The two of them were very excited.

"Exchange competition?"

The three of them were stunned.

"Yes, that's their request." Dean Song nodded, "If you can get the quota, then Ling Feng won't have to occupy a quota for Jiangnan Higher College, and both of you can be recommended to go in."

"This is a strategy that has the best of both worlds."

Song Zichuan and Chen Xinyao hesitated.

"Dean, what are their requirements? Win the exchange competition?" Song Zichuan asked, "In this case, how can we beat the students of Jiangnan First Secondary College!"

Just kidding, the students over there are super strong, almost everyone has passed the one-star realm assessment!

Let them go, isn't it sending them to die?

Dean Song coughed lightly and said, "Don't worry about this, just try your best. Don't worry, if I'm not sure, I won't let you go."

Dean Song glanced at the corner and said lightly, "It's probably like this, the time is Friday. You still have a few days to prepare, go back and train well, don't embarrass the college!"

Ling Feng and the other two stood up.

Although they were a little confused, they still accepted Dean Song's arrangement.

It's a good thing to have one more quota, at least the three of them don't have to fight for it.

After Ling Feng and the other two left, Dean Song carefully closed the door and looked around the corridor before looking behind the curtains in the office.

"Are you satisfied?"

A woman came out from behind the curtains, sat on the sofa in the office, picked up the tea on the table and took a sip.

Then she looked at Dean Song with a smile: "You are sensible."

The woman was about forty years old, wearing a pair of frameless glasses, and had a scholarly temperament.

Dean Song sighed: "Mingyan, I just want a quota for your research institute, don't you want to drag my son into it?"

"As for, why not?" The woman said lightly, "You got together with her that year and dumped me. Have you ever thought about my feelings?"

Dean Song's face suddenly became much uglier.

If Song Zichuan and the other two were here, they would probably be shocked.

This woman actually had an affair with Dean Song!

"It's been so many years, do you still remember?" Dean Song said awkwardly: "Old rotten sesame and millet... Let it go."

This woman is Li Mingyan, the vice president of Jiangnan No. 1 Secondary College, and the quota is in her hands.

If Ling Feng hadn't insisted on a quota for the research institute, he wouldn't have asked Li Mingyan.

Because Li Mingyan had been with him and was his old lover.

"You still want to say it?" Li Mingyan said angrily, "You are the one who refuses to recognize me! I haven't been married for so many years, can't you see that? Do you have to ask me to tell you in person?"

Dean Song was as quiet as a chicken.

There was no way, he was asking for help, and he was in the wrong!

"Don't worry, he is your son, I will let my students be more cautious." Li Mingyan said.

Dean Song was relieved.

But Li Mingyan said again: "But he is also the son of that woman! I'm afraid it's unlikely that you want him to step down safely."

Dean Song's heart was lifted again.

That's right, the purpose of this exchange competition has never been exchange, but Li Mingyan wanted to toss Song Zichuan.

Poor Song Zichuan, he still doesn't know until now.

But for the quota in the college and to calm the anger of his old lover, Dean Song had no choice but to resort to this last resort.

"The big exam will be in two months. He just got injured. Don't let him get hurt too badly..." Dean Song said helplessly, "I beg you."

"Hmph, it's a formal competition anyway. He got injured because he's too weak! It has nothing to do with me." Li Mingyan said, "You were so outstanding back then. If your son was half as good as you, he wouldn't be in trouble!"

Dean Song looked embarrassed.

Seeing this, Li Mingyan stopped forcing Dean Song and stood up and said, "I have something else to do. I'll leave first. Friday, remember."

She opened the door, but turned back and said, "By the way, your tea is really unpalatable. You can change it."

The door of the office was shut heavily, leaving only Dean Song's sigh.


On the other side, Ling Feng and Song Zichuan were at peace.

After learning that Ling Feng had passed the one-star realm assessment, Song Zichuan was as obedient as a rabbit.

Ling Feng didn't pay attention to him, but thought about the exchange competition.

"The students of Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School are all very powerful. The level of Yuanyuan Realm Power is very high.

They are probably higher than me, but still not the best. Several of them have reached the threshold of two-star realm. "Ling Feng thought, "It's not easy to deal with them."

"I don't know if Dean Song did it on purpose or not, but he actually asked students from Jiangnan No. 1 Secondary School to participate in the exchange competition."

Ling Feng frowned.

"But my realm power level has reached 20.4. To deal with them, I have to reach 25.0 at least. Then, with the power of the small world, it's not difficult to win those people."

"The most urgent thing is to find Jiang Yi to make money first, otherwise the Red Flame Small World is stuck here, and I can't continue to open other small worlds."

Ling Feng has made up his mind.

When the school bell rang, he slipped away faster than anyone else.

He wanted to go directly to the Xingyi Research Institute, but when he passed by Zheng Hongji's courtyard, he found that there were several military vehicles parked in the courtyard.

"Huh? What's going on? "

Ling Feng frowned, and he looked inside with some curiosity.

He saw Zheng Hongji and several young officers walked out of his office.

"Senior Zheng, if it weren't for the emergency on the front line, we wouldn't come to you old soldiers for help." A young man said, "Please consider our proposal. Now there are strange beasts everywhere, and we are short of manpower. You have prestige among the old soldiers, so it is most appropriate for you to come forward."

Zheng Hongji frowned, and the three marks on his face became more and more ferocious.

"It's not that I don't want to help, it's that I don't have the face to do it." Zheng Hongji said, "If you want me, this old bone, to go to the battlefield, I am willing, but for others... I can't do anything."

Several young officers looked solemn, and they saluted Zheng Hongji.

"Senior Zheng, the situation is getting more and more difficult now, and please come forward to negotiate for the sake of the Tianxia military. "

"We don't want the veterans to take risks again, but if we don't mobilize the manpower now, Jiangnan City will be in danger!"

Zheng Hongji looked at these people in silence, and he sighed: "Okay, I'll give it a try."

"Thank you, Senior Zheng!" Several young officers were overjoyed and thanked him.

"Then we won't bother you anymore, let's go first."

Several officers got in their cars and drove past Ling Feng.

Ling Feng turned around and found Zheng Hongji staring at him.

He quickly hid in the bushes.

"Come out, I can see you."

Zheng Hongji's words came.

Ling Feng was quick-witted and imitated a few cat calls.

But the next second, Zheng Hongji lifted Ling Feng up from the bushes.

"I'm old, not blind. How can I not see you? "

Ling Feng turned his head and said with a wry smile: "Old Zheng, I'm just passing by, don't arrest me... We have an appointment."

"Hmph, you kid!" Zheng Hongji's face was gloomy, "Tell me the truth, why are you here?"

"I just saw a car parked here..." Ling Feng asked curiously: "What do they want to see you for?"

Zheng Hongji didn't answer immediately, leaving Ling Feng aside and went straight into the yard.

Ling Feng followed him happily.

Zheng Hongji sat down, took a sip of tea and said: "They are from the Tianxia military. This time they came here to ask me to come forward and ask some veterans to regroup into a team!"

Ling Feng was stunned: "You still have this ability?"

Zheng Hongji glared: "What do you think? I have killed more monsters than you have killed chickens! "

Ling Feng muttered: "I have never killed a chicken..."

Zheng Hongji took a sip of tea and said lightly: "I had a company of people under my command back then. After retiring, they were scattered all over Jiangnan City. These old comrades are very strong, and some of them even reached the level of Lingkong Realm after retiring, so they wanted me to be a lobbyist to let them return to the battlefield. "

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