Liu Fengping was in a good mood.

Although many people died in this war.

But it was also the most crucial battle.

Thanks to Ye Beixuan who came to Huainan Road three days in advance.


Now they are probably still in Luo County, even if they know who the culprit is.

There is no time to mobilize troops.

At that time, once Xu Xuance's army arrives, together with the River God Gang hiding on the Luo River.

Occupy Luo County.

Let alone solving the case, I am afraid that even their lives are difficult to guarantee.

This time, the Dragon God Cult has paid a lot for the plan.

First, let the tenth-ranked hall master intercept and kill halfway.

Then Xu Xuance's army arrived.

There were also food and grass in Luo County.

Plus this famine.

The weather, the place, and the people were all in place.

If it were anyone else, even if the pacification envoy came, they would have no chance of survival.

But they did not expect Ye Beixuan to advance so quickly.

And he came so quickly.

He was not with the Jinyiwei's large army at all.

If one move is lost, the whole game is lost.

That's why we have the current good situation.

If the Dragon God Cult really succeeds this time.

Even if the court sends a large army to wipe it out.

Huainan Road will inevitably be hit hard.

The millions of people in Huainan Road are afraid that they will be almost killed or injured.

It will be an irreparable loss for Dali City.

The national fortune will also decline unprecedentedly.

If something goes wrong, this may be the beginning of the country's demise.

Because this Huainan Road is just a part of the Dragon God Cult's plan.

With Huainan Dao delaying the court, their other plans can be carried out slowly.

"Chase, but it won't take so many people. The Dragon God Sect can't gather much troops in a short time."

"Only three thousand imperial guards and two thousand Jinyiwei will be enough. The others will clean up the battlefield and bring the wounded back to Luojun to defend the city."

Ye Beixuan thought about it for a while and made a decision.

If you want to fight, just catch them off guard.

In his previous life, the mustache was a model of blitzkrieg.

I believe that even the Dragon God Sect would never have thought that they would defeat the army led by Xu Xuance so quickly.


Wang Ling agreed.

As a warrior, he didn't feel tired even after fighting for so long.

It only took an incense stick of time.

Everything was arranged properly.

The three thousand imperial guards and the two thousand intact Jinyiwei all got on their horses.

"Let's go!"

With a shout from Ye Beixuan.

Everyone went to the depths of Huainan Road.


Two hundred miles away from Luo County.

In a small town.

Originally, this town was the same as all other towns.

But now, there are no civilians in the whole town.

Only a group of soldiers in armor are patrolling.

At this time, in the center of the town.

In a mansion.

Han Mu, the governor of Luo County who had fled from Luo County before, and others all stood in the lobby with fear on their faces.

Before, they were either governors of a county or governors of a state.

They were all top figures in Huainan Road.

They had never been so nervous.

But now.

They were all very scared.

The reason was simple.

Because Luo County was lost... the food and grass were recovered.

As a result, the Dragon God Cult's plan this time almost failed by one third.

The one sitting at the head was a middle-aged man dressed in white, who looked like a scholar.

This man was the housekeeper of the Pingnan Marquis Mansion.

He was also the fourth hall master in the Dragon God Sect: the smiling scholar Shen Jun!

This Shen Jun could be said to be a true genius.

He was a scholar at the age of twelve, a juren at the age of fifteen, and participated in the imperial examination at the age of eighteen.

At that time, Shen Jun was full of vigor and vitality.

He always dreamed of becoming a good official and benefiting the people.

And with his talent.

It was easy to pass the imperial examination.

But in the final imperial examination.

He handed in his answer sheet with full confidence.

But later on the day of the announcement, he failed.

And the son of the prefect who came with him to take the exam won the third place in the first class.

The third place.

After the announcement of the results.

Shen Jun was the first one who didn't believe it.

He didn't know about the talents of others, but the son of the prefect who came with him.

But he knew it all.

This guy and his Juren were bought by his own father.

How could he have won the third place?

But at that time

Shen Jun was also young, and he didn't think about anything else.

He just thought that this guy was lucky.

But after the results were announced, the man invited a son of a high-ranking official to drink.

Shen Jun happened to be next door to him.

He heard with his own ears that the guy said that he had spent 500,000 taels of silver before the exam.

He bought the position of the third place this time.

And the third place that was replaced was Shen Jun's.

He laughed loudly after saying that. A poor boy with no background and no backing really thought that he was a friend.

If it weren't for this imperial examination.

A poor scholar like Shen Jun would never have come into contact with him in ten lifetimes.

When Shen Jun heard these words, he almost went crazy.

He studied hard for more than ten years.

In the end... he made wedding clothes for others.

He was unwilling and unconvinced.

He rushed into the house to question his fellow countryman why he did this.

He also wanted to drag that fellow villager to the government office to sue the officials.

As a result, the son of the prefect who had always had a very good relationship with him.

laughed disdainfully.

He kicked Shen Jun over with one foot.

He also told him: "Sue the officials? I am the official, you want to sue me? What a joke."

Shen Jun was driven out.

He walked to the street in a daze.

Although he was angry, he was not desperate.

On the second day, he rushed directly into the government office in the capital.

He beat the drum of grievance.

He believed that the world would never be as black and white as the son of the prefect said.

The prefect of the capital has always been rumored to be impartial.

He will definitely be able to clear his grievances, so that he can get what he deserves,


The result once again disappointed Shen Jun.

He just reported the matter after meeting the prefect of the capital.

The prefect of the capital was furious.

He said that he was lying after he failed the exam.

He didn't even give Shen Jun a chance to defend himself, and he was beaten with twenty boards.

He was thrown out like a dead dog.

He was also told that if he did it again, he would be stripped of all his honors and exiled.

Even now.

Thinking of that scene, Shen Jun felt extremely cold in his heart.

The court of Dali was corrupt to this extent.

Such a dog court was not worth serving at all.

All of them deserved to die!

The son of the prefect should die, and his father should die too.

And this prefect and... the Emperor Xuanhe who sat high in the ninth heaven.

He swore.

As long as he had a chance.

He would kill people and make everyone pay the price.

Fortunately, he was later spotted by a dying old man.

The old man turned out to be the Grand Master who was ranked 237th on the Earth List.

The old man saw his talent.

He taught him martial arts in person.

And the facts also proved that Shen Jun was indeed gifted.

Whether it was literary talent or martial arts.

He was a top talent.

He started practicing at the age of 18, but it took him only two years to be promoted to the innate level.

He reached the Grandmaster level in the next three years.

He broke into the Grandmaster level at the age of 30.

After breaking into the Grandmaster level.

The first thing he did was to kill the son of the prefect who had become the governor of a county.

Then he led his men to massacre the whole family of the prefect.

And the family of the prefect, more than 300 people.

They were also killed by him.

But the Emperor Xuanhe, who sat high in the imperial city, was not something he could touch at all.

It happened that the prince supported by the Dragon God Sect raised an army at that time, although he was defeated.

But it gave him hope.

So he took the initiative to find the Dragon God Sect and became a hall master of the Dragon God Sect.

After that, Shen Jun went to the Pingnan Marquis Mansion, which had always cooperated with the Dragon God Sect.

He became a housekeeper.

Almost thirty years have passed in a flash.

He has already stood at the peak of the Grandmaster.

His ranking on the Earth Ranking has even surpassed his master of the year.

If he hadn't started martial arts too late.

He missed the best time.

Otherwise, he might have already broken into the Heavenly Man.

Now he finally waited for the Dragon God Sect to rise up again.

Shen Jun even personally planned the Huainan Road for a long time.

But now... this plan.

It should have been unstoppable.

It was enough to give Dali and that dog emperor a heavy blow.

But now... such a big change has occurred.


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