Gao Wu: Quietly Draw The Sword, And Then Surprise Everyone

Chapter 5 Emergency Situation, Sound The Alarm

"It is recommended that the host goes to the wild to fight monsters, so that he can become familiar with and master his own power."

"Going to fight monsters in the wild? Tsk tsk, I'm quite looking forward to it." Zhao Yang had a trace of expectation in his eyes.

Zhao Yang has never left Jiangcheng since he traveled to this world.

Mortals are not allowed to leave the city. This is the rule of this world.

The wilderness is too dangerous, and mortals will die if they go out.

It is precisely because of this rule that Zhao Yang has never left Jiangcheng before.

I don’t even know what it’s like outside.

If you don't become a warrior, your whole life will be like this.

Jiangcheng is like a cage, covering all the mortals in Jiangcheng.

Now that Zhao Yang has become a martial artist and has reached the eighth level of body refining, he can leave the city.

After practicing all night, Zhao Yang did not feel sleepy at all, but was in high spirits.

These are all changes brought to Zhao Yang by improving his cultivation level.

At the eighth level of physical training, let alone one night, even if you don't sleep for a week, you don't have to worry about sudden death.

Without preparing anything, Zhao Yang took out the sword he got from Uncle Wang for free and walked out directly.

In order not to make others suspicious, it is necessary to carry weapons when going out of the city.

The Qingfeng Sword is a Xuan-level weapon, and with Zhao Yang's current level of cultivation, it is not suitable to be exposed.

Otherwise, others will become interested in seeing Cai.

Seeing Zhao Yang walking out of the city alone, the city gate guards were a little surprised.

Who dares to leave the city alone, who is not a warrior above the innate martial master level?

Even people in the Qihai warrior realm dare not leave the city alone.

There are too many uncertainties in the wild, and blood may be splattered on the spot in the next second.

This is no joke.

If it weren't for the fact that Zhao Yang was relatively young, the city gate guards would definitely have stopped Zhao Yang.

At a young age, he has reached the eighth level of physical training. The city gate guards have already regarded Zhao Yang as a genius of a certain family. Naturally, they dare not stop him, otherwise, they will lose their position as gatekeeper!

"At the age of seventeen or eighteen, he has already reached the eighth level of physical training. This kid must be a genius from a big family, right?"

"That's for sure, I just don't know how far it can go."

The two city gate guards looked at Zhao Yang's walking back, with a hint of expectation on their faces.

For geniuses, they naturally hope that the more the better.

Genius represents hope.

Only with more geniuses can humans have a chance to change the situation.

I just don’t know if they can see the day when mankind is liberated.

Over the years, they have seen many human beings die tragically at the hands of demons and monsters.

If it weren't for their lack of strength, they would all want to kill all the demons and monsters in this world.

After walking out of Jiangcheng, Zhao Yang began to wander aimlessly.

I don’t have a map and I’ve never been outside, so I don’t know what’s going on outside the city.

Zhao Yang didn't know where the monsters were.

We can only try our luck and see if we can encounter one or two lone and low-level monsters.

High-level demons and ghosts cannot be defeated, and Zhao Yang can only fight against low-level demons and ghosts.

Just when Zhao Yang was looking for the lonely monster, the clear sky suddenly exploded.

boom! boom! boom!

The explosion that resounded across the sky attracted the attention of everyone within a hundred miles.

Zhao Yang was no exception, looking towards the sky.

Two vague figures can be vaguely seen.

At this time, everyone within a hundred miles knew that this was not thunder, but someone was fighting.

Fighting can trigger such a movement. The two people fighting must have a high level of cultivation.

The distance is too far, and no one except the person involved knows the specific cultivation level of those two people, and no one dares to investigate.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yang heard the siren sounding in Jiangcheng behind him.

Zhao Yang knew instantly that something big was going on!

In the past eighteen years, Zhao Yang has heard this level of alarm five times.

After the alarm was raised, within a day, Jiangcheng was attacked by a large number of demons and monsters.

Commonly known as the demon tide!

"His grandma, I wanted to find a demon to practice with, but I encountered something like this. It seems I have to wait for now."

First there was an explosion in the sky, and then the alarm was sounded in Jiangcheng. Anyone with a brain would know that it must be the two fighting men who alerted the monsters and monsters within a hundred miles.

Now those two people are still fighting. The monsters and ghosts in this mountain forest do not want to be affected by the aftermath of the fight between those two people, so they have no choice but to flee.

In the process of escaping, it is natural to rush towards the city where humans live.

"I don't know how many people will die this time." Zhao Yang muttered to himself and walked back towards Jiangcheng.

Every time we encounter a monster tide, many people will die, and this time should be no exception.

Zhao Yang was not the only one walking back to Jiangcheng from outside the city.

Countless figures rushed out of the mountain forest, and each one ran desperately back to Jiangcheng.

These people are all members of hunting groups or adventure groups.

Now that this has happened, they also know that they can no longer stay in the wild, it is more dangerous than ever!

"Boy, alone?"

Zhao Yang Lingding's figure quickly attracted the attention of others.

It is really rare for someone who has reached the eighth level of body training to dare to leave the city alone.

"It's great that you dare to go out of the city alone. I admire your courage. But I have to remind you that the wild is too dangerous, so it's best not to go out alone."


When passing by Zhao Yang, many people reminded Zhao Yang and advised him not to go out of the city alone.

Zhao Yang could reach the eighth level of body refining at such an age, and none of them wanted Zhao Yang to die young.

At this age and with this level of cultivation, one can tell at a glance that Zhao Yang has great potential.

As long as he can grow up steadily, he will be a tyrant in the future.

They all hope that Zhao Yang can grow up smoothly and then protect a city! Or start a city!

Over the years, they have seen many lives and deaths, but human power is still too weak in the face of demons and monsters.

Human beings are in urgent need of strong men now!

Zhao Yang responded to these people's kind words and advice one by one.

"All warriors in the city, quickly rush to the west gate to gather!"

"All warriors in the city, quickly rush to the west gate to gather!"

"All warriors in the city, quickly rush to the west gate to gather!"

The broadcast announced that all the warriors in the city rushed towards the west gate.

Ximen is where Zhao Yang is currently.

As long as the warriors living in the city are obliged to fight against the demonic tide.

Zhao Yang was already at the eighth level of body refining at this time, so naturally he had to participate in this operation against the demon tide.

Life or death, it all depends on fate!

Jiangcheng's warrior troops have already gathered here.

On the city wall, a middle-aged man looked at the sky in the distance, his brows furrowed. This man was Li Yongnian, the lord of Jiangcheng.

Even though Li Yongnian has the cultivation of King Wu, he is still not sure that he can lead Jiangcheng to resist this wave of monsters.

Li Yongnian remembers very clearly how he came to this city!

Three years ago, a demon wave broke out in Jiangcheng, and the previous city lord died tragically at the hands of the demon.

It is impossible for a city to be without a city lord, so Li Yongnian was transferred to Jiangcheng.

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