In the real world.

Fang Wen returned to his senses, his eyes were no longer the flame world, but back to the dark jungle, and the fire crows around him fluttered their wings and looked at him worriedly.

“It’s back!”

Fang Wen took a deep breath, and everything just now had a feeling of renewal, as if he was dreaming.

But in his hand was a talent module burning with white flames, proving that everything he had just done was not a fantasy, but a real thing.

He really stole the talent of the Immortal Phoenix!

Fang Wen was excited, this was a terrifying monster that could burn hundreds of millions of miles of land, and it had really been successfully stolen!

“The system is really powerful!”

Fang Wen couldn’t help but give the system a thumbs up, if it weren’t for the protection of the system, he might not have the qualifications to connect to this level of existence.

Perhaps when it was close to 100,000 li, it would have been burned into black charcoal by the hot earth fire.

However, the system can cover the perception of the immortal phoenix and give him the opportunity to steal talent, which is really worthy of his own reliance across the world.

“It’s a pity that this is the roulette wheel of the newbie gift package reward, and I don’t know how to get this reward, if I can, I also want to draw the talent of the Taikoo Azure Dragon, and it seems that there are also the roulette wheel of the treasure system and the destiny system, can I also draw props…”

Fang Wen whispered to himself, and the fire crow on the side glanced at the white flame light ball in Lu Yu’s hand, and curiously lay over, as if he wanted to peck it.

“Stupid bird, do you want to be roasted?”

Seeing this, Fang Wen slapped it away angrily.


Looking at the aggrieved fire crow, my heart was angry and funny.

If it really pecks at this ball of light, I don’t know if it can evolve, but it will definitely be scorched.

After all, this is a terrifying flame that burns the earth and burns space, but it is limited by the system, and if it is liberated, it can turn a hundred miles into a scorched earth.

Although it is said that the Gifted Spirit can be reborn, it comes at a great cost and requires a lot of time to recuperate.

Moreover, with Fang Wen’s assets, it is impossible to re-breed the fire crow.

Once the fire crow hung up, it also weakened Fang Wen’s strength in disguise.

What’s more, after getting along for so long, Fang Wen also has feelings for this humble fire crow, and hopes that it can keep up with his pace and grow together.

“Let’s take a look at this talent’s ability first!”

Fang Wen ignored the performance of the Fire Crow, but began to consult this stolen talent attribute.

[Nirvana Flame (Seven-Star Talent): One of the racial talents stolen from the Immortal Phoenix, Nirvana Flame, also known as the Flame of Life.

With the power of the laws of life and reincarnation, with strong life force, all wounds will heal quickly, and will constantly nourish the body and soul, gaining a long lifespan.

The Immortal Phoenix can be reborn in Nirvana, immortal during battle, and alive and destroy the enemy.

Because after stealing the talent, the racial talent changes, and after fusion, you can have a Nirvana rebirth ability every day (reset at zero every day), and all injuries after Nirvana are healed.

Note: Nirvana in the near-death state will come into contact with life and the law of reincarnation, and the strength will be improved to a certain extent. 】

[Evaluation: Nirvana Flame is one of the racial talents of the Immortal Phoenix, if you further steal the talent of the Immortal Phoenix and its descendants, or the powerful life of the fire system, you can fuse and upgrade, and the number of Nirvana and the power of the flame will increase after upgrading. ] 】

“Ding, does the host choose fusion?”

“Nirvana once a day, isn’t this equivalent to carrying a resurrection armor with you, but unfortunately refreshed every day and cannot be accumulated.”

Although this time it was not an attack-type ability, this ability was more important to Fang Wen.

What is most important in this world?

Not a powerful attack, not a solid defense!

It’s life!

Only those who are alive can have all possibilities!

Nirvana once a day, and can also have a near-death improvement strength similar to that of Saiyans.

This turned out to be just one of the racial talents of the Immortal Phoenix.

And it seems to be able to fuse the rest of the innate abilities and upgrade again.

“Is this a powerful life based at the top of the food chain, if the complete Immortal God Phoenix, wouldn’t it be able to be regarded as an eight-star talent!”

Fang Wen shook his head and couldn’t help but marvel, and the fire crow on the side also shook his head in a learned way, and the end was that Fang Wen smoked again.

Now that he had obtained the right ability, he was also in the wild area and would not expose himself, Fang Wen no longer hesitated, directly found an area around which traps were arranged, and after determining that it was safe, he chose to fuse talent.

Under the power of the system, the white flame burning ball of light directly poured into his body, and countless white flames gushed out from his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose, like a burning man.


Seeing this, the fire crow on the side subconsciously rushed over to save Fang Wen, but before he could flutter a few times, he fell to the ground.

The body of the fire crow also began to wrap white flames, turning into a white flame dome, and the body of the original fire crow also began to evolve wonderfully in this fire of life.

Fang Wen was also gradually wrapped in flames, and the spiritual power on his body began to increase, turning into a large cocoon.

The flames on his body began to surge, burning continuously, reflecting a huge phoenix phantom of thousands of meters in the sky, and the fire reflected half of the sky dome, reflecting the sky like day.

The huge phoenix phantom was like a god, originating from the terrifying coercion of the life level, and a large number of murderous monsters crawled on the ground and shivered.

Even some powerful monster lords began to become agitated, their eyes looking at the phoenix phantom in the sky in horror.


As if inspired, countless birds flew into the sky and flew towards the phoenix phantom, but as soon as they got closer, they were extracted from the life force by the fire of life, turned into a dry corpse, and shattered into gray powder and spilled.

Although a large number of birds died, these birds and bird monsters, like crazy demons, came to the surroundings of the phoenix phantom without fear of death, as if on a pilgrimage.

The corpses continued to crumble into ashes in the sky, slowly falling.

A gray rain of death fell

It’s weird….

This may be

Ten thousand birds towards the phoenix!

This area was already close to Hang City, and such a huge vision naturally alarmed the people near Hang City.

“What’s that?”


“Oh my God!”

“Is the natural disaster coming?”


A large number of wild adventurers raised their heads when they felt the light, opened their mouths, and their eyes were shocked.

The huge phoenix phantom was completely beyond the limits of their imagination, and they also felt a kind of oppression and fear from the level of life.

It was the fear that originated from the primeval era, and even the void began to distort in front of this shadow.

“What kind of monster is this?”

“How could a legendary creature like a phoenix appear?”

“Am I returning to the primeval era?”

Many schools and organizations also saw this scene, and at the same time began to read the classics in shock, hoping to find the relevant information of this phoenix phantom.

A large number of troops stationed around Hang City saw this scene, and although the good order did not plunge them into chaos, they couldn’t help but start talking about it, and fear began to spread.

One of the generals, Li Zhongxin, also heard the movement and walked out of the office, just wanting to educate these soldiers about noisy discipline problems, but when he saw the phantom in the sky, he was also frightened.

He looked at the phoenix phantom that was constantly devouring the life force of the birds, and a terrifying conjecture appeared in his heart, and even his body couldn’t help but start trembling.

He quickly turned out an exclusive special satellite phone, dialed a number, and after waiting for it to be connected, he said in a hoarse voice:

“It’s not good, there may be monsters that are about to be promoted to the king rank…”

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