White clouds floated, a few rays of warm sunshine spread across the earth, and pedestrians occasionally passed by on the wide road, which was not crowded.

Qin Yi lived in the eastern suburbs of Yuhang City. The environment here was very good and there were not many people. It was the best choice for the poor.

It was currently half past nine in the morning. After the organ trade with the Alien God Society, he received a huge sum of one million, enough to buy a batch of supplies to grow slowly.

Walking to the end of a street, there was a supermarket on the corner. Unlike a hundred years ago, the supermarket after the resurrection of spiritual energy not only sold ordinary food, but also some non-ranked spiritual fruits for sale for ordinary people to satisfy their cravings.

These spiritual plants that were not even first-rank were extremely special, and many varieties were beneficial to the human body. The Human Alliance had spent decades on research and finally summarized more than a thousand common, edible ordinary spiritual plants.

For example, at the entrance of the supermarket today, there was a billboard with the words [Purple Bamboo Fruit] and [Snow Fruit] on sale at a special price, one thousand yuan per piece.

"It's really a steal. This kind of inferior spiritual fruit can be found everywhere in the outermost part of the secret realm. Thousands of them can be picked at once. If you take them back to the city and sell them, you can make more money than speculating in real estate!"

Because Chen Xuan practiced martial arts, Qin Yi knew a little about some common sense of martial arts. When he was poor, he also fantasized about going to the secret realm to try his luck and pick fruits to sell.

Unfortunately, he was afraid of death and didn't go in.

The secret realm closest to Yuhang is the Xuantian Secret Realm, which is identified as a D-level secret realm by the Zhenling Bureau. Only warriors of at least the first stage can enter. The core area can only be involved by low-level martial artists. Ordinary people will definitely die if they go in.

The Human Alliance divides the secret realm into eight levels, the lowest E level and the highest S level.

Above the S-level secret realm, there is also the cave heaven. It is said that a cave heaven is comparable to a world, which includes at least three S-level secret realms, which are vast and dangerous.

More than ten years ago, the famous Grandmaster Chen Feng of China teamed up with the Western"Son" Johnson to enter the South China Sea Cave Heaven. He has not returned yet, and his life and death are unknown.

"In the past, I would have felt bad buying one of these fruits, right?"

Qin Yi sighed and walked into the supermarket quickly.

Low-quality spiritual fruits are still spiritual fruits. Ordinary people can enhance their physical fitness and improve their martial arts potential if they take them for a long time.

However, most ordinary people cannot afford to take them for a long time. Generally speaking, low-quality spiritual fruits are snacks for the rich.

He walked straight to the cashier of the supermarket and found that the cashier was actually a white-haired old grandfather with wrinkles on his face, and even his eyes were squeezed into a slit.

"Grandpa, I want to buy a purple bamboo fruit and a snow fruit."

Qin Yi showed the payment code on his mobile phone. In his previous life and this life, he had never been so confident.

The old man was stunned for a while, then nodded woodenly, and took out two round and plump fruits from the counter at the back, one white and one purple, which were exactly what Qin Yi needed.

After paying happily, he did not leave, but ate the two spiritual fruits clean in front of the old man without even spitting out the core.

The purple bamboo fruit tastes very sour and has a soft and glutinous texture, like a persimmon. Eating it makes the body warm and indescribably comfortable.

The snow fruit is just the opposite. It tastes as light as water and is icy cold in the mouth. When swallowing it, it feels like the meridians in the whole body have been frozen.


Qin Yi rubbed his hands subconsciously and exhaled a breath of cold air.

The old man at the front desk saw this scene and reminded slowly:"Ordinary people can't eat too many snow fruits and purple bamboo fruits. A maximum of three a day. If you eat more, your meridians and internal organs can't bear it, and it will be dangerous."



Qin Yi's eyes lit up on the spot when he heard these four words, and he hurriedly asked:"Old man, you said it will be dangerous, how dangerous is it?"

Qin Yi, who has adaptive evolution, is not afraid of danger, he is only afraid that the danger is not enough!

A trace of surprise flashed across the old man's face. He has been selling spiritual fruits in the supermarket for so long, and he has never seen anyone ask this kind of question.

Just as he was thinking about how to answer, a young man suddenly came over and answered the question first.

"Is this your first time eating spiritual fruit? You don’t even know this?"

"If an average person eats five purple bamboo fruits a day, it is likely to burn the heart and lungs and cause disease. If they eat more than ten, it will be an overdose and they will bleed and faint, which may put their lives in jeopardy."

"As for the snow fruit... the medicinal properties are even stronger. If an ordinary person eats five, his heart may stop beating because of the cold entering the body!"

The young man in the baseball cap looked at Qin Yi with interest, with undisguised contempt in his eyes.

If these bumpkins who eat spiritual fruits for the first time are not reminded, many of them will even eat themselves to death.

Qin Yi looked back at him, ignored him, and continued to say to the old man:"Give me five more snow fruits and five purple bamboo fruits."

The old man did as he was told, collected the money, packed up and handed over ten fruits.

He thought Qin Yi wanted to take the fruits home to eat slowly, but unexpectedly, Qin Yi peeled the skin on the spot and ate five purple bamboo fruits in one breath, and he couldn't stop him!

The young man who was watching Qin Yi was stunned and exclaimed:"Are you going to die?"

The plain-dressed young man in front of him is obviously not a warrior. If he eats so many spiritual fruits in one breath, he will have to go to the emergency room if he doesn't die!

Qin Yi still didn't bother to pay attention to him. He took five purple bamboo fruits, six in total, including the previous one. The medicinal effect was amazing.

The original warm current gathered into a rolling heat wave, sweeping over his body in an instant. In just one second, Qin Yi was sweating profusely.

The terrifying heat was destroying his meridians and surging towards his heart, making him feel like his whole body was burning.

Blood kept flowing out of his mouth and nose, and the old man and the young man were so scared that they quickly took out their mobile phones and were about to call an ambulance.

"No, no need to call an ambulance, I'm fine, just a little hot."

Qin Yi wiped the blood off his face and took off his coat. He was bleeding and shaking his head with a smile, looking extremely horrified.

No... You are like this, and you are still okay?

Although Li Wufeng looked down on Qin Yi, he didn't want to watch Qin Yi die.

So, Li Wufeng decided to continue calling for help.

The call was quickly connected. Li Wufeng briefly described the current situation and their location. The ambulance immediately started the operation and rushed to Yuhang Dongjiao Supermarket.

"What is the patient's current condition? Is he in shock or fainting?"

During the rescue, the communication was not interrupted, and the doctor on the other end of the phone needed to clarify the situation.

Li Wufeng hurriedly looked at Qin Yi and stated truthfully:"He is full of energy and radiant, as if new... eh?"

Qin Yi, who was full of energy in front of him, stunned Li Wufeng.

Am I dreaming?

Didn't this man look like he was about to die a minute ago?

"Huh? Full of energy? Please don't joke, this is a matter of life and death!"

"How is the patient now?"

"Hello? Are you still there? ?"

The doctor's anxious calls kept coming to his ears, but Li Wufeng had no time to respond.

Because... Qin Yi did not stop. He walked out of the pool of blood under his feet, showed the payment code, and smiled at the old man:"Grandpa, it tastes good. Give me another hundred purple bamboo fruits."

Li Wufeng:??????

Old man:??????

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