Gao Wu: Quietly Draw The Sword, And Then Surprise Everyone

Chapter 1: Quietly Draw The Sword And Then Surprise Everyone

Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

Today is the day for all the senior high school students in Dalong Kingdom to test their martial arts qualifications.

Students from well-off families may have tested their martial arts aptitudes long ago, but today they are mainly testing students from poor families or some orphans.

Demons roam freely and ghosts run rampant, causing many people to become orphans.

On the podium.

At this time, I happened to go to Zhaoyang for testing.

As an orphan without a father or mother, Zhao Yang had never done this kind of test before.

Now Zhao Yang is extremely looking forward to it, hoping that he can test out good martial arts qualifications.

A time traveler, for eighteen years, I haven't seen a single hair in the system, not even the grandfather's.

This created a huge gap for Zhao Yang. Other time travelers were always the system or all kinds of awesome cheats.

In the past eighteen years, Zhao Yang has no longer had any expectations for the system and those weird golden fingers. His only expectation is whether the crystal ball in front of him can burst out with dazzling light.

This crystal ball is used to test students' martial arts aptitude.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yang stretched out his right hand and placed it on the crystal ball.

A pale white light disappeared fleetingly.

"Zhao Yang, martial arts qualification - ordinary level." The examiner responsible for recording the students' martial arts qualifications couldn't help but sigh.

The examiner had also heard of Zhao Yang's name, but the martial arts aptitude detected by Zhao Yang now disappointed the examiner.

With ordinary martial arts qualifications, Zhao Yang was destined to have no bright future in this life.

In this world, martial arts are respected, the strong destroy the world, and the weak become ants.

Martial arts qualifications determine a person's upper limit.

The most rubbish martial arts qualification is the mortal level.

If a holder of ordinary level martial arts qualifications does not have some great opportunity, he will be at the peak of the Body Refining Realm throughout his life, unable to enter the Qi Sea Realm.

Among warriors, there are so many people in the body refining realm that they are just cannon fodder at best.

If you don't enter the sea for a day, you will be cannon fodder for the rest of your life!

As the examiner finished speaking, noisy discussions suddenly began on the playground.

"This Zhao Yang, I originally thought he was so great, but it's nothing more than that."

"Yes, my grades are so good, but my qualifications are not."

"No matter how good his grades in liberal arts are, but his martial arts qualifications are not good, no martial arts university will accept him. It's a pity."

"Other than Zhao Yang being more handsome and having better grades in liberal arts, it's nothing. Now, I can finally surpass him in one aspect."

"Those sect families that extended an olive branch to Zhao Yang before will probably not have any contact with Zhao Yang in the future."


Looking at Zhao Yang on the stage, his class teacher Xia Yurou couldn't help but sigh.

Xia Yurou had high hopes for Zhao Yang. After all, Zhao Yang's liberal arts scores were the best in the city!

But it is a pity that Zhao Yang's martial arts qualifications are ordinary.

In this world, demons run rampant and ghosts are rampant, and only by practicing martial arts can one get ahead.

Warriors have an extraordinary status in this world. To put it simply, they are the masters of men!

It's not that people with ordinary level martial arts qualifications can't practice martial arts, it's just that the speed of practice is too slow, like useless materials.

The country cultivates talents, and no one cares about waste materials.

If you want to be admitted to a martial arts university, you must not only have good grades in liberal arts, but also have good martial arts qualifications.

Zhao Yang's martial arts qualifications destined Zhao Yang to miss the martial arts university. This was a pity that Zhao Yang ranked first in the city.


It has been eighteen years since he traveled to this world, and Zhao Yang already has a general understanding of this world.

Overall, this is a world somewhat similar to Earth.

The world map is the same, and the general historical development is not much different.

The leaders are different, and the names of the countries are also different.

The biggest difference is that this world is full of dangers.

Demons are everywhere and ghosts are rampant. This is no joke.

"Huh, I'm going to be a laborer again." After exhaling, Zhao Yang slowly walked off the stage.

Almost all of the ordinary students burst into tears after discovering that they only had mortal martial arts qualifications.

But Zhao Yang is different.

Having lived in two lifetimes, Zhao Yang is naturally more mature than his peers and has a better mentality than others.

This blow is nothing, just a little depressing.

Zhao Yang was a laborer in his previous life. Since he has no chance of martial arts in this life, he will continue to be a laborer honestly.

"Teacher, I'm sorry to disappoint you." Zhao Yang walked to Xia Yurou and bowed to Xia Yurou.

Zhao Yang noticed Xia Yurou's kindness to him before.

Seeing that Xia Yurou had no reaction, Zhao Yang walked back to his seat and continued to stand. He had to wait for all the senior high school students to finish the test before they could be dismissed.

"Xia Yurou must be very disappointed now." Zhao Yang glanced at Xia Yurou and thought to himself.

Then, Zhao Yang glanced at the indifferent classmates around him and couldn't help but start laughing at himself.

In the past, these classmates were eager to get close to Zhao Yang, especially the female classmates. They all wanted to crawl into Zhao Yang's bed.

Now that Zhao Yang's martial arts qualifications are so rubbish, all those people in the past have become indifferent to Zhao Yang, without even saying a word to comfort Zhao Yang.

"Yes, after all, I have no value in their eyes now." Zhao Yang sighed.

In this world, due to environmental reasons, almost everyone at the age of seventeen or eighteen has learned to follow the crowd.

Zhao Yang understands this very well!

"Fortunately, I haven't done anything extreme before. Otherwise, someone would probably jump out and hit me by now."

The testing on the stage continued, but Zhao Yang had lost interest.

How can you be interested in something that has nothing to do with you?

At this moment, an ethereal voice sounded in Zhao Yang's mind.

"The host is being tested...The test is completed and meets the requirements."

Hearing this voice, Zhao Yang almost jumped up!

As a time traveler, how can I not know what this thing is?

"System binding...binding successful!"

"Welcome to the sword drawing system, you can get rewards when you draw your sword!"

"It has been detected that the host's martial arts qualifications are extremely rubbish. For this reason, the system has prepared a great gift for the host, which can be received after the host completes drawing the sword for the first time."

"The sword drawing system? Hiss! It's a bit novel!" Zhao Yang said with emotion.

In his previous life, Zhao Yang had heard of sign-in systems, selection systems, lottery systems, and other systems, but he had never heard of a sword-drawing system.

"The host will quietly draw the sword and then surprise everyone!"

"Draw the sword quietly? And then surprise everyone? Hahahaha, this is possible."

The appearance of the system wiped away the depression on Zhao Yang's face! Replaced by the confidence of the past!

With the assistance of the system, as long as the development continues smoothly, all monsters and monsters will have to give way to Zhao Yang!

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