However, for a long time, Yao Na did not get a reply, she continued to roll in anger, and finally fell asleep in a daze.

And Fang Wen naturally did not deliberately not reply, but threw his mobile phone aside after replying to the message and began to sort out the harvest this time.

In addition to his own value, the evil priest also brought a lot of treasures, all of which were placed in a storage bag.

It’s just that most of them are some “trophies” such as skulls, corpses, and internal organs, all of which were burned to ashes by Fang Wen’s fire.

In addition, there are some dark elemental crystals, as well as some cursed items!

“Not only weak, but also poor!”

Fang Wen scorned, and then began to run the [Chaos Meditation Method]!

It’s just that as the immortal soul species turned into an eternal demon god, the [Chaos Meditation Method] also evolved and became a more mysterious special secret method.

It’s not so much meditation as it is about getting in touch with the Origin Law of the world!

It can already be called [Demon God Fantasy Method]!

Visualize the Eternal Demon God and master the Supreme Law!

The cultivation after the Celestial Stage is to start contacting the law and try to master the law.

Once you can use the law to temper yourself and condense the soul phase, then you can step into the golden body!

As for the king after the golden body rank, it seems that he wants to master the law and form a special realm!

And this is why the four realms of the law, meaning, potential, domain, and Tao!

After mastering the realm, the reason why the chance of being crowned king is higher!

Because the two are essentially the same, only the realm mastered by the king is more powerful!

For example, several kings who have announced information, the realm of the Thunder Fire King is called [Heavenly Fire Thunder Hell], which can manifest the realm of heavenly fire and divine thunder covering a hundred miles, and all the lives that enter it will be turned into powder.

And what the Tianshui King masters is the [Sea of Extinction], which is a Wang Yang built by Tianshui, every drop of water weighs a thousand, and a wave is like a sacred mountain suppressing down.

In fact, the realm of the king is already equivalent to a reduced version of the law world!

It’s just that the attribute is single, and it can’t exist for a long time!

And Fang Wen himself not only mastered the elemental field, but also mastered a real world!

He only needs to initially perfect the laws of the new world and advance to the small thousand world, then he can step into the golden body class and become the peak existence of the golden body in one fell swoop.

In the next few days, in addition to teasing the royal sister teacher, Fang Wen has been cultivating and perfecting the laws of the world, and even purchased a batch of plants and animals to put into the world and handed them over to this group of loli to deal with.

And the heat about him killing the evil priest not only did not decrease with time, but intensified!

After all, the entire Federation has been attacked by the Ten Thousand Devils Society for a long time, and many of their relatives and friends have died at the hands of the Ten Thousand Devils Society.

But because the Ten Thousand Devils will be extremely cunning and powerful at the same time, they cannot take revenge, and once made the dark world arrogant, and even dared to sacrifice the city in blood and provoke special departments.

After all, one is in the light and the other is in the dark, and it is not convenient to handle!

However, the appearance of Fang Wen changed all this!

With mysterious eyes, he can see through the disguise of humans and demons, forge the Demon Mountain, kill the ten masters, fight the ten thousand demons bow down, and the dark world is silent.

Even in Hang City, where he was located, no one dared to step in, for fear of being killed by Fang Wen!

And this time, the Ten Thousand Devils Association didn’t even let go of the cruel words, and directly chose to be silent!

The most important thing is that many people in Hangzhou City testified that although Fang Wen was ruthless, he was extremely kind to his fellow clan and had a good character.

Coupled with his handsome appearance, he is still from an ordinary background, and he has almost become the uncrowned king of the young generation of the entire Federation!

Some people even call it, the first person in eternity!

Although mixed with some malicious pushes, it has also been recognized by many people!

Even quite a few people admitted this statement!

Hang City has also become the largest city under the royal city!

Such praise is naturally not all positive, but also attracts a lot of jealousy, and many geniuses want to challenge Fang Wen!

Even the veteran students of the two universities of civilization and federation are also gearing up, ready to wait for the start of school to challenge this genius who is known as the [First Person of Eternity]!

After all, these geniuses naturally have arrogance.

Who wants to be subservient?

And all this has nothing to do with Fang Wen, he still maintains the original rhythm of life, constantly cultivating and improving the new world.

A few days later, the Red Moon Chamber of Commerce also sent a contract on elemental veins, with a total value of more than 40 billion after exploration!

And Fang Wen does not need to pay anything, everything is excavated, processed, and sold by the Red Moon Chamber of Commerce, and according to the calculation of mining ores worth ten billion yuan every year, Fang Wen can get fifty percent!

This is also the attitude of the Red Moon Chamber of Commerce, spending a lot of effort to befriend this genius!

In other words, even if Fang Wen does nothing for a year, he can get five billion federal common points!

This kind of money making speed is simply much faster than a money printer!

You must know that before the awakening system, Fang Wen worked for several years to save about 100,000 credit points, buy armor and weapons and go deep into the wild.

Now he is lying down and collecting money!

This is the change that strength brings!

Moreover, the Red Moon Chamber of Commerce also knew that Fang Wen had killed the golden dragon, and also expressed its willingness to spend a lot of money to buy it!

In this regard, Fang Wen did not refuse, after all, the corpse of the golden dragon did not have much effect on him, and if he ate the three evil dragons of Chaos, it would be too bottomless.

Although the three evil dragons of Chaos are consciousness bred by death and have little to do with the golden dragon, they finally give it a body.

Therefore, Fang Wen put forward a condition, that is, to exchange the corpses of other pure-blood dragon races, or dragon lineage, death line, and other treasures.

The Red Moon Chamber of Commerce did not refuse this, and finally after deliberating, it chose to exchange a hundred special dragon blood fruits produced only from the Dragon Domain, plus five Nether Crystals.

In this regard, Fang Wen also directly chose to agree to the exchange, and purchased a large number of fire system and space system secret treasures, and bought some abyss treasures by the way to feed these big money eaters at home.

Or even collect some animals and plants suitable for farming in the New World.

This was a big transaction, which made the person in charge of the Red Moon Chamber of Commerce smile, and he couldn’t wait to offer Fang Wen as an ancestor, and at the same time took the initiative to raise Fang Wen’s membership card to the highest level!

And such a result, directly brushed out more than 30 billion federal common points.

But this kind of speed of spending money made Fang Wen couldn’t help but sigh, when will the ten thousand demons send another ten masters, the money is not enough!

The poor famous ten masters were directly used as cash machines by Fang Wen!

However, Fang Wen is just ridiculing, after all, the so-called wealth is meaningless if it is not transformed into strength!

Time passed in this peace, and Su Yun seemed to be busy with something, except for occasionally sending a few messages, and did not come again.

And halfway through the holiday before the start of this school, the War Academy promised to forge a divine weapon!

It’s finally here!

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