The wound was so severe that the wound was not healed.

Zhao Tianyang felt pain, his body trembled, and he struggled to get up.

But he saw a figure holding a hammer.

"Ling... Ling Feng!"

Zhao Tianyang was in a very complicated mood at this moment.

Just now, he wanted to shoot Ling Feng in the chaos, but he didn't expect that he would save him at the critical moment!

For a moment, Zhao Tianyang felt guilty.

But before he could cry, the spiked rhino turned its head and rushed towards the two.

Ling Feng held a hammer in his hand. Everyone thought he would block the spiked rhino for Zhao Tianyang, but no one expected Ling Feng to jump and climb up the wall to the second floor again, and then the third floor...

A long voice came from Zhao Tianyang's head: "Dad is gone!"

Everyone was stunned.

Zhao Tianyang was also stunned for a moment.

But the spiked rhino in front of him was obviously more angry than before, rushing towards Zhao Tianyang faster and faster.

Zhao Tianyang didn't have time to scold Ling Feng, and ran out.

But the pistol was swallowed by the rhino. Now Zhao Tianyang could only hide and hit the rhino with stones.

He was quite cunning and ran to a crowded place, but everyone avoided him.

"Asshole, don't come over!"

"Fuck, do you want to kill us?"

Many people cursed, but Zhao Tianyang didn't care. He ran wherever it was safe.

The spiked rhino kept crashing into the crowd, and soon it hooked up Zhao Tianyang's clothes and pushed him out.

Zhao Tianyang was heartbroken.

But the next moment, Ling Feng descended from the sky and kicked Zhao Tianyang out!

"Dad is here again!"

Before Zhao Tianyang could get up, Ling Feng ran away again.

"Dad is gone again!"

Zhao Tianyang wanted to curse, this Ling Feng was 100% intentional!

The spiked rhino lost its target and began to chase others.

Everyone fled in panic, screaming one after another.

But Zhao Tianyang hadn't rested for long, and the spiked rhino was pulled back by everyone.


Zhao Tianyang's face turned pale with fear, and although his legs were weak, he still ran out desperately.

But he was soon caught up.

The spiked rhino couldn't penetrate their protective clothing, but it was still painful when it was pushed.

Zhao Tianyang was once again hung on the top of the spikes by the rhino.

The next second, Ling Feng's shadowless kick arrived as expected.

"Dad is here!"

With one kick, Zhao Tianyang fell directly into the pile of dirt outside the wall.

He finally understood that Ling Feng, this bastard, was just trying to kick him!

"Ling Feng, you attack me! You will be disqualified!"

"Bullshit!" Ling Feng came over, grabbed Zhao Tianyang's collar, and glared at him: "I'm saving you!"

"I..." Zhao Tianyang was choked with anger.

"Dad has suffered a lot for you, an unfilial son!" Ling Feng kicked him on the butt, "Look, I'm sweating!"

Zhao Tianyang: ? ? ?

Ling Feng was about to speak when he felt a violent vibration behind him.

It was that spiked rhino, coming again.

But unlike Zhao Tianyang, Ling Feng did not run away. Instead, he took a step and jumped onto the second floor by stepping on the wall. He turned around and smashed the head of the spiked rhino with a hammer!

The spikes on the hammer pierced into the rhino's skin, splashing blood.

The spiked rhino howled in pain, turned its head and threw Ling Feng away, and then crashed into the wall in panic.

The wall collapsed, and the movements of the spiked rhino also slowed down.

At this moment, the candidates behind them had come to their senses and began to attack the big guy in an organized and premeditated manner.

For a while, swords, sticks and clubs all chopped on the body of the spiked rhino.

Ling Feng struggled to get up and rubbed his aching right arm.

"What a powerful force, this spiked rhino, its strength may have reached the boundary level 25!"

Although Ling Feng's hammer hurt it, it did not hurt the root.

Fortunately, the examinees were not stupid. They attacked together and finally injured the spiky rhino.

Seeing the big guy who had stopped, everyone began to surround him.

"It has no strength!"

"Quick, kill him while he is sick!"

At this time, a spirited young man ran out from somewhere in the crowd, holding a submachine gun and shouting: "Get out of the way, let me do it!"

Everyone looked back and saw him aiming a submachine gun at the butt of the spiky rhino and fired a burst of bullets!

Da da da da da...

Submachine gun with blue flames

Keep shooting.

But it was this burst of bullets that made the eyes of the already languishing Spiked Rhino turn blood red.

A howl echoed on the battlefield!

It began to rush around desperately, and everyone saw it and fled in fear again.

"Fuck, why are you hitting its butt for no reason?"

"Nonsense, this guy has thick skin and flesh, and bullets can't penetrate the surface. If you don't hit its butt, where else can you hit it?"

"You still said! This is good, it really pissed it off!"

The candidates ran away breathlessly, they hated the spirited young man just now.

And Ling Feng stood on a high place again, he was looking for Zhao Tianyang's location.

Finally, he found Zhao Tianyang pretending to be dead in a ruin.

"This kid is lazy."

"It seems that I have to give you something to do."

Ling Feng smiled playfully, and took advantage of the opportunity when the Spiked Rhino came over, and immediately jumped down and sat on it.

The next second, he smashed the spiked rhino's head with a hammer!

Blood spurted out, the spiked rhino's eyes were bloodshot, and it began to run around.

Seeing this, Ling Feng smashed to the left.

The spiked rhino ran to the right.

He smashed to the right, and the spiked rhino ran to the left.

Soon, under Ling Feng's precise control, he went in the direction of Zhao Tianyang.

At this moment, Zhao Tianyang, who was pretending to be a corpse, felt the vibration of the ground and squinted his eyes quietly.

But the hooves of the spiked rhino approaching him scared him to death.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Zhao Tianyang didn't dare to pretend anymore, and quickly got up and ran for his life.

Ling Feng smashed it on the head with a hammer, muttering: "Let you challenge me! Let you be arrogant with me! Let you worry about something you shouldn't worry about!"

Zhao Tianyang, who was running for his life in front, trembled in his heart when he heard these words.

Was he talking about the Spiked Rhino or about him?

But at the moment, he obviously didn't care about so much.

"Brother Ling, I know I was wrong! Don't mess with me, can't I call you daddy!"

"What did you say? Speak louder!"

Zhao Tianyang didn't care about his dignity at this moment, and hurriedly shouted: "Dad, save me!"

Hearing this, Ling Feng smiled playfully.

The reflection of a stone source beast appeared in his eyes.

The stone source small world, the power is increased!

He smashed it hard with a hammer.

This time, it was no longer a little skin breakage and bleeding, but directly shattered the skull of the Spiked Rhino!

The Spiked Rhino screamed to the sky, its body softened, and it died on the spot!

And Ling Feng also seized the opportunity to jump off its back, holding the spiked iron hammer with blood, and came to Zhao Tianyang.

He looked down at Zhao Tianyang: "Son, you have returned to the right path, and Dad is very relieved."

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