Gao Wu: Work Hard? Who Would Work Hard After Being Immortal?

Chapter 1 Two And A Half Years, Five Years

"Two and a half years! Finally!"

"Thanks to the gods and Bodhisattvas for blessing you! You finally learned the Mountain Shaking Fist!"

"This is a fighting skill that is not even one star, and it took you two and a half years to learn it!"

The master of the Rock Martial Arts School was so excited that he was incoherent.

Gu Bai touched his short hair in confusion, "I just learned the Mountain Shaking Fist now, and I haven't mastered it yet. Didn't you say that you would master it when I paid the money?"

The master staggered and fell to the ground after hearing this, wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead, and cried, "You still want to master it before leaving! Brother Gu Bai, I was wrong! I shouldn't have accepted you in! I'll return half of the money to you, can you go to the martial arts school across the street?"

Fighting skills are divided into one star to nine stars, and the Mountain Shaking Fist is a basic fighting skill that is not even one star. Gu Bai was able to learn it for two and a half years, and he almost outlasted his master.

He came to the martial arts school for half a day every Saturday and Sunday. The master had seen the worst talent only learn for one year. After all, people now have good physical fitness and learn things quickly.

In two and a half years, several students have left.

"Is talent to blame for this~" Gu Bai muttered in a low voice.

But Gu Bai was a little embarrassed. Although his talent was indeed average, he actually learned it two years ago. After that, he came here every week to slack off. Now, Shaking Mountain Fist has barely reached the level of proficiency.

He pretended not to learn it because he was afraid that his father would go to some martial arts school to learn fighting skills.

Gu Bai failed to get into college in high school, and now he works in an electronics factory from Monday to Friday. It was not easy to have a holiday, so Gu Bai certainly didn't want to come here to learn any fighting skills, so he came here every week to slack off.

His father meant: anyway, you can't study, practice, practice, and it's definitely right to learn a few more skills!

Gu Bai helped the master up and said seriously: "Okay, teacher! Give me back the money, I won't come again!"

The master hesitated and said: "Really?"

He wanted to drive Gu Bai away but was afraid of affecting the reputation of the martial arts school. It would be best if Gu Bai could leave by himself.

As for Gu Bai pretending not to learn it after learning it, he didn't think about it. After all, who would run to listen to the class every week when they were bored after learning it.


"The God of Wealth has received 10,000 yuan!"

After two and a half years of hard work, he saved half of the money! He is really smart!

"Gu Bai! Don't tell others that I am your teacher when you go out!" The old master stood at the door of the martial arts hall and was reluctant to leave.

Gu Bai scanned a shared electric motorcycle on the side of the road and prepared to go home.

At this time, an electronic sound came from his mind.

[Ding! Gain 0.1 free attribute points! ]

"The one-year period has arrived! Finally!" Gu Bai's mouth corners tilted in an arc, and he had a sense of déjà vu of the Dragon King!

[Gu Bai

[Cell Strength: 2.9

[Free Attribute Points: 0.1

A year ago, Gu Bai bound a golden finger when he was clearing the sewer for the widow's house in the community.

The function of the golden finger is to bring longevity to Gu Bai, and at the same time, it can give Gu Bai 0.1 free attribute points every year.

In addition, when the golden finger was bound, it was found that Gu Bai was an ordinary person who could not be more ordinary. He ran away overnight and brought him two life-saving abilities, one was the God-level Turtle Breathing Technique, and the other was the God-level Disguise Technique.

The God-level Turtle Breathing Technique can change the strength of one's performance, including the strength detected by the instrument.

The God-level Disguise Technique can change one's appearance, and even disguise one's own DNA sequence, turning oneself into another person completely.

In this technologically advanced world, with these two abilities, Gu Bai's future can be considered a long road to immortality!

Gu Bai allocated this 0.1 attribute point to cell strength, and a burst of energy emerged from his body out of thin air. Under the influence of this power, Gu Bai's face flushed, the little tent stood at attention, and the veins on his forehead bulged.

Not long after, a light green light appeared in Gu Bai's hands.

"Superpower! It's actually a superpower! I didn't expect that this one-in-a-hundred opportunity would fall on me!" Gu Bai danced with joy.

After the cell strength reaches 3, humans have a small probability of awakening superpowers. According to the latest statistical data, the probability is 1%.

But Gu Bai was not happy for long. After reading the superpower illustrations, he found that his superpower was Healing, which ranked 9888th in Sequence 3, and was the lowest level of healing superpower. He might not be as good at using this superpower as taking medicine or bandaging!

[Gu Bai

[Cell Strength: 3.0

[Superpower: Healing (F)

[Free Attribute Points: 0

Glancing at the gold finger panel under the corner of his eye, Gu Bai found that he had an extra superpower on his panel!

Can I add free attribute points to Healing?

Gu Bai's extinguished heart stood up again! He was full of hope for the future!

Can his superpowers be improved? Wouldn't that make him invincible?

Gu Bai began to imagine what his top superpowers would look like in the future, and he made a few strange noises from time to time.


"Today is a good day..."

As the sun and the moon alternated, Gu Bai hummed a little tune and rode a shared electric motorcycle back home with a happy mood.

Gu Bai's home is located in a community in the eastern part of Lincheng Base City: Linming Community

The community consists of cylindrical buildings, each with only four or five floors, and each building is separated by a considerable distance, with good lighting.

Gu Bai's home is on the third floor of Building 03, with one household per floor. Gu Bai walked briskly and stepped on the stairs to the third floor in a flash.

"Dad! Xiaoyue! I'm back!" After using the communicator to scan the detection equipment at the door, the door opened.

"Brother! You're back!" A young girl came to Gu Bai, with a delicate face and a simple ponytail. Even a loose casual outfit couldn't hide her graceful figure.

She is Gu Bai's sister, Gu Yue.

Gu Bai has an ordinary appearance and extremely ordinary talent. He is not good at studying and practicing. Gu Yue is not only good-looking, but also has top talent in the entire Lincheng Base City. She is now studying at the best university in Lincheng Base City, Lincheng Academy! [ps: non-SARS, non-routine, no confusing relationships between men and women, please read the following text if you don't believe it]

Gu Yue is only 21 years old now, and her cell strength has reached 20! Gu Bai is now 23 years old and has only 3.0 cell strength... Gu Bai has seen photos of his father when he was young, and he also has an ordinary appearance. Gu Bai has suspected more than once whether his father has taken someone else's child by mistake.

Gu Bai gently touched Gu Yue's head and smiled, "Where's Dad?"

Gu Yue: "Dad just went out with Uncle Wang!"

Gu Bai was a little angry when he heard this, "Why didn't you stop him? Uncle Wang must have gone to drink with him!"

Speak of the devil and he will appear.

"Old Wang, you said that I have been walking on thin ice all my life. Can I still reach the top of martial arts?" Uncle Wang, who was drunk, pushed open the door, and Gu Bai's father said drunkenly.

"I know, brother Bo Bing! You can do it!"

"Xiao Bai, Xiao Yue! You are all here! Old Gu will be handed over to you!"

Gu Bai said to Uncle Wang with a little anger: "Uncle Wang! Don't you know that my dad can't drink often?"

Uncle Wang smiled embarrassedly: "I know! His health is not as good as before. He got drunk after just two drinks! I didn't let him drink later, he was just bragging!"

"I feel relieved when you are here! I'll go back first!"

Gu Bai took his father and nodded, "Okay Uncle Wang!"

Uncle Wang closed the door and left, and Gu Bai put Gu Guoqiang on the sofa.

Looking at Gu Guoqiang, who was haggard, with a red face and some white hair, Gu Bai complained: "You are not in good health and you still drink!"

Gu Bai's father, Gu Guoqiang, was previously the captain of the city defense army of Lincheng Base City, and his cell strength reached more than 100! He was seriously injured in a battle. At that time, Gu Guoqiang was already quite old, so he retired.

The pension and retirement subsidy of the city defense army are very high, which is why they have money to let Gu Bai go to the martial arts hall.

Gu Guoqiang is now over 90 years old. Affected by old injuries, his cells have degenerated seriously, and now his cell strength is around 10.

"Don't talk nonsense! Your brother Qiang is in good health! It won't be a problem to live for another few decades!" Gu Guoqiang muttered in a daze.

"If you are in good health, you won't die after drinking two glasses!" Gu Bai shook his head.


Time flies, and five years have passed in a flash.

In these five years, there has been no change in Lincheng Base City. The only major event is that the base chief has been exposed for keeping several mistresses.

The strength of the base commander's wife is not inferior to that of the base commander. It is said that the domestic violence was earth-shattering!

Gu Bai could only sigh that the person who revealed his secret was really a ruthless person. The base commander's strength had already entered the country, and his move was earth-shattering.

I don't know if the grave of that ruthless person is safe.

And the big event in Gu Bai's family is... Gu Guoqiang is hospitalized!

Lincheng Base City East District Hospital.

Ward 404.

Gu Guoqiang, wearing a hospital gown and with several tubes connected to his arm, was lying on the bed. The instrument next to him was detecting Gu Guoqiang's various vital signs.

"Why don't you be discharged from the hospital! It's no problem for me to live for another few decades! There's no need to go through so much trouble!"

"Heh! You are so stubborn, I don't know if you can burn your mouth after cremation! The cell strength has degenerated to only 2, and you still say it's okay!"

"That's better than you learning the Shaking Mountain Fist for two and a half years!"

"Two and a half years, so what? It's better than you getting drunk!"


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