The enemy was in a hurry to get out of the way.

He restrained his murderous aura.

Ye Beixuan found a lot of good things from the bodies of those people.

Hu Xing didn't have much money, but he had a local-level sword technique secret book called: Soul-stealing Sword Technique!

This sword technique is worth at least 100,000 taels in the ghost market.

And the other three masters each carried a thick stack of silver notes, starting at 10,000 taels, and each of them had ten notes.

Added up to 300,000 taels.

Even Ye Beixuan took a breath of cold air, damn, these bastards are really rich.

However, Ye Beixuan also guessed that this money must be the money that the rich young masters paid to buy his life.

But now it's all cheap for him.

After doing all this.

Ye Beixuan sat cross-legged on the ground.

"System, receive the reward!"

With his voice.

And in Ye Beixuan's mind.

All the martial arts formulas about the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art also appeared.

This Dragon Elephant Prajna Art can be said to be the strongest magic skill in ordinary martial arts.

It is much stronger than the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

It is the supreme Dharma Protector Magic Skill of Tantric Buddhism.

The entire Dragon Elephant Prajna Art has thirteen levels.

Each level can increase the power of one dragon and one elephant.

After practicing to the peak, you can even wave your hand to explode the huge power of thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants.

In front of this terrifying power.

What so-called golden bell cover iron cloth shirt, one palm can smash it to pieces!

And since the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art was created.

No one has ever been able to cultivate to the highest realm of the thirteenth level!

This martial art is really too time-consuming.

Each level is twice as difficult as the previous one.

To cultivate to the perfect level, one must have a lifespan of a thousand years.

And who in this world can live for a thousand years?

It took Ye Beixuan half an incense stick of effort to completely absorb this reward.

Then Ye Beixuan's mind moved.

In his hand, golden light flashed, and a long sword with a scabbard fell into Ye Beixuan's hand.


Ye Beixuan drew the sword out of the scabbard directly.

In an instant.

A bone-chilling breath emanated from the blade.

The entire sword is three feet and seven inches long, not a cent more or less!

The water droplets in the air instantly formed rolling mist after touching the blade.

And it was constantly changing. In just a few seconds, it condensed into white frost.

"What a precious sword!"

Surprise flashed across Ye Beixuan's face.

The Snow Drinking Mad Sword was forged with Bai Lu, one of the four legendary divine stones.

It is also called the Blood Drinking Mad Sword because it drinks blood when it comes out.

Its coldness can move the nine states. With this precious sword, Ye Beixuan's strength can be improved by several levels.

If he faced the four great masters just now, Ye Beixuan would not need to fight hard.

The Snow Drinking Sword can cut off their weapons and kill them quickly.

"Very good, you will follow me in the future. Sooner or later, your name will be famous in Dali!"

Ye Beixuan played with the Snow Drinking Sword for several minutes before putting it back.

As the blade was sheathed, the surrounding coldness dissipated.

For a swordsman, a good sword is no less than a good woman.

The reward was collected.

Ye Beixuan looked at his system panel.

[Host: Ye Beixuan]

[Age: 18]

[Realm: Grandmaster Sixth Level Sword Intention (Second Level)]

[Magic Weapon: Snow Drinking Mad Knife]

[Hang-up Skills: Nine Yang Magic Skills (Late Seventh Level) Yin Yang Body Tempering Skills (Transformation) Dragon Elephant Prajna Skills]

[Hang-up Martial Arts: Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms (Maximum Level) Light Footsteps (Maximum Level) Golden Bell Cover Iron Cloth Shirt (Maximum Level) Spiritual One Finger (Minor Success) Demon Slaying Sword Skills (Transformation) One Style Divine Sword Slash (Maximum Level) Tianshan Zhemei Hands]

[Hang-up Points: 3870]

"First hang up 2,000 points of Dragon Elephant Prajna Skills to test the waters."

Now that he is rich and powerful, with nearly 4,000 hang-up points, Ye Beixuan naturally doesn't feel bad.

"System, hang up!"

With Ye Beixuan's voice.

[On the fourteenth day of AFK, after 24 hours of continuous practice, and with your perfect foundation of Golden Bell Cover and Iron Cloth Shirt, you have successfully entered the third level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu! ]

Seeing this prompt, Ye Beixuan was delighted.

I didn't expect that Golden Bell Cover and Iron Cloth Shirt could be linked with Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu.

However, if you think about it carefully and it makes sense, the practice of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu is not difficult.

It is just a simple polishing of physical strength.

Even if the talent is low, you can practice, not to mention his qualifications that have been transformed by the system.

And the perfect Golden Bell Cover and Iron Cloth Shirt is the foundation.

But if you want

The third level is almost the limit of the strength of the Golden Bell Cover and Iron Cloth Shirt.

After all, this magical power is not known for its strength.

As expected.

When he was at the next level, Ye Beixuan felt some obstacles!

[On the 148th day of hanging up, your body has been polished for a long time, and the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art has improved again and entered the fourth level! ]

[On the 295th day of hanging up, with continuous efforts, the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art broke through the fifth level! ]

[On the 501st day of hanging up, at this time you have felt that the difficulty of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art may be the only one in your life, but with your hard work, the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art has reached the sixth level! ]

[On the 823rd day of hanging up...Dragon Elephant Prajna broke through the seventh level]

[On the 1272nd day of hanging up...Dragon Elephant Prajna broke through the eighth level]

[On the 1725th day of hanging up, your mentality began to change after a long period of hard practice. You have mastered the Dragon Elephant Prajna and your realm has also broken through to the ninth level]

[On the 199th day of hanging up, your Dragon Elephant Prajna has entered the late ninth level, but your hanging time is running out, the system automatically interrupts the hanging up! ]

"Ding! This hanging up is over, the perception is being transmitted, please wait..."

With the prompt of the system.


Ye Beixuan only felt that his whole body began to shake suddenly.

The whole body was changing dramatically!

At the same time.

The energy formed by the Dragon Elephant Prajna also burst out like a tide.

The Dragon Elephant Prajna is different from the external skills such as the Golden Bell Cover and Iron Cloth Shirt!

It is a real physical training skill.

The ninth level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Sutra is the power of nine dragons and nine elephants!

With such a huge force, even Ye Beixuan didn't know the specific limit.

He only felt that there seemed to be a dragon lurking in his muscles. Once released, he could split the mountain with his bare hands!

The Qi that was originally only in his Dantian began to appear in his flesh.

"What... is going on? The flesh condenses Qi? Is this the real way to become immortal in the flesh?"

Ye Beixuan was shocked.

He only felt that his flesh Qi was now more and stronger than his Dantian internal force!

It seemed that with a slight movement, he could blow up the master with his bare hands!

Ye Beixuan hurriedly looked at the attribute panel again.

[Host: Ye Beixuan]

[Age: 18]

[Realm: Grandmaster Sixth Level Sword Will (Second Level) Physical Grandmaster (Eighth Level)]

[Magic Weapon: Snow Drinking Mad Knife]

[Hang-up Skills: Nine Yang Magic Skills (Late Seventh Level) Yin Yang Body Tempering Skills (Transformation) Dragon Elephant Prajna Skills (Late Ninth Level)]

[Hang-up Martial Arts: Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms (Maximum Level) Light Footsteps (Maximum Level) Golden Bell Cover Iron Cloth Shirt (Maximum Level) Spiritual One Finger (Perfect) Demon Slaying Sword Skills (Transformation) One-Style Divine Sword Slash (Maximum Level) Tianshan Zhemei Hand]

[Hang-up Point: 1871]

There is a new name for the physical master in the realm.

And it has reached the eighth level.

Much higher than his martial arts skills.

This surprised Ye Beixuan.

So it can be played like this?


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