Gao Wu: Work Hard? Who Would Work Hard After Being Immortal?

Chapter 40 Jiangbei Base City, Leaving To Find A Suitable Burial Site

The huge airship slowly landed at the airship station.

The light electronic sound sounded again.

"We have arrived at Jiangbei Base City. Passengers who have reached their destination please disembark and pack up your belongings and luggage! The airship will stay for one hour, please pay attention to arrange your time. The next stop is Tianhe Base City!"

Gu Bai took his level 3 bag, walked in the crowd, entered the elevator, and officially stepped into Jiangbei Base City.

Jiangbei Base City is a medium-sized base city in the southern part of Longxia. It is not far from Lincheng Base City, only more than 3,000 kilometers.

Although Jiangbei Base City is only a medium-sized base city, there is a large base city in each of the four directions of Jiangbei Base City, east, west, south, and north. The closest distance is 300 kilometers, and the farthest distance is only about 800 kilometers.

As the saying goes, those who surround Jiangbei are rich.

It refers to the four large cities around Jiangbei.

Of course, it is not that Jiangbei Base City is bad, but it is precisely because there are large cities around it that Jiangbei Base City cannot compete with them for resources, and the good seedlings also go to the surrounding base cities for development.

Leaving the "old, weak, sick and disabled" in the base, it is not easy to develop the base city into a medium-sized base city.

After verifying the information, Gu Bai left the airship station, took a taxi to a car dealership, and rented a decent hovercraft as a means of transportation in this base city.

If nothing unexpected happens, this will be Gu Bai's stop for the next period of time. Although large base cities have many development opportunities, the cost of living, competition, and pace are also fast. Gu Bai still likes a slow-paced life.

But before that, Gu Bai still has to see if this base city is suitable for his development.

In the next year, Gu Bai was like a traveler. Gu Bai visited various areas and scenic spots in the entire Jiangbei Base City.

Basically, I know this base city in detail.

In a three-story self-built house in the northern district of Jiangbei Base City.

"Uncle Gu, the deposit is 100,000, and the monthly rent is 10,000. How about 300,000 for three years!" A middle-aged man in slippers said to Gu Bai, his voice a little rough.

"No problem!" Gu Bai nodded downstairs at the small courtyard. The reason he liked this place was that there was a small courtyard downstairs, where he could practice planting some spiritual plants, and it was in the northern old city, so the rent was relatively cheap.

The middle-aged landlord slid a split screen in front of Gu Bai on the communicator projection. Gu Bai glanced at it and signed his name on it.

"Uncle, you are not a local, right?" The landlord asked curiously after hearing Gu Bai's accent.

"I am from Lincheng, and I am old enough to go out for a walk!" Gu Bai responded.

"Oh, it is said that the development there is very strong now! Then I won't bother you. If you have any questions, you can come to me!"

The landlord left the building after a few greetings without disturbing Gu Bai too much.

Gu Bai began to clean the house. Although the landlord had cleaned it before Gu Bai moved in, Gu Bai thought about it and decided to clean it again. It is different for him to clean it himself and for others to clean it for him.

After cleaning, Gu Bai went to the nearest shopping mall to buy a lot of daily necessities. It was only a few hundred meters away, so Gu Bai drove.

Carrying a large amount of daily necessities on the road with a huge special sack became a beautiful landscape.

Many enthusiastic residents came to help Gu Bai when they saw this. After all, the appearance of old man Gu Bai was indeed pitiful.

After rejecting the enthusiastic Chaoyang people, Gu Bai returned to the rented house and sorted out the purchased supplies.

When going to the mall to buy daily necessities, Gu Bai also bought some seedlings and seeds of common medicinal materials.

In the pharmacist industry, these flowers and plants are called medicinal materials, while in the spiritual plant industry, all plants are collectively called spiritual plants.

In the following time, Gu Bai taught himself some knowledge of spiritual plant masters and planted seeds and seedlings in the yard.

In the first year, Gu Bai did not use supernatural powers on these spiritual plants, but used the knowledge he learned to cultivate these spiritual plants and understand the points that need to be paid attention to during the growth period of spiritual plants.

In the second year, Gu Bai began to try to use supernatural powers to cultivate these spiritual plants, and set up a control group at the same time.

By comparison, with Gu Bai's current strength, the growth rate of spiritual plants that use healing once a day is about ten times that of those that do not use healing.

That is to say, some spiritual plants that normally grow for ten months can mature in one month in Gu Bai's place.

If a large number of healing spells are used on a spiritual plant in a short period of time, although the spiritual plant can mature in a few days, the quality will be much worse.

There are also records in the knowledge related to spiritual plants that frequent use of special envoy abilities to ripen spiritual plants will cause them to be "malnourished".

It is best to use it once every one to two days, of course, except for those powerful abilities that directly ripen to maturity.

In a blink of an eye, it has been three years since Gu Bai came to Jiangbei Base City.

In the yard, a green ball of light appeared in Gu Bai's hand, forming hundreds of light green lights that fell accurately on each spiritual plant. Under the influence of this power, the spiritual plants grew a little at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then, Gu Bai cleaned up some weeds around the spiritual plants.

Back to the house, put on the battle suit that Gu Yue gave him in the past, selected the camouflage mode, and drove away from here in the hover car after a simple tidying up.

Before leaving, Gu Bai looked back at the house where he had lived for two years, his face was indifferent, and he no longer lingered.

With a good trip, Gu Bai came to a hunting guild near the northern city wall.

People came and went, most of them wearing battle suits.

Gu Bai parked the car in the parking lot next to it, stepped into the gate of the guild, and came to the front desk.

"Hello, create a hunting team!"

"Okay, please show your ID!"

Gu Bai handed the ID of the communicator to the staff after hearing this.

You must reach at least the Breaking Sky level to create a hunting team. If you do not join any hunting team, non-official personnel and special circumstances cannot leave the base city from the city gate.

Gu Bai authenticated the Breaking Sky level information many years ago, and now his exposed strength is more than 600 cells.

"Please pay 10,000 Longxia coins for the creation fee!" The staff slid a screen in front of Gu Bai.

After the payment was completed, the staff continued: "Please enter the name of your hunting team!"

Gu Bai thought for a while and filled in two words on it: Traveler

He is a traveler in this world...

"Okay, it has been created successfully! If you want to accept the task, go to the Jiangbei Hunting Guild software on the Internet to accept the task! After completing the task, you can come here to submit it. You can also get some benefits and purchase some special supplies from the official internal!"

"Okay, thank you!" Gu Bai got up and left the front desk, and downloaded the Hunting Guild software with the communicator.

The interface of the software is very simple, that is, the task interface exchange interface. Completing the task can get a certain amount of points and Longxia coins. The points can be used to upgrade the hunting team level and exchange some goods.

Gu Bai accepted two simple tasks on it and took the car to the western wall of the base.

The city wall is the same size as the Lincheng base city or the medium-sized base city. After showing his identity information, Gu Bai also left the base city smoothly.

With the power of the blood of the alien beasts and the current technology, the desert no longer exists. Outside the base city, there are basically forests, wilderness or mountain grasslands.

Outside the Jiangbei base city is also a wilderness, but the grass is sparse and there are many potholes.

Gu Bai's hovercraft ran all the way, and soon he was two or three kilometers away from the base city wall.

This is the first time that Gu Bai has left the base so far.

From time to time, you can see hunting teams returning or going out. Some are running on foot, some use hovercrafts like Gu Bai, and some use large hover trucks to facilitate pulling the bodies of alien beasts.

Everyone is busy with their own things, and there is no conflict.

Of course, there is no conflict here. After all, this place is very close to the base city, and it is not clear about the outer periphery...

There is a high probability that there are no alien beasts within ten kilometers of the base city.

Gu Bai drove the hovercraft to a place 30 kilometers away from the base city. One or two Transcendent and Sky-breaking level beasts could be seen wandering around.

Before coming to Jiangbei Base City, Gu Bai did some research on the Internet. Because there are four large base cities and many hunting teams around, there are no Sky-ascending level beasts around Jiangbei Base City, and there are very few Sky-travelling level beasts.

As the saying goes, you have to hide when you need to, and Gu Bai is a little scared.

He came here for nothing else but to find a suitable place to bury his body.

Whose body?

Of course, his own.

"My current strength should be at the top of the food chain here!"

Gu Bai looked at a Transcendent wolf-shaped beast staring at him from a distance, stretching his body, stretching his muscles, staring at him, as if he was going to burst out in the next second.

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