In front of him, a huge round altar, a hundred meters long, covered the earth.

It is precisely because of their continuous entry and the continuous expansion of the mechanical altar, the only thing that remains unchanged, perhaps only the central position of the altar.

There, there is a faceless statue with ancient copper rust, tens of meters high, with wings, holding a long sword, with its wings stretched outstretched, ten feet long, blocking the sunlight in the sky and pulling out long shadows to cover the earth.

Quite a sense of covering the sky!

In front of the statue, a huge bronze gear floated, with a crack in the middle, almost splitting the gear in two.

The gears are stained with crimson ancient copper, exuding an ancient meaning, as if it came from the primeval era, and time is indelible.

The gears emitted a faint fluorescence, and the terrifying coercion spread out, as if the emperor of the primeval world was about to awaken and reign on the earth.

And mechanical reptiles with geared heads are constantly born from it, and they fall to the altar with a large amount of ancient copper patina.

The material of the altar is not cast from stone or patina.

Really cast it,

The corpses of mechanical monsters are piled up!

“Flesh and blood are weak, machinery is eternal!”

“Join the Glorious Evolution!”

“Great mechanical angel!”

These mechanical monsters looked at the huge red gears, like crazy demons, constantly rushing over, being picked up by tall mechanical giants and stuffed into the altar as a cornerstone.


The gears turned slightly, and the ancient copper covered with patina, fixing them to the bottom, and so on.

And a large number of mechanical monsters are lined up to become the cornerstone of the altar, seemingly ignoring their own death, piled up like bricks.

As the mechanical monster continues to become the cornerstone of the altar, the crack in this red gear also begins to slowly repair, seemingly returning to its original intact state.

“Parts of the Mechanical Ancient Emperor!”

Fang Wen recognized the identity of this gear in an instant!

And this gear is also the core of the entire ancient copper field!

A small part of the body of the primeval emperor, even after countless years, still exudes an immortal mystery of coercive space.

Even if only one gear floats, it still becomes the center of the world, and seems to allow everything to evolve.

“I didn’t know that the system was able to steal it…”

This thought flashed in Fang Wen’s heart, but he did not rush to try.


At this time, the big rusty snake also stopped moving, and the huge snake head slowly fell down and landed on the altar.


The high priest jumped down, and Fang Wen followed him to the altar.

The moment he stepped on the altar, he felt as if there were countless living creatures squirming, a large number of mechanical monsters were bonded together by patina, and scarlet eyes looked at the sky, constantly muttering “mechanical eternity”.

The horror movies that Fang Wen watched in the previous life were simply weak compared to this scene in front of him!

This is simply a double pollution of vision and spirit!

Although the altar floor has become flat because it is covered with a thick layer of patina, Fang Wen still has the feeling of stepping on the corpse mountain when stepping on it, as if he can still feel the wriggling of those mechanical monsters.

However, he did not show any abnormality, but mechanically followed behind the high priest, his eyes tightly pressed against the floating ancient emperor gear.

But when he wanted to get closer, he was blocked by an invisible force, and the rusty angel statue was also staring at him, making Fang Wen stop moving.

The High Priest also saw Fang Wen’s actions, but he did not feel strange because of this, but if the mechanical life saw that the gears were not moving, he would only suspect it.

After all, no mechanical life can resist glorious evolution!

That is the desire engraved in the origin!

So he spoke:

“It is the sacred relic of the Mechanical God Sect, the source of evolution that the Mechanical Emperor has given to our humble people, and it is with it that we can get rid of the lowly human flesh and blood and become noble mechanical beings.”

Fang Wen did not answer, and the high priest seemed to feel that he had found an object that he could show off but did not have enough wisdom, and began to say:

“You know what? I used to be just an ordinary human researcher with a meagre salary, and because I couldn’t get results, everyone looked down on me and refused to invest in me, even my wife and children wanted to leave me.

Damn, obviously I am very talented, but they refuse to believe me, they must be jealous of me, it must be! ”

Speaking of this, the High Priest’s expression was a little distorted, and he continued:

“Under this despair, I came into contact with the new research object of the Institute, that is, the holy relics, took a fancy to my talent, and received the revelation of the Supreme Mechanical Emperor, allowing me to become His High Priest, to welcome his return, so that I could get rid of the lowly human body and become the Supreme Mechanical Life…”

Fang Wen still said in a wooden manner about the High Priest’s accusation:

“Flesh and blood are weak … Machinery is eternal…”

And such a performance also made the high priest confide with confidence:

“It is precisely because of the great holy relics that I have gained great power, and they have been with me forever, do you say, my lovely family?”

After speaking, the high priest touched the four mechanical faces on his body, and several faces were still struggling painfully, making him let out a strange laugh.

After listening to the story, although Fang Wen was silent on his face, he already knew in his heart that this high priest was actually a distorted social garbage.

It is clear that he is garbage, and as a result, he blames others for not investing in him, and turns his parents, wife and children into robotic faces and integrates them into his body.

This guy,

It is a well-deserved villain boss!

Already twisted to the extreme!

Obviously an ordinary person, but because of the parts of the ancient emperor, he was forcibly promoted to the Celestial Elephant Rank!

The High Priest didn’t care about Fang Wen’s thoughts, after all, in his eyes, this was just a mutant mechanical servant with a slightly higher degree of intelligence, a cannon fodder, and an object that occasionally vented a few words.

So he looked at the huge copper gear, and said with a feverish look in his eyes:

“But with your wisdom, you probably can’t understand what I said, anyway, you just have to remember that staying next to the holy relic will give you the opportunity to evolve and possibly become a member of the great mechanical race!”

“The time is almost up, this glorious evolution will be opened by me!”

The moment the words fell, the High Priest suddenly opened the mechanical temple in his hand and chanted the obscure ancient sacrificial language.

“£…… ξ…… ¢…… ε…… ¢……”

Boom! Boom! Boom!

And the huge copper gear seemed to come to life, emitting a sound like a heartbeat, and a large number of mysterious incantations appeared in the void, and it seemed that an indescribable, indescribable huge mechanical figure occupying this world could be vaguely seen.

Mechanical Ancient Emperor!

Suddenly, this copper-colored gear bloomed with light, and turned into a red pillar of light and surged into the sky, suddenly exploding in the air at a height of thousands of meters, turning into a circle of red divine light ripples spreading, as if shattering the void.

At the same time, as the pillar of light continued, a huge mechanical portal phantom engraved with countless twisted patterns appeared above the sky dome, plunging the entire Hangzhou City into darkness.

“What is that?”

“God, how can a mechanical gate appear in the sky?”

“Could it be the Abyss Dimension invasion, am I going to die?”

“Help, why does this kind of thing appear in the city…”


When the phantom appeared, the whole city fell into fear and chaos, and everyone began to run, trying to escape the city.

And the special department and the military also saw the shadow of the huge mechanical portal that shrouded the city, and behind the huge door, it seemed that there was an indescribable horror, and once it came, it would inevitably set off a bloody storm.

Su Yun also just woke up and saw the scene in front of her, and was instantly stunned:

“What the hell is going on!”

The mechanical high priest slowly flew into the air, looking at the terrified people in the city, countless patinas gathered, turning into three pairs of red patina wings behind him.

He looked down on the earth and said with a maniacal smile:

“Prostrate, surrender to the great mechanical emperor, give up your flesh and blood, and become a noble mechanical life, then when the mechanical angel legion comes, you can enjoy the glorious evolution!”

With the blessing of his huge spiritual power, his voice spread throughout the city, allowing everyone to hear his words.

“Mechanical life? What the hell is that? ”

“Why should we humans submit?”

“Who the hell is this guy, hasn’t anyone come to kill him yet?”

“Is that really an angel, are we really going to die? Is it really possible to surrender without dying? ”


Despair, anger, and fear began to pervade, and everyone who saw the huge mechanical portal felt a deep despair and fear.

Perhaps only Fang Wen was still quietly approaching the pillar of light mechanical ancient emperor gear, and after inquiring about the system, his originally solemn expression suddenly relaxed a little.

This thing,

It seems that it can be stolen!

“It seems that you don’t understand the current situation enough!”

The mechanical high priest did not notice the abnormality behind him, but stretched out his hand, and the rust permeated by the ancient copper also expanded.

The patina spread rapidly and began to engulf the houses, high-rise buildings, and earth in the Dongcheng District, as if an abyss beast had opened its huge mouth and wanted to engulf the city.

“Help, these patinas will eat people!”

“Did you save me?”

“I’m so scared…”


The people of Dongcheng began to run hard, and the wail began to spread, but many people were still engulfed in patina, turned into new mechanical monsters, and began to walk towards the altar.

And as the rust of the ancient copper continued to spread, the pillar of light emitted by the gear of the Mechanical Emperor became larger and larger, and the mechanical portal phantom in the sky began to slowly solidify, and even prepare to open.

And the high priest looked at this scene and laughed maniacally:

“Come, Mechanical Angel Legion, turn this world into a mechanical kingdom!”

“You’re dreaming!”

A roar resounded in the sky, the air suddenly cooled down, condensed into countless snowflakes flying, and a huge frost giant wolf stepped on the huge ice crystal giant bridge and rushed forward.

And the one who spoke was the old man on the head of the icy giant wolf, the old general of Zhenshuhang City, Li Zhongxin!

He rushed back after receiving the message, but it still seemed too late.

He looked at the messy Dongcheng district, part of which had been covered with patina and turned into a red world, and a large number of living people turned into mechanical monsters.

This made Li Zhongxin furious, and roared:

“Are you trying to die?”

However, the High Priest did not panic, but just laughed maniacally:

“Li Zhongxin, if you come back early, you still have a chance to stop me, but now that it is opened, the ancient copper realm is opened, it is already too late!”

While speaking, the High Priest missed a huge icicle, looked at Li Zhongxin, who had already made a move, and was also ready to kill the other party!

The general who was originally high was so angry by such a small person as him, and this huge contrast made the high priest more and more happy.

So he glanced at Fang Wen on the altar and ordered:

“Guard the altar, although it will also protect, but show me!”

Anyway, the holy relic has a self-protection function, simply throw it to this little guy to guard, he has time to solve Li Zhongxin’s old immortal at the peak of the heavenly elephant, then no one in Hang City can stop him.

At that time, he can sacrifice the flesh and blood of the entire Hang City as a sacrifice and open the door to the Mechanical Realm!

So the two people rushed directly into the sky, and the terrifying forces began to clash!


Li Zhongxin said deeply, and the frost giant wolf under his feet let out a long roar up to the sky, and the terrifying frost elements began to converge, forming a blizzard that swept through.

“It’s useless!”

The high priest waved his hand, and a large amount of patina began to converge, forming a terrifying giant snake, and the huge body directly impacted.


The terrifying sound wave spread in all directions, a large number of houses collapsed in the fighting, fortunately a large number of civilians had fled just now, otherwise it would inevitably cause a large number of casualties.

celestial war,

It can be said that a natural disaster is coming!

“Flesh and blood are weak … Mechanical Eternal, you big-headed ghost! ”

Fang Wen looked at the back of the High Priest leaving, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

He looked at the huge mechanical ancient emperor gear and could feel a terrifying barrier guard!

But this guarding,

Can you protect yourself from stealing your system?

This is called, you go out to fight, do I come to steal the house?

And it’s still the other party’s BOSS,

Hands on your own!

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