On the tree.

Ye Ran's eyes were slightly cold, and he was about to take action when his eyelids suddenly twitched.

In my heart, there was an inexplicable warning sign.

This feeling came suddenly and passed by in a flash, as if it was an illusion or an instinctive reaction of the body.

He frowned slightly and stopped.

Some powerful warriors, before encountering a crisis, usually have a sense of danger in their hearts.

It was very similar to what he had just felt.

Said to be induction, it is actually the instinctive intuition of these powerful warriors who have experienced too many crises.

And this intuition is generally accurate.

Ye Ran glanced at the three people who were chatting happily, his brows furrowed.

Is it an illusion?

It shouldn't be possible. Although he is still far behind those top warriors, his strong fighting consciousness makes his intuition for crises very accurate.

Can sense crisis...

As for the source of the crisis, could it be the two middle-aged men from the Black Mask team?

But those two people were just two first-level warriors.

Unless they hide their strength.

But since they are strong enough, they will not say that if they are not strong enough, they will have to hold off the person first.

Unless, these two people have guessed that he is nearby!

Just because she couldn't find him, she deliberately said these words to him, deliberately showing weakness and trying to lure him out.

So everything that happened just now was probably a trap!

These two middle-aged men deliberately changed their clothes in front of him and said these words on purpose.

Thinking of this, Ye Ran felt chills running down his spine.

Sure enough, he still underestimated the people of the Black Mask Team.

No wonder the Warriors Association has sent people to encircle and suppress it many times, but it has not eliminated this hunting team. It is really cunning!

However, now is not the time to think about this.

The girl in blue is about to be attacked, and we have to find a way to rescue her.

at this time.

The girl in blue was still smiling and chatting with the two middle-aged men.

She didn't notice at all that a middle-aged man was holding a dark dagger and slowly pointed it at her back.

Ye Ran stared at these three people closely. Even if the situation was critical, he was not in a hurry and was still looking for flaws.

You only get one chance, so you must seize it.

Otherwise, it may not be rescuing others, but involving yourself.


When he saw the scene, he was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed drastically.

Finally, he sighed in a low voice: "A game within a game, it's amazing, I'm just one step away from being tricked, just one step away!"

After sighing, he withdrew his gaze and watched coldly.

No longer interested in helping.

Because, this girl in blue will not die!

At this time, the middle-aged man behind the girl in blue suddenly raised his dagger and stabbed her with a ferocious expression.


This time, it suddenly stabbed into the air.

It’s not that the girl in blue got out of the way.

Instead, this dagger was thrust into the air next to the girl in blue!

He stabbed the air on purpose!

"vice captain."

The middle-aged man holding the dagger glanced around and said, "It seems that the person who killed Wang Ming is not nearby."


Someone responded.

But not another middle-aged man, but the girl in blue!

She is actually the vice-captain of the Black Mask team!

These three people are in the same group!

The girl in blue nodded lightly, "Even if he's not near here, he's definitely in this dense forest. He definitely hasn't left here."

After saying that, she frowned slightly and said, "I've already looked around."

"You can be sure that the place where he left his last traces is here. How could he not show up and discover my plan?"

She looked puzzled.

The traces left by the warrior who killed Wang Ming suddenly disappeared after arriving here.

And it didn't leave any breath behind, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

This is a bit incredible.

The two middle-aged men also looked puzzled.

One of them thought for a while and said: "But he didn't come out to save you, deputy captain, which means he must not be around here."

"That's right, then vice-captain, what should we do next?" asked another middle-aged man.

The girl in blue said calmly: "Wait for the captain, I have already left a mark. The captain and the others should be here within half an hour."

"This dense forest is not big. When the time comes, we will conduct a blanket search and we will definitely be able to find this person."

After saying that, the girl in blue frowned slightly.

Keep scanning the surroundings.

Obviously, he is still very upset about his error in judgment.

She believed that her plan was perfect and could not fail, but unexpectedly something unexpected happened.

That person was actually not nearby at all.

Thinking of this, the girl in blue couldn't help but shook her head. It seemed that she had overestimated that person.

Originally, she was planning to chase and follow the man alone.

But before leaving, I thought that the person who killed Wang Ming might have deliberately left traces for them to chase.

So I changed my mind temporarily.

He called two team members to be helpers and asked the remaining people to go back for help.

Then, she led people to chase him here.

If you find traces of the other party and disappear nearby, you will determine what special method the other party used to hide it.

After thinking about it, she made this plan.

A near perfect game within a game.

First, let the two team members change their clothes to make the other party mistakenly think that these two team members are the main enemies, thus lowering their vigilance.

Then, she appeared again, cooperating with the two team members to play a play, paralyzing the other party, and finally taking the opportunity to sneak attack.

It can be said to be a perfect plan.

Unfortunately, she calculated everything.

But she didn't calculate that the man was not hiding here.

The girl in blue felt a little regretful. As long as the other party was not a top-level second-level warrior, she would find an opportunity to sneak attack.

There is a great chance to kill the other party directly.

At that time, this would be a great achievement and she would get a big reward from the captain.

However, since the other party was not here, it was a boring one-man show.

She shook her head gently and prepared to leave with the two middle-aged men.

At this time, a terrified young man suddenly shouted in the woods behind him.

"Warrior-level beast, help, help!"

Hearing this, the three of them were stunned.

Then their faces changed.

There was someone here, and they didn't find it? !

"Could it be the person who killed Wang Ming?" A middle-aged man said nervously.

"The breath is very weak, at most he is a quasi-warrior."

The girl in blue said lightly. As a second-level warrior, her perception is far more acute than these two people. Naturally, she can feel that the boy who asked for help is very weak.

"From the voice, he is not very old. The man who killed Wang Ming is at least a second-level warrior. There can't be such a young second-level warrior."

After the girl in blue finished speaking, she looked at a middle-aged man with an indifferent expression.

"He may have heard our conversation. You go and get rid of him!"

"Yes, deputy captain."

The middle-aged man licked his lips, his eyes were extravagant. From the voice, he knew that he was a teenager of seventeen or eighteen years old.

Yes, he likes this kind of young people, the younger the better!

And in the woods.

Ye Ran did not move, but just opened his mouth to shout, so the cloud breath technique did not completely break, and still suppressed most of his breath.

As a result, the heartbeat speed of this frequency is indeed like the realm of a quasi-warrior.

Although Ye Ran shouted miserably and terrified, his eyes were extremely cold, looking at the middle-aged man who was rubbing his hands excitedly and walking over.

Are you very happy? Wait, I’ll make you even happier!

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