Fire Elemental Crystallization!

It is a great supplement for talented spirits with fire attributes, and they are generally only born in the body of special monsters and lava monsters in the abyss plane or the magma region eroded by the abyss.

Lava monsters are born with the strength of the extraordinary level, and they are even no less than some ordinary earth soul ranks in the magma region, and once they encounter danger, they may self-detonate, and the difficulty of hunting is extremely high.

It is precisely because of this that although the fire element crystallization has a great effect on the fire system innate spirit, ordinary people can’t afford to use it at all.

After all, the scarcity of the quantity means that its price is extremely expensive, even if it is the worst quality, one needs more than two million general points, and there is no market.

And what Su Yun gave him, each one was crystal clear, containing a huge and pure fire element, and it definitely couldn’t be low-quality.

Three add up, let alone one or twenty million generic points, this price for ordinary people, simply astronomical.

Even if Su Yun’s family is rich, it is impossible to give him 20 million for no reason.

In other words, Su Yun should have paid a great price to get it.

And Fang Wen only found out at this time that there seemed to be seven or eight boxes of instant noodles in the trash can next to the living room table.

It can be seen from this that Su Yun did not have a heavenly eye or monitor him, but waited for him in the room for three or four days and never left.

And the purpose,

Maybe it’s to send fire element crystals to yourself.

“What a silly girl.”

Looking at Su Yun, who was still over there and did not dare to look at himself, Fang Wen was also a little moved in his heart.

In this world, in addition to the grandfather in the orphanage, perhaps only Su Yun gave his family the feeling.

Fang Wen pinched these pieces of fire element crystals and asked

“How much did it cost?”

“Not much…”

Su Yun’s eyes rolled around drippingly, and she said with some weakness:

“This is all the pocket money I saved, plus selling some small things to save enough to buy, it’s just too cheap, just be rewarded to you.”

After Fang Wen listened, he did not speak, but handed back the fire element crystal.

This move made Su Yun completely panicked, and quickly said:

“What the hell, it’s just three fire element crystals, it’s just a sprinkling for me, and I asked my mother to overdraw, and when I can go hunting in the future, kill a few powerful monsters and earn it back.”

Now you first improve your strength, wait until you enter the top ten of the college entrance examination to become a tinder sequence, and then you can return it to me, people can’t be too rigid, or tell me bedtime stories every day to pay off debts…”

Su Yun said while trying to stuff the fire element crystal, but Fang Wen did not accept it, which made her feel a little helpless and uncomfortable.

Is it still because of self-esteem?

Su Yun felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she still wanted to try to continue to persuade, after all, the college entrance examination is approaching, and once she misses it, this kind of opportunity will no longer exist.

She didn’t want Fang Wen to be uncomfortable.


“Shh, quiet!”

But before she could speak, Fang Wen’s finger tapped her red lips, signaling her to shut up.


And this sudden close contact made Su Yun’s face flutter a flush, and her heart began to “pop” and “poof” to accelerate the beat.

I thought, could this guy suddenly get the hang of it?

Fang Wen looked at Su Yun, who looked confused, and suddenly asked:

“Do you like watching fireworks?”

But after not getting a response for a long time, Fang Wen looked down and saw Su Yun looking at him suspiciously.

Fang Wen then remembered that this guy was still shutting up, so he deliberately pretended to be fierce and said:

“Just nod or shake your head.”

Su Yun nodded obediently, and then saw a scene that shocked her.

I saw Fang Wen wave his hand, and a huge Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird also appeared from his talent space, its gorgeous wings spread, flapping its wings indoors, flying in midair, like a phoenix soaring.

The graceful shape born from the origin of the immortal phoenix is like the supreme work of art of a top artist, and every move reveals elegance and dignity.


With a pleasant cry, the Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird vibrated its wings, dragged the long tail of the earth and rotated in a circle, and countless white flames and crimson sparks were intertwined to form a prosperous picture, beautiful and moving.

“It’s so beautiful…”

Su Yun couldn’t help but look confused when she saw this scene, this beautiful bird was simply like a king of flames, as noble and elegant as the emperor of birds.

Moreover, it exuded terrifying coercion, and even its own talent spirit abyss evil eye began to tremble, as if it saw some natural enemy.

“This is…”

As the Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird continued to fly, skillfully shuttling through the house, but did not touch anything, and the flying became more and more excited, circling the arc as before.

That skillful posture, as well as that contrived look, made Su Yun have a sense of déjà vu, and said in disbelief

“Fire Raven?”


The Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird responded happily, and then flew to Su Yun’s side, rubbed her with his slender neck, and “inadvertently”, stepped on the scarlet evil eye.


It remembered that it had been frightened and bullied dozens of times by the Crimson Evil Eye before.

But unable to resist, it was a miserable time.

If you can’t beat it before, as a vengeful fire crow, after evolution, you will definitely have to bully back!


The scarlet evil eye let out a wail, struggling madly, but could not get rid of the suppression of the Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird.

The Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird, on the other hand, seemed to have not seen it, but it used a little more strength in its claws.

Su Yun did not find that his first battle general had been stepped on, and he was still shocked by the change of the fire crow.

That thin fire crow turned into such a noble and beautiful mysterious bird.

And looking at the strength, it seems to be much stronger than his own scarlet evil eye!

What the hell is going on here?

Su Yun stared directly at Fang Wen with her eyes and said sadly

“Say that you can fight the street together, but you secretly stay up, let’s say, what happened, is it possible that you want to tell me that you have a showdown, you are actually an ancient king reborn, do you want to give you money?”

Fang Wen glanced at her and said lightly

“I awakened the divine body.”

“Divine body, it turns out to be like this, ah, divine body, really fake!”

Su Yun was stunned for a moment, just wanted to complain and was really stunned, in a daze for a few seconds to make sure that he had not heard wrong, so he hugged Fang Wen in surprise, shaking and shouting:

“It’s great, I have long known that you are not an ordinary person, and the result is really powerful, give me a good cheer, and when I become a king, I will make you the first general.”

Your original number one general, the Crimson Evil Eye, is still being trampled under the feet of the Heavenly Fire Xuan Bird.

I didn’t see you go to the rescue.

Fang Wen complained in his heart, but he didn’t say it, after all, he also felt that the scarlet evil eye needed to be educated, and he had scared himself several times before.

More importantly, Fang Wen found that this girl’s growth rate was indeed somewhat amazing.

It is clear that she was a yellow-haired girl a few years ago, but now she has her own broad mind.

Therefore, Fang Wen’s mind suddenly remembered that someone had said before, why is childhood sweetheart good?

The answer is

Play from small to big.

PS: The fourth is more to collect! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes!

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