began to get busy.

The imperial guards did not kill many people this time.

Because the officers and soldiers guarding the city did not dare to resist at all.

The imperial guards did not make things difficult for these people.

They just quickly controlled the county governor's mansion and the wealthy families in the city.

Although the people were terrified, they saw the Jinyiwei escorting batches of grain and grass out.

Their eyes became hot.

After hearing Ye Beixuan say that half a month's rations would be distributed.

They were even more excited and couldn't express it in words.

They knelt on the ground one after another, shouting "Long live the emperor".

Half a month's rations doesn't sound like much, but according to the careful calculations of ordinary people, it is enough to support twice or even three times longer.

As long as they can wait for the next harvest, they will have hope of survival!

Looking at the people who knelt down on the ground and cried with joy.

Ye Beixuan was also very moved.

Ordinary people are like this, working hard and never complaining. As long as they are given food, they will respect you as a king.

But it is such a group of people who just want to eat and survive.

But they are forced to take the road of rebellion.

I don’t know how stupid those so-called dignitaries are.

And that bastard Emperor Xuanhe.

If he could manage the government diligently, how could such a thing happen.

Ye Beixuan looked for a while and did not stay any longer.

Instead, he walked towards the county governor’s mansion.

In the center of the lobby of the county governor’s mansion.

Several figures dressed in brocade clothes, eating fat noodles and ears wide, who looked like rich men, knelt down on the ground.

Their faces were full of panic.

And they were the largest grain merchants in Luo County.

When those people saw Ye Beixuan coming, they kowtowed desperately, with tears and snot one after another.

"Lord Shen Dao Bo, I am innocent!!"

Ye Beixuan looked at them and sneered.

"Innocent? Tell me, where are you innocent?"


Hearing Ye Beixuan's question.

Several people were dumbfounded.

Are they innocent?

They are innocent.

Taking advantage of the famine to drive up the price of rice.

This is a capital crime.

Although they did this at the request of the Luojun County Magistrate.

But it was also for their own profit.

During this period, their families made a lot of money.

"Lord, a total of 50,000 stones of grain and grass were seized from their homes."

"Among them, the Jia family has more than 30,000 stones, and the other four families have 3,000 to 4,000 stones each."

A hundred households of the Jinyiwei reported to Ye Beixuan.

"30,000 shi? I'm very curious, where did your Jia family get so much grain?"

Ye Beixuan looked at the fat man in the lead.

This fat man is the current head of the Jia family: Jia Zhengjing.

Jia Zhengjing is already extremely panicked.

Everyone knows Ye Beixuan's name.

"Sir... these are all collected by my Jia family. We can check every income. They are really collected by me!"

Jia Zhengjing still wanted to struggle.

Ye Beixuan slashed with the knife in his hand.

Jia Zhengjing felt a chill on his head.

One ear had been cut off directly.

Blood gushed down his neck.

Jia Zhengjing was directly scared silly.

"Come on, keep talking, let me see how many parts you have for me to cut."

Ye Beixuan said to Jia Zhengjing with a smile.

Looking at Ye Beixuan's smile, everyone shuddered.

This guy... really kills people at the slightest disagreement!

Jia Zhengjing endured the pain.

He spoke hastily.

"Sir, it was Han Mu, the former governor of Luo County. He gave me the food.

Damn, let me sell it, and I have to give him 90% of the profit from the sale! ! Sir, it was Han Mu who forced me to do it! "

"Look, isn't it better to say it out loud?"

Ye Beixuan nodded with satisfaction.

Jia Zhengjing was just about to force a smile.


His head fell to the ground with a gurgle.

"Take it out, chop it up and feed it to the dogs."


The Jinyiwei next to him took Jia Zhengjing's body and dragged it out without saying a word.

This scene made the remaining people tremble even more.

Desperately wipe the cold sweat from their faces.

"Everyone, I won't make it difficult for you. Your grain and grass have been requisitioned."

"If you want to survive, give out half of your family wealth and build a porridge shop until the famine ends."

"Yes, yes! ! Thank you, sir, thank you, sir! ! "

When those people heard this, they all cried with joy.

This life...is finally saved.


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