After Zheng Hongji left, he didn't come back for two days.

Ling Feng also received his own reward from Ling Yuan that night.

Then he went to the "Yi" store, but unfortunately, he couldn't find cheap materials for the body of the Sky Hunter Fox.

The cheapest price was one million.

Unless someone bought it and divided some for Ling Feng, Ling Feng would not be able to bring it back.

Ling Feng could only buy some more blood and flesh of the exotic beasts to extract the essence of the blood.

With Ling Yuan's sales channels, it was only a matter of time to save so much money.

Ling Feng also went to the Star Pavilion to quietly test his level of boundary force.

Just as he thought, the strength reached 1310 kg, and the speed had a lot of breakthroughs, surpassing 30m/s and reaching 30.2m/s.

The level of boundary force was calculated to be 49.45, which is not far from the standard of 60.0 for three-star boundary masters.

Soon, Friday arrived.

On this day, Ling Feng, Song Zichuan, and Chen Xinyao all got on Dean Song's car and went to Jiangnan No. 1 Secondary School.

The other visiting students followed behind in a bus.

Dean Song brought about 40 students this time. They did not participate in the competition, but just came to watch.

This is also good for their boundary force level improvement.

Song Zichuan was very proud along the way: "Mr. Zheng's method is indeed useful. In just these two days, my boundary force level has risen rapidly and has now exceeded 9.0! It is estimated that in another month, I will be able to reach the level of a one-star boundary master!"

Chen Xinyao ignored Song Zichuan as usual.

Her boundary force level is the weakest among the three, only 6.8.

This is the result of her family gritting their teeth to buy her expensive tonic.

But Chen Xinyao's family is not as good as Song Zichuan, and it is impossible for them to spend millions to customize tonic for her.

In this exchange competition, Chen Xinyao is under the greatest pressure.

"You guys, don't feel any pressure." Dean Song, who was driving, smiled and said, "It's just an ordinary exchange competition. We are going to see the world. It's not shameful to lose. The process is the most important. Don't get hurt and affect the big exam."

After saying this, he subconsciously glanced at Song Zichuan sitting in the co-pilot.

Ling Feng noticed that Dean Song's expression seemed a little subtle.

But he could only see Dean Song's profile, so he didn't notice anything.

Song Zichuan was also in high spirits at the moment, so he naturally didn't notice anything.

Dean Song parked the car in front of the gate of Jiangnan No. 1 Secondary College.

A banner has been hung above the main gate of the school.

[Warmly welcome Xiao Ran Secondary College to visit and exchange with our school! 】

The one who greeted Dean Song was the woman who had appeared in Dean Song's office before.

That is, Li Mingyan, the vice president of Jiangnan No. 1 Secondary College.

Today, she wore a small suit and stood at the school gate with her students to greet Dean Song and his group.

"Dean Song!" Li Mingyan smiled and stepped forward and shook his hand, "You are finally here!"

Dean Song suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

Before he could answer, Li Mingyan's eyes fell on Song Zichuan who got off the car on the other side.

"Is this your son? Sure enough, he is just like you, half talented, and the other half..."

Dean Song looked a little strange: "Huh? What did you say?"

"I said he is a good-looking man." Li Mingyan said with a smile, "Go in quickly, we have prepared the venue."

Dean Song was a little nervous.

For the quota of this research institute, Song Zichuan will probably suffer today.

I don't know what kind of exchange competition Li Mingyan arranged.

The area of ​​Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School is much larger than that of Xiaoran Middle School, and there are two training grounds alone.

One in the east, where the flag is raised in the morning.

One in the west, used as a training ground.

Ling Feng went to the one in the west before.

And this time, the exchange competition was held in the main track and field stadium in the east.

The students of Xiaoran Middle School got off the bus led by physical education teacher An Pingsheng.

He is a three-star realm master, but his realm power level is about to break through the threshold of a four-star realm master.

This time, in addition to work, An Pingsheng also wanted to see the training mode and environment here when he came to Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School for exchange.

"Everyone, line up! Follow Dean Song, don't run around! Otherwise, stay in the car and don't come in!"

The students lined up honestly and did what An Pingsheng said.

This kind of exchange opportunity is rare, they have to seize it.

Ling Feng and the other two

followed behind Dean Song.

Li Yanmei glanced at the three people and asked, "The other boy is Ling Feng you mentioned? Is he going to the Research Institute?"

"Yes." Dean Song said helplessly, "No matter how you persuade this kid, he won't be persuaded."

Li Yanmei smiled and said, "It seems that he has no confidence in his realm power level."

Ling Feng behind them heard their conversation.

How could these two people understand that as long as they go to the Research Institute, they will be assigned to the research institute after graduation, and at least they will be in the research industry and can fish.

And the Realm Master Academy is extremely competitive, and everyone is scrambling for the realm power level.

Ling Feng is a little tired now, but if he enters the Research Institute, he can use his previous life experience to lie down, so why not?

Looking at the students lined up on the playground, Li Yanmei continued to smile and said, "Our college is lucky this year. There are more than ten students who have broken through the two-star realm master standard! Among them, several have obtained the two-star realm master assessment certificate. There are even two or three whose realm power levels are close to three-star realm masters."

Dean Song did not speak on the surface, but secretly sighed.

They are all students, of similar age, but Xiaoran Middle School is much worse than them.

They are still struggling for the undergraduate line.

Many families cannot afford tonics, so they can only hope that their children work hard.

On the other hand, here, there are a lot of students from well-off families.

Some people are not talented, but their families are willing to spend money, so all kinds of tonics and even teachers of Chaos Realm and Lingkong Realm are arranged.

If it doesn't work, go abroad and receive training abroad to get a gold plating.

In this way, even a pig can pass the one-star realm assessment.

"This time we have only three students participating in the competition, how can we arrange opponents for them?"

Dean Song asked.

"It's very simple. Our students wear weights." Li Yanmei said, "The weights are on the head, neck, wrists, ankles and calves. There are seven pieces in total, with a total weight of 350 kilograms."

"Your students wear the same style of weights, weighing less than one kilogram."

"These weights can effectively protect the fragile parts of the head, wrists and ankles, so even if the fight is intense, nothing will happen."

Dean Song was a little surprised.

Fighting with a weight of 700 kilograms hanging on the body?

The speed will be limited to a very low level!

Is Li Yanmei too confident in the students of her college, or does she simply want to let them have a hand?

But before Dean Song could speak, Ling Feng behind them interrupted and said, "Well, I want to ask if this quota is obtained by winning, or by other means?"

"Win, or another way." Li Yanmei glanced at Dean Song meaningfully.

Dean Song was horrified.

Ling Feng nodded and said, "That's good, let's get started quickly. I'll try to make it quick and decisive."

Ling Feng's words stunned the teachers and students around him.

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