The next few days.

The slaughterhouse had not restored power supply, which made Ye Ran want to buy chickens to kill himself.

But after calculating the cost, he found that the price was a bit high, so he gave up the idea.

And there was no suitable venue, and it was not easy to deal with the chickens after killing.

Finally, a few days later.

The slaughterhouse restored power supply and could start work.

At the same time, there were only two days left before the registration fee for the military department was paid.

Time was running out.

Ye Ran arrived early and fought in the chicken slaughterhouse. Finally, with a ding sound.

[Chicken Killing Master: Progress (3000/3000), Achievement Completed, 10 Achievement Points Obtained, One Physical Fitness Improvement Opportunity, Do You Want to Use It Now? ]

Ye Ran thought about it and didn't rush to use it.

After the Chicken Killing Master was completed, one of the three achievement boxes was empty, indicating that it could be refreshed.

During this time, Ye Ran also figured out the achievement system.

Ordinary achievements, such as Chicken Killing Master and Conquering People with Virtue, have a maximum of three. Only when one is completed will a new one be refreshed.

As for hidden achievements, there is no upper limit, but whether it can be activated depends on luck and opportunity.

It has been almost half a month, and only last time when he was at Leiming Martial Arts School, he happened to activate the return rate.

Ye Ran pressed refresh.

Suddenly, the empty column flickered, and an achievement emerged.

[Wasteland Hunter (Primary): Progress (0/10) Kill ten different wasteland beasts and reward 30 achievement points. 】

"30 achievement points."

Ye Ran was slightly happy, the reward for this achievement was quite a lot.

Speaking of achievement points, he couldn't help but look at the third achievement, Conquering others with virtue, a little helpless.

This achievement rewards 100 achievement points, but he racked his brains and couldn't find a way to complete it.

During this period, he tried many goals, Zhang Fan, Zhou Shishi, and Xiaogu all tried, but it was completely useless.

"Conquering people with virtue, isn't it to convince others with good virtues?"

Ye Ran muttered to himself, not understanding where the problem was.

Is his moral character not good enough?

10 achievement points were obtained, Ye Ran was looking forward to it, and slowly clicked the strengthening.

Instantly, the achievement points decreased.

His Qi and blood value also increased rapidly.

50, 60, 70...90.

In the end, the Qi and blood value stopped at 99 and could not increase any further.

Ye Ran was stunned, looked at the remaining 3 achievement points, and used 1 achievement point again.

The Qi and blood value did not change, and was still stuck at 99, as if it encountered some kind of barrier and could not go further.

Ye Ran was stunned, this situation was beyond his expectations.

When in doubt, ask Baidu.

He immediately searched the Internet and quickly found the reason.

It turns out that the human body has an upper limit to the Qi and blood value that can be accommodated. Only by breaking the gene lock and stimulating the body's potential can this upper limit be raised.

And to break the gene lock, a special substance containing life information is needed.

——Exotic beast essence blood.

Exotic beast essence blood refers to the purest part of the blood in the body of an alien beast, but not all alien beasts have it.

Basically, among the same kind of alien beasts, only 1 out of 10 has essence blood.

Therefore, the price of exotic beast essence blood is expensive.

Ye Ran checked and took a breath of cold air.

Damn, the cheapest exotic beast essence blood starts at 100,000, and this is an ordinary first-level exotic beast. After using it, the breakthrough of the warrior will not improve much.

Some top-level first-level exotic beasts, such as the White Shadow Wolf, actually cost 500,000 or 600,000.


Ye Ran was overwhelmed. He had originally thought that after breaking through the warrior, he would rely on the 50,000 rewarded by the Warrior Association to pay the registration fee for the martial arts.

Now that the martial arts registration fee has not been received, if you want to break through the warrior, you still need a lot of money.

He frowned and thought for a moment.

In this case, you can only go to the wasteland!

The wasteland is full of crises, but also hides countless opportunities. Whether it is the corpses of exotic beasts or the unique minerals and plants in the wasteland, they are all valuable.

At the same time, the achievement of the wasteland hunter must be completed in the wasteland.

Ye Ran made a decision in his heart. It seems that he has to find a time to go to the wasteland.

He was not a warrior before, and although he is not yet a warrior now, his combat power is not weaker than that of an ordinary first-level warrior, and even slightly better. He can definitely enter the wilderness for training.

However, the registration fee that will be paid in two days must be dealt with first.

Ye Ran thought about it, and suddenly his mind moved.

He thought of a place to make quick money.

He called Zhang Fan.

"Brother Ran, what's wrong?"

"Fanzi, when you chatted with me last time, you said that there was an underground fighting arena, and you sent an invitation to your dad, right?"

"Yes, not only my dad, but that fighting arena also sent invitations to many warriors who have been to the wasteland."

Zhang Fan curled his lips, "It's called an underground fighting arena, but it's actually a place for black boxing. My dad took a look and threw the invitation aside."

Ye Ran asked, "Do you still have the invitation?"

"Still keep it, what's wrong?"

Zhang Fan suddenly said in surprise, "Brother Ran, you don't want to go, this kind of place is too dangerous, although it makes money quickly, but it's easy to get hurt..."

"It's not me, I have a friend..."

"I don't believe it, how can I not know your friend?"

Ye Ran was speechless and had to say, "It's a friend in the slaughterhouse, you haven't seen him, his name is Zhang Yong, he's an orphan."

"I grew up without a father or a mother, and I lived a miserable life. I recently got seriously ill, and the surgery cost a lot, so I can only go to the underground fighting arena to take a chance."

"Is that so..."

Zhang Fan thought for a moment and said, "As long as you don't go, I'll bring it to you tomorrow."


Ye Ran hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, there was a way to get the registration fee.

Although the underground fighting field is very cruel, it is easy to be seriously injured or amputated, or even die.

But in this era, these are all things that will happen sooner or later.

And he is not like the little lamb before, an ordinary high school student who has never seen blood.

When improving combat awareness, there are many life-and-death crises.


At night.

Because of the completion of the chicken-killing achievement, Ye Ran went home early today, and came back at around seven o'clock.

It was the time when the residents in the community finished their meals, strolled outside, and dispersed.

He politely greeted the neighbors he knew.

The uncles and aunts also responded to him with a smile.

"Smelly boy, you came back so early today?"

At this time, Ye Hongfang came back from buying vegetables and bumped into him, a little surprised.

Ye Ran vaguely passed by, and the two went home together.

The two had just walked a few steps when they saw Sister Xue, who was leading her son Xue Chuan, showing off the score sheet of the practical test.

"33 combat power, the combat power difference is only 7, my son's score can rank in the top 100 in the entire No. 5 Middle School!"

The neighbors seemed to know her, and they praised her casually, but were too lazy to say more about this.

It seemed that she felt despised.

Sister Xue snorted, "I guess you don't know how high the combat power of 33 is. The family opposite us, her nephew Ye Ran knows, only has a combat power of more than ten."

"My son is twice as strong as him."

On the other side.

Ye Ran had a strange expression when he heard this.

How can this drag him into this?

And 33 combat power...

Now his combat power is more than 100, and 33 combat power seems to be not even a fraction of his.

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