In the deepest part of Happy Street, a huge antique villa covering dozens of acres, with a large number of Elysium members patrolling it.

At this time, Fang Wen, who was dressed in blue clothes and wearing a ghostly mask, had also arrived at the front of the mansion, holding a black long knife in his hand.

There are naturally no cameras in the mansion, but the cameras at the door are all invaded by mechanical crawlers, turning into purple mechanical eyes to monitor the surroundings for him.

Originally, Fang Wen also wondered who could kidnap so many children in the city, and they could hide them so easily.

Originally, he also thought that he was an important figure in some happy street or a powerful cult.

But when he found out the identity of the owner of this mansion, he already understood!

The owner of the mansion is said to be the person in charge of Happy Street in Hangshi today.

It is an old clan who has followed the King of Bliss, and is deeply valued by the King of Bliss and has been repeatedly entrusted with heavy tasks.

Zeng Jin was a powerhouse of the Celestial Elephant Rank, but for some special reasons, he fell to the realm and became the peak of the Earth Soul.

After getting old, he voluntarily retired from Elysium City and diligently managed the branch for Elysium King.

And he should also be one of the warriors who fought for the King of Elysium, guarded Elysium City, resisted the invasion of the abyss monsters, and protected the Terrans.

If it weren’t for the mechanical crawlers passing the picture to him, which clearly recorded the picture of the child being brought in, he really couldn’t believe that it was this person who did it.

But only if he does it, can he hide so deeply!

If it hadn’t been for a guy like Zhou Chong who was more genuinely investigating, perhaps this matter would have gradually subsided over time.

However, Zhou Chong didn’t want to give up, and also let Fang Wen know about this matter.

If it is a child as a sacrifice, according to the analysis of the data collected by Fang Wen, it should be some flesh and blood or soul sacrifice, which is generally used to improve strength or extend life.

This happened in the ancient Terran era, when there was no federation, so it was scattered in the form of cities.

And there is a guy, in order to exchange power for evil gods of certain special dimensions.

So he took all the children in the entire city, sacrificed tens of thousands of children, and corrupted the flesh and blood of all the children with the Ten Thousand Blood Devouring Soul Ritual, twisted their souls, and finally condensed into an evil soul bead!

In the end, that person sacrificed the Evil Soul Bead to please an unknown evil god, thereby gaining great power, and even surpassed the peak of the heavenly phenomenon, stepped into the golden step and slaughtered one city after another.

In the end, a king wiped him out, but nearly a million people died, corpses were everywhere, blood flowed like rivers, and there were no people in a distance.

It was also the scattered city system that made the race too scattered, so later some people formed a federation to connect all humans and kings into a whole.

And now the Federation strictly prohibits any blood sacrifice to evil gods, different dimensional dimensions, and monsters, and is severely cracked down on by the special department.

Once discovered, it is regarded as the highest crime against humanity to kill directly on the spot, and kill without reporting.

Now, Fang Wen looked into the mansion through the mechanical eyes at a high place, and although he couldn’t see clearly, he could still see the spread of blood.

In the perception of his life artistic conception, a large amount of dead qi has begun to be produced.

It seems to be a grand sacrifice!

“Is the story of the dragon slaying warrior becoming a dragon after all?”

Fang Wen chuckled, but there was no smile in his eyes.

He was not a good man, but he could not accept the act of sacrificing children of his own people alive.

After coming to this world, in the long eighteen years of life, Fang Wen has identified himself with his pride as a human being, and he has recognized the city where he grew up.

He can’t control the whole world, but since he has come to his face, he will not let these twisted guys go, and also give them death!

So, Fang Wen began to slowly approach the mansion.

Because it is a modern society, although the mansion still continues the ancient style, it has been installed with a camera at the door, so there is no need for anyone to guard it.

Most of the Elysium members are already in the mansion, and these monitors have been controlled by mechanical crawlers.

So even if Fang Wen walked to the door, the people inside did not find that someone had approached, and even made a slight noise, and heard a man’s deep voice saying:

“This batch is also good.”

When Fang Wen heard this, his expression did not fluctuate in the slightest, but he knocked lightly on the door.

Boom! Knock knock!

The knock on the door was slow, with a steady rhythm, making the sound inside pause for a moment.

After a while, the people inside asked with some doubt:

“Hey, why is there still someone coming.”

Fang Wen changed his voice, became hoarse and low, and said:

“yes, I’m here to deliver something.”

“Something? Could it be a new product? ”

The people inside muttered, already preconceived that someone was watching the monitoring inside the mansion, and since the alarm at the door did not respond, he naturally did not suspect it.

I only felt that it was not enough, and sent a new batch of goods to continue the sacrifice.

After all, who would have thought that there would be an almost buggy talent like [Mechanical Master], able to create mechanical crawlers and manipulate all mechanical products for camouflage.

As long as it is a scientific and technological civilization, it is impossible to resist him!

As for those with the same talent, there may be the mechanical race that disappeared in the long river of history, and the sealed mechanical ancient emperor!

And does that existence need to be camouflaged?

Blow, the entire Hangzhou city will be evaporated!

So the people inside directly opened the door and prepared to welcome a new batch of goods.


The door slowly opened, revealing the face of a fierce-looking man with short hair, wearing a white robe of the Elysium with the Elysium logo embroidered on it.

Behind him, seven or eight children fell to the ground, with chains tied to their bodies, and seemed to have fallen into a coma, and each eyebrow was engraved with a strange and twisted symbol with a knife, and blood oozed out and fell low to the ground.

The moment the other party opened the door, he saw Fang Wen wearing a ghostly mask and holding a long knife, and suddenly felt a trace of something bad in his heart, and exclaimed:

“Are you…”

Before he finished speaking, the black long knife penetrated the space, pierced into his open mouth, turned it slightly, and directly shattered into blood foam together with his tongue.


The fierce man collapsed to the ground, covering his mouth and wailing in pain, blood constantly oozing from between his fingers, falling low to the ground, blooming blood-colored plum blossoms.

No matter how much he wailed, he could not make a louder sound, and could only struggle in pain.

Fang Wen looked at him condescendingly and asked:

“Where do you hold the ceremony?”

The fierce man has been stunned now, after all, he is not one of those crazy, selfless saints of bliss, he still has his own joys, sorrows and fears.


Therefore, feeling that his life was at stake, under the desire to live, the fierce man endured the pain and pointed in one direction of the mansion.

Fang Wen nodded, and then continued:

“Actually, you know what, I’m really here to deliver something!”


The fierce man’s eyes looked at Fang Wen in front of him in horror, because his tongue was broken along with the throat pipe, and he could no longer make a sound.

He looked at Fang Wen as if he saw the devil, not only broke his tongue, he had already answered the question, but the other party seemed to be ready to tease and torture him.

However, Fang Wen did not care about his feelings, squatting down and touching his head, like a god sighing at the foolishness of the world.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a cruel smile:

“I’m coming,

Send you on your way! ”

PS: The fifth more please collect! Subscribe please! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes!

Continue to ask for support on the new day, as for why the name of the Green Emperor is used, it is naturally to prevent direct confrontation with the King of Bliss, the king has the authority of the Supreme Dawn Council, and it is still okay to kill someone.

After all, the big Buddha-figures are already super geniuses, there is no need to jump out too early to die, is it not good to be a behind-the-scenes boss? Absolutely cool and will not hold back.

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