"It's hard to make so many." Ling Feng said, "It takes a lot of energy to extract this stuff. I'm going to be exhausted." "That's right." Ling Yuan nodded thoughtfully. Then she picked up her phone and started looking at the shopping app. Ling Feng asked in confusion: "What are you doing?"

"I'll buy you some wolfberries, and you can soak them in water and drink them later." Ling Yuan said, "So you can refine more."

Ling Feng was shocked: "Yuan Yuan, we don't have to... Besides, we still have to get the raw materials!"

"Don't worry about the raw materials. Several of my classmates have families in the pharmaceutical business, so they should be able to buy them at a low price." Ling Yuan said, "It's mainly about funds and your production capacity. And brother, can you teach me how to refine? I also want to learn."

"Sure, the tuition fee is three million." Ling Feng stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the money."

Ling Yuan was stunned: "You even want to take money from your own sister?"

Ling Feng snorted: "You sound like you haven't received a lot of hush money from me."

In fact, he was just talking about it. The innate ability "Blood Fusion" used to refine the flesh and blood of alien beasts is an additional talent in the Red Flame Small World, and there is no way to teach others.

"If you don't want to teach, then I will get the raw materials for you, and I want an extra half of the share."


Ling Feng agreed happily.

He calculated that if he wanted to open four more small worlds, he would need at least another four million.

If he didn't rely on blood fusion, he would have to go to the research institute to do experiments and get paid at least twenty times to get four million.

After dinner, Ling Feng immediately devoted himself to refining the flesh and blood of the alien beast.

With the opening of the talent "blood fusion", the flesh and blood of the alien beast on Ling Feng's left hand slowly turned into blood beads on his right hand.

Then these blood beads merged in the bottle and condensed into blood crystals.

In one night, after three failures, Ling Feng successfully produced ten blood essences as expected.

"These should be able to sell for more than half a million..."

Ling Feng glanced at the time. It was already one o'clock in the morning. He quickly washed up and fell asleep.

The next morning, after he handed the blood essence to Ling Yuan, he hurried to the college.

He made an appointment with Zheng Hongji to come to him in the morning to learn "flash punch" in preparation for the exchange competition on Friday.

In just a few days, if he could learn the flash punch, his combat power would be greatly improved. Even if he had not reached the threshold of the three-star realm, he could fight against the three-star realm.

"Old Zheng, I'm here again."

Ling Feng smiled and popped out from outside Zheng Hongji's courtyard.

But he found that there were more than ten veterans in the courtyard.

These veterans lined up and stood in front of Zheng Hongji.


Zheng Hongji shouted.






"Report to the company commander, the number of people is all here!"

The veterans stood straight, their eyes were sharp, as if their momentum had not diminished at all.

"Yeah." Zheng Hongji nodded, tears flickering in his eyes.

Ling Feng then realized that Zheng Hongji used to be a company commander in the army.

And standing in front of him was a regular squad.

Three squads form a platoon, and three platoons form a company.

Ling Feng looked at the old soldiers, many of whom had thinning hair and were dying.

But they still stood there.

"Ling Feng, you are here, what are you doing?" Zheng Hongji yelled, "Come in!"

Ling Feng ran in with his head held high.

"Old Zheng, what are you doing?"

"These are my old comrades." Zheng Hongji said, "Ten people, just one squad."

"Aren't you the company commander? You only have so few people under you?" Ling Feng asked strangely, "Where are the others?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Zheng Hongji said with a gloomy look: "Except for a few Lingkong Realm who have already gone to fight, my company, what you see in front of you is all!"

Ling Feng was stunned.

He knew he had said something he shouldn't have said.

"Sorry, Old Zheng, I didn't mean it."

"You kid, you know how to apologize?" Zheng Hongji laughed, "This is the first time since I met you!"

Ling Feng: "......."

"Let me introduce you, this is a student from the academy, and I am in charge of him now." Zheng Hongji said, "His name is Ling Feng, whoever has time can practice with him and help him."

Many veterans looked at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's body was shocked.

Although these veterans were as old as Zheng Hongji, they were

Almost every one of them is a good fighter on the battlefield, and all of them are in the Chaos Realm.

Their combat skills, means of killing enemies, and physical fitness are all first-class.

"Old company commander, students can come back to teach again. When do we set out?"

A white-bearded old man asked in the crowd.

Ling Feng noticed that he was carrying several rifles behind him, and these guns looked old.

This should be a veteran who is used to using hot weapons.

"The time we agreed with them is this afternoon." Zheng Hongji said, "But now the war zone is in chaos, we must not run around! We have to follow the plan of the military district, they will send someone to take us away."

Ling Feng frowned when he heard this and said, "Old Zheng, didn't you say there are still a few days? Why do we have to leave today!?"

"The situation has changed." Zheng Hongji said solemnly, "The people from the military district contacted me last night, and the number of alien beasts outside the wall of Jiangnan City suddenly increased! Especially the Chaos-level alien beasts, which showed an exponential increase! In just one night, a level 3 beast tide broke out in multiple directions, and even a level 2 beast tide broke out in the middle of the night!"

"Last night, several Lingkong Realm fell."

"Although we veterans only have the strength of the Chaos Realm, when we form a team, our killing speed is no worse than those Lingkong Realm!"

"We will set off this afternoon and spend the night outside." Zheng Hongji said, "Boy, during the few days I'm away, you can practice boxing by yourself, just don't collapse my small courtyard!"

Ling Feng was stunned.

He didn't expect things to deteriorate so quickly.

If the beast tide outside the wall of Jiangnan City is not effectively suppressed, then the wall of Jiangnan City may be hit by the beast tide.

Once this happens, Jiangnan City will be in danger, and people will lose their current stable lives.

"But we still have one morning to practice with you." Zheng Hongji said, "When Song Zichuan comes over later, I will teach him the key points of the Lightning Five Whips. Let my old comrades teach you the Flash Fist."

Several veterans patted their chests and assured Zheng Hongji: "Don't worry, old company commander, leave this kid to us, nothing will happen."

Ling Feng's legs were a little weak. Zheng Hongji alone was enough for him to drink a pot. Now there are so many Chaos Realm staring at him?

Isn't it over?

"Kid." The white-bearded old man carrying a gun walked out of the crowd, patted Ling Feng on the shoulder and said: "My name is Wang Wei, I will be your opponent first. Come, attack me! Show your strength!"

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