The old man was very busy, and the old man was very busy.

"Come in."

A strong voice came from the town government office.

Liu Fengping walked in respectfully.

The entire Zhenfu Office was extremely spacious, with an area of ​​hundreds of square meters. The most conspicuous thing was a row of weapon racks.

It was filled with various weapons, and there were some sharp claws and dry bones next to it.

The names of the owners were written on these things.

If there were old people walking around, they would be able to recognize at a glance that the owners of these weapons were almost all wanted criminals who were notorious in Dali in the past few decades.

Not only were there people, but there were also ghost kings and demons.

As a warrior, being able to leave weapons here naturally meant that their owners were dead.

And in the center of this office.

There sat a middle-aged man with a beard in his forties.

He was wearing a purple flying fish suit, which made him look extremely noble.

As soon as he saw this man.

Liu Fengping hurriedly clasped his fists.

"Liu Fengping greets the governor!"

"Fengping, you are not in your own Qianhu Hall, why did you come to my governor's office."

Zhou Sheng heard this.

He stopped his official duties and smiled at him.

The two of them had a very close relationship.

Liu Fengping was promoted by Zhou Sheng and was considered his confidant.

Liu Fengping did not hide it.

"Sir, it was a centurion in my hall who solved the corpse demon case."

"The corpse demon case was related to the Dragon God Cult!"

As soon as these words came out.

Zhou Sheng frowned slightly and snorted coldly: "The Dragon God Cult is another bug in the gutter."

But after he finished speaking, he did not mention it again.

For ordinary people, the Dragon God Cult is a taboo.

But for his level, he doesn't care too much.

Although the Dragon God Cult has long disappeared in the eyes of ordinary people.

But as the pacification envoy of the Jinyiwei, he can still hear information about the Dragon God Cult from time to time.

However, the high-level members of the Dragon God Cult have long been in hiding, and even the level of the hall master has not been seen for many years.

Those who come out are some small fish and shrimps.

It's not worth wasting any energy at all.

If there is a higher level than the hall master, it may be able to alarm him.

"What else?"

Zhou Sheng knew that Liu Fengping was definitely not looking for him for this trivial matter.

"This centurion was on his way back and encountered the assassination of the Lingnan Three Demons and killed them."

"The Lingnan Three Demons? With the cultivation of a centurion, he can kill them, which is good."

"Your Qianhu Hall has added another general."

Zhou Sheng nodded slightly.

Liu Fengping continued, "Sir... that centurion is only eighteen years old this year."

After the words fell, Zhou Sheng, who was originally careless, suddenly widened his eyes.

The guards around him were all shocked.

"Eighteen years old!?? Liu Fengping, are you sure?"

Zhou Sheng's tone was a little more serious.

He didn't care about killing the three demons of Lingnan.

But at this age, he was able to do it... Even he was shocked.

"Sir, how dare I lie to you, this centurion is called Ye Beixuan, and his father Ye Hai is an old man under me, also a centurion."

Then Liu Fengping reported Ye Beixuan's resume.

Zhou Sheng smiled only after listening to it.

"Good, good, with a clean background!"

"It seems that my garrison has really gained a new genius! I estimate that with his talent, it won't be long before he can enter the list of geniuses."

"He has become the fourth young genius of my Jinyiwei! This is also a happy event for my Jinyiwei."

"Let's see if those guys from the Six Gates dare to say that my Jinyiwei has no successors!"

Liu Fengping also laughed and said, "Yes, the Six Gates have always used the fact that they have four geniuses to suppress our Jinyiwei. When Ye Beixuan enters the list of geniuses, Let's see what they have to say."

He paused and said, "However, sir, those Tianjiaos all have inheritance, and some are even taught by the gods. Ye Beixuan has always been unknown, but suddenly he soared to the sky."

"Is there any opportunity behind this..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhou Sheng: "I know what you want to say, there must be an opportunity, no problem, as long as he is not a spy of the Dragon God Sect, no need to investigate."


Liu Fengping nodded immediately.

"Then how should this be rewarded?"

Zhou Sheng thought for a while: "First promote him to deputy thousand households, and when he is famous on the Tianjiao list, promote him to thousand households!"

Liu Fengping was surprised and said, "Isn't it a bit too fast... This kid has only been in Jinyiwei for a month


It is very difficult for ordinary Jinyiwei to be promoted!

Even the lowest-level flag officer is not so easy to be!

And the threshold from a hundred to a thousand is even higher.

Ordinary hundred households will never be promoted in their lifetime.

Unless they are transferred to the local area to be a thousand households.

However, the local thousand households are not comparable to the capital!

Naturally, few people go there!

Ye Beixuan joined Jinyiwei for a month... and he jumped directly from a small flag officer to a deputy thousand households!

This promotion speed is a bit too exaggerated.

Zhou Sheng smiled and said: "It's nothing. Can a genius be the same as a normal person? The Tianjiao list is a list of the young geniuses of all the human race and countries!"

"Only three hundred! There are only more than twenty people in my Dali court who can make the list. This number is too small, and the emperor is very dissatisfied. "

"It's not too much to give a genius a thousand households."

Liu Fengping also nodded: "Yes! I understand, I will give out the rewards later."


After completing his mission, Ye Beixuan returned to his own centurion's office.

Li Cheng and Lin Tao walked over quickly.

Li Cheng asked, "Beixuan, how is it?"

Ye Beixuan smiled and replied, "It has all been submitted, but the captain said he would ask for instructions on the rewards for everyone present."

"This time the contribution is not small, and everyone has a share."

"Ask for instructions?"

Hearing this, Li Cheng was overjoyed.

"The reward that the captain is not sure about must be beyond his authority!"

"Beixuan, maybe this time you can go a step further, open a hall and set up a government in the future, and become the new captain of our Jinyiwei!"

"Fuck, Brother Ye, you are promoted too fast! "

Lin Tao also opened his mouth wide with great excitement.

In Jinyiwei, Qianhu is the real high-level!

Only Qianhu can open a court and have his own separate place to handle cases!

You can also appoint your own Baihu and General Flag, and even the pacification envoy will not ask.

The difference between the treatment of Baihu and the treatment of Baihu is huge.

And if Ye Beixuan can become a Qianhu, it will definitely be a great blessing for the two of them.

In the future, if you want to be promoted, it will be a matter of Ye Beixuan's words.

Who wouldn't be happy to get promoted and make money!

Ye Beixuan waved his hand and smiled.

"It's too early to say these, but the Qianhu Lord gave you three days of vacation."

"I'll treat you tonight. I haven't been to the painting boat where the twelve courtesans are before. Let's go tonight to feast our eyes!"

Ye Beixuan waved his hand. Since he had made great contributions, he naturally had to eat well.


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