But that’s a mechanical ancient emperor’s part!

What an immortal holy relic!

How could anyone steal energy from it?

Could it be that the energy required to open the door to the mechanical world is far from enough?

Even the power of the ancient copper realm was extracted?

The mechanical high priest was also a little confused, and what scared him the most was that the power in his body was still passing.

Celestial Peak!

Celestial Hierarchy!

Celestial Intermediate Rank!

As if the valve in his body was opened by a big hand that had been invisible all the time, his power began to flow wildly, and even the speed of his body’s recovery became extremely slow.

And the sudden silence of the mechanical high priest also made the two Celestial Stage powerhouses scratch their heads, among which Li Zhongxin frowned even more:

“Why is there no recovery, is there some conspiracy?”

Yu Chao also nodded and reminded:

“It is very likely, maybe it is lowering our vigilance, really a cunning guy.”

The two looked at each other, the spiritual power on their bodies exploded, and then the rain curtain spread out in the sky, the frost spread on the ground, and the powerful spiritual power worshiped, forming a spiritual power defense circle to guard against the sneak attack of the high priest.

However, facing the huge defensive circle, the High Priest suddenly stretched out his hand and used the only remaining Celestial Rank power to control the heavy patina on the earth, condensing into a bronze snake that shrank to only tens of meters.

This bronze serpent was controlled by the High Priest and directly slaughtered the two of them.


The earth trembles, houses collapse, and the momentum is like a rainbow!

“It’s coming!”

The two celestial steps looked at the shrunken bronze serpent, not knowing that this was the passing of each other’s strength, but felt that this was a killer weapon.

“Rain Curtain!”

“Ice Age!”

The two celestial steps tried their best, and the terrifying rain curtain and extreme cold and frost spread for thousands of meters at the same time, wrapped in terrifying power, covering the artistic conception, and hitting the bronze snake that was tens of meters long together.


The bronze snake was easily shattered by this terrifying force in an instant, turning into countless patinas scattered.

“So simple?”

“Could it be that there is a killing move in the patina?”

When the two Celestial Stage powerhouses saw such an easy defeat, they were shocked in their hearts and quickly pulled back.

But after a minute, nothing unusual happened to him!

At this time, Li Zhongxin looked into the distance and exclaimed:

“That guy ran away!”

After putting out the cruel words, he actually ran away directly …

Even if it is Yu Chao’s face paralyzed, the corners of his mouth twitch slightly, which is too exaggerated.

However, although the two people felt strange, they still chased after them, and they had to prevent each other from releasing the so-called mechanical angel legion, otherwise they would really be finished.

“Damn, what the hell is going on…”

While cursing, the mechanical high priest dragged his broken body and began to flee in embarrassment, the power in his body was still flowing, and even he had fallen down the celestial step and turned into the peak of the earth soul, and had lost the ability to fly.

Originally, the power he obtained because of the immortal gear was nothing more than an ordinary transcendent peak in himself.

Previously, with the power of the Celestial Phenomenon Order and the pseudo-immortal body supported by the ancient copper realm, he dared to be so arrogant and crazy.

But when he lost the power given by the immortal gears of the Mechanical Ancient Emperor, his so-called ideals, grandiose ambitions, and even the momentum of the strong collapsed.

The only thing left,

There is only one twisted soul!

This huge drop formed a huge fear in an instant, so that his body could not help but begin to tremble, and a large number of mechanical gears fell.

The High Priest was running wildly, and he was going to rush back now to see what was going on.

Only by staying on the side of the immortal gear can he give him enough security.

Thinking of this, the High Priest looked at the huge mechanical portal in the sky and muttered:

“As long as the Mechanical Angel Legion can be turned on, everything will return to normal…”

And ten minutes ago, the base camp of the mechanical high priest, above the mechanical altar.

Fang Wen stood on the edge of the altar, standing with his hands in his hands, overlooking the mechanical monsters on the earth, using the affinity of the special talent of [Mechanical Instinct], and said loudly:

“You guys want to quickly sacrifice your strength, open the door to the mechanical world, and obtain the gift and eternity of the mechanical ancient emperor.”

Although the mechanical monster is a mechanical crawler with a low IQ, it still has simple thinking and can roughly understand the meaning of Fang Wen.

After all, the previous mechanical high priest decided to bring it with him because Fang Wen’s wisdom was good.

These low-level mechanical servants are also transformed by humans, able to speak, and have simple instincts.

Therefore, under Fang Wen’s affinity for the real mechanical race, thousands of mechanical monsters also stopped, muttering words such as “mechanical eternity” and “flesh and blood are weak”.

“It works!”

Fang Wen was pleasantly surprised in his heart, looking at these mechanical monsters staring at him, he stood on the altar, feeling like he was going to speak.

Although he was not very comfortable with this feeling, Fang Wen knew that his time was running out, and the High Priest could return at any time.

So he camouflaged the voice of the machine and continued:

“Do you know what you’re doing? We are forming an altar dedicated to the great Mechanical Ancient Emperor, opening the door to the Mechanical Realm, summoning the Mechanical Angel Legion, taking back this world occupied by vile flesh and blood creatures, and recreating our mechanical world. ”

Although the rest of the mechanical monsters are not very rational, after hearing a few key words, they still imitate it in a similar way:

“…… Mechanical Ancient Emperor… Despicable creatures of flesh and blood… Creating the world of machinery…”

Although each of them could only say a few fragmentary words, thousands of mechanical creatures spoke together, forming a terrifying mechanical noise and spreading.

When Fang Wen saw this, he was even more surprised, so he continued:

“Our esteemed High Priest sacrificed himself to destroy the vile flesh and blood creatures, and we need to quickly build the altar and summon the High Angel to come and rescue the High Altar.

Therefore, mechanical reptiles, do not use your tattered body to pile up useless altars, directly throw flesh and blood essence into the altar, and quickly complete the altar.

Let’s kill all the vile flesh and blood together, destroy the tyranny of mankind, the world belongs to the three-body … Bah, the world belongs to machinery, and the ancient emperor of machinery is with us. ”

While speaking, Fang Wen also used the superior talent of [Mechanical Instinct] to order several approaching mechanical monsters to take headshots, and the mechanical reptiles also squirmed and threw themselves into the altar.

“Eliminate the tyranny of flesh and blood…”

“The world belongs to machinery…”

“Mechanical Ancient Emperor, with us…”

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

Under the leadership of Fang Wen’s speech, a large number of mechanical monsters fell into a crazy state, and their heads exploded one after another like firecrackers.

A large number of mechanical reptiles crawled from the corpse, like a sea of gears, carrying flesh and blood essence, rushing towards the altar, quickly devoured, and surging to repair the cracks in the immortal gear.

And with the continuous repair of the crack, Fang Wen’s ears once again sounded the voice of the system:

“Detecting fragments in the process of repairing… Steal speed boost… The current progress steals thirty-one percent…”

“Stealing progress… Thirty-five percent…”

“Stealing progress… Thirty-eight percent…”

It worked!

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