As the host shouted, a figure also jumped into the competition field.

However, his aura is naturally not as strong as Zhao Yang's.

In terms of momentum alone, he has already lost to Zhao Yang.

"The fifth level of the Qi Sea Realm. With this level of cultivation, I should have been able to get a good ranking. Unfortunately, I met Zhao Yang, a little-known dark horse, in the first round."

"It's a pity, but what if a miracle happens?"


In the field.

Seeing his first opponent jump into the playing field, Zhao Yang gave him a hand.

"Jiangcheng, Zhao Yang." Zhao Yang said to Gu Yeguang.

"What! Is this Zhao Yang from Jiangcheng?"

"How can a small place like Jiangcheng have a genius like Zhao Yang? It shouldn't be possible!"

"This Hundred Cities Competition is being held in Jiangcheng, and Zhao Yang is from Jiangcheng and the number one contestant. It seems that the city owner of Jiangcheng wants to give the other contestants a serious blow!"

"Haha, he is actually from Jiangcheng, that's interesting."


"Kaili, Gu Yeguang." Gu Yeguang said, cupping his fists.

"Kaili? Where is Kaili? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Oh, it turns out to be from Kaili. You know, Kaili is smaller than Jiangcheng, but he can actually cultivate a warrior at the fifth level of Qi Sea."

"It's getting more and more interesting. This year's Hundred Cities Competition seems to have more talents than previous years, and it's becoming more and more interesting."


After both parties announced their homes, neither party took the next step.

Not only the people in the audience, but also Zhao Yang and Gu Yeguang in the competition field were a little confused.

What I'm most afraid of is the sudden silence in the air!

The reason why Zhao Yang didn't move was because Zhao Yang didn't know whether he could use the weapons in the Hundred Cities Competition.

Except for Zhao Yang, everyone else knew all the rules of the Hundred Cities Competition, but others thought Zhao Yang knew it, so they didn't tell Zhao Yang.

No one asked, no one said anything.

The whole world has a tacit understanding with Zhao Yang!

So Zhao Yang had to wait for Gu Yeguang to see if Gu Yeguang would bring out a weapon. If not, he would have to fight with bare hands.

If Zhao Yang pulls out his weapon first, and then the referee calls out "Foul! Disqualified from the game!", then Zhao Yang will cry to death.

The reason why Gu Yeguang didn't move was that he wanted to wait for Zhao Yang to take action first.

Zhao Yang's cultivation level was higher than his, so he didn't dare to make the first move.

Not to mention pre-emptive strikes, whoever strikes first will have their flaws exposed the fastest!

Originally, his cultivation level was not as good as Zhao Yang's. If Zhao Yang still saw his flaws, Gu Yeguang would probably lose quickly.

Now, facing someone like Zhao Yang whose cultivation level is higher than his own, he can only look for Zhao Yang's flaws and then carry out precise strikes!

Even if you lose in the end, at least the loss won't be so ugly, right?

"What are the two of them doing? Why don't they take action?"

"You're asking me who I'm asking? Does my expression look like I know?"


In the competition field, Zhao Yang frowned slightly. His opponent never made a move or took out a weapon. Zhao Yang didn't know what he was thinking.

"Damn it, if you don't take out the weapon, I won't take it either. At worst, I'll have to fight with my bare hands, punching to the flesh! Although I'm not good at it, my level one cultivation of God Refining is not just for show."

Thinking of this, Zhao Yang moved!

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Yang took a step forward and came directly to Gu Yeguang.

Before anyone could react, Zhao Yang punched Gu Yeguang.

It hit Gu Yeguang directly in the eye.

After being hit by Zhao Yang, Gu Yeguang immediately fell to the ground.

Before Gu Yeguang could react, Gu Yeguang felt his feet being pulled.

After a while, Gu Yeguang felt a sense of weightlessness invade his whole body!

After being grabbed by Zhao Yang and tossed around for a few times, Gu Yeguang flew out of the competition venue.

Even though the victory was decided, there was not a sound from the audience.

The whole audience was shocked!

My brain was completely shocked!

I even forgot to breathe!

"My apprentice still has such ability?" Thinking back on everything that happened in the competition field just now, Qi Feiyang was stunned even if he was a peak Martial Saint.

Zhao Yang frowned as he glanced around the audience.

"Where's the applause? Why is there no applause? What are you all doing?" Zhao Yang thought to himself.

After two or three minutes, the first sound finally broke out!


Immediately afterwards, countless voices erupted from the audience.

"Fuck! It's too fast! It's too damn fast!"

"Damn it, a warrior at the ninth level of the Qi Sea is so fast that even I can't catch him!"

"Hi! Did he teleport just now!?"

"Shocked my mother for a hundred years!"

"A small, ninth-level Qihai! He actually exploded with a speed that was almost teleporting! Unbelievable! Unbelievable!"

"This kind of movement technique is almost the same as teleportation. Can this kind of movement technique exist in Jiangcheng?"

"Don't talk about Jiangcheng, even in the whole world, this is the first time I have seen such a terrifying movement technique!"

"Prince Xiao, are you still sure now? His movement is too terrifying!"

"At this speed, now I'm not sure if I'm his opponent." King Xiao smiled bitterly.

Zhao Yang's cultivation level is higher than him, but now he can move at such a speed that it's almost teleportation. It's strange that he can be sure of it.

"Zhao Yang, this kid, has such speed. No wonder he can enter the forest when the demon tide breaks out and still come out alive. Let alone the demons and monsters in the realm of refining gods. Even if it is me, as long as Zhao Yang keeps running like this, I can't catch him. Enter." City Lord Li Yongnian and Director of the Special Administration Bureau Zhang Qing looked at each other, both of them showing excited expressions.

As long as this speed can be sustained, people who can't teleport will simply not be able to catch up.

"I think Zhao Yang has secured the championship position. His swordsmanship is not low. With this speed and his swordsmanship, he has no rivals in this Hundred Cities Competition." Zhang Qing said with emotion.

"First match, winner, Zhao Yang!"

At this time, the host realized that he had not yet announced the winner of this competition.

Hearing the eruption of voices in the audience and the host announcing that he was the winner, Zhao Yang punched the audience in all four directions.

Just when Zhao Yang left the stage, all kinds of whispers appeared in the audience.

"When the game is over, we must keep an eye on this person! We must get the movement skills in his hands!"

"A boy at the ninth level of the Qi Sea is not worthy of having such a body skill. He should be handed over to my Xia family for safekeeping."

"Wait a minute, go and get in touch with this person named Zhao Yang, and tell him that as long as he is willing to give his body skills to our Chen family, our Chen family will save his life."


Zhao Yang knew that once he exposed Xuantian Holy Step, he would definitely be coveted by others.

But Zhao Yang didn't care.

Coveting my body skills? Let’s defeat Feiyang Sword Saint and Yanghua Sword Saint first!

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