Gao Wu: Work Hard? Who Would Work Hard After Being Immortal?

Chapter 80 Give All The Death Nightmare Insects A Home

The bug turned into a smaller version of itself, and the clothes it wore were exactly the same as Gu Bai's!

Its body and consciousness were still under Gu Bai's control.

Under Gu Bai's control, the "bug" made various poses, without any sense of disobedience, as if it was its own body.

The only difference was that the cells in this body were not strong enough.

"Can it be changed back?"

Under Gu Bai's consciousness, the flesh and blood of the "bug" squirmed and turned back to its original appearance.

Gu Bai controlled the bug to continue absorbing his vitality, but found that it could not be absorbed and was rejected by the bug's body!

In other words, it was full?

Gu Bai tried it a few more times and found that it was indeed the case.

Under Gu Bai's control of his mind, the bug turned back to Gu Yuan's appearance.

Gu Bai had another idea. This change into his own appearance should be considered an avatar, so can this avatar become bigger?

With a move of consciousness, the "bug" seemed to have been turned on, expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the clothes on its body also expanded in proportion. Gu Bai controlled it to fall to the ground.

Soon it expanded to a one-to-one ratio with Gu Bai, but Gu Bai did not stop his expansion order.

Soon the body of "Gu Yuan" reached several meters in height, with its head against the ceiling.

Gu Bai controlled it to shrink, and when it could not shrink any further, the insect changed to the size of "Gu Yuan".

"If it expands, there is no limit now, and if it shrinks, it can only shrink to its original size!" Gu Bai muttered.

Under Gu Bai's control, "Gu Yuan" made a clear "Hello..."

"It can make sounds and change its shape and size! If its cell strength is the same as mine, it will be a perfect clone!"

Preliminary identification shows that this insect is harmless.

Gu Bai guessed in his heart.

This should be some kind of technological product from the super ancient civilization in the past. Since it is a product, it cannot cause harm to the user.

Absorbing vitality may be just the starting condition of this insect.

Gu Bai provided it with a lot of vitality, which is unmatched by the current strong.

But the super ancient civilization may have given birth to extremely terrifying strong people, and the vitality absorbed by Gu Bai is nothing in the eyes of those strong people.

Of course, guesses are just guesses, and if they cannot be confirmed, they will always be just guesses.

Gu Bai brought his clone to the underground laboratory for a series of tests.

In order to experiment with his own medicine, his laboratory was equipped with complete human body testing instruments.

Gu Bai controlled his other body to conduct various tests on the instrument, but there was no blood or body organs in this body, and it did not look like a carbon-based creature at all.

The body seemed to be composed of countless elements that humans have not discovered.

The muscle fibers and physical strength of its body were tested, which was roughly equivalent to the human cell strength of about 5.

"The cell strength is too weak!" Gu Bai muttered. After the test, he controlled it to come to the medicine research. Using the existing medicine, Gu Bai prepared to make a bottle of basic cell medicine for it.

He wanted to see if the organelle strength of this thing was fixed, and what form the energy would take when it entered its body.

Before making the medicine, Gu Bai had another idea in his mind.

"Although the body structure is completely different, can I use ancient martial arts or cultivation methods under my control? And what about superpowers?"

Gu Bai controlled his clone and skillfully performed the Mountain Shaking Fist in the air of the laboratory.

Each move was perfectly performed under Gu Bai's control.

After the fight, Gu Bai did not feel a bit tired. Then he controlled the cells in his body and used the invisible fighting skills in the same way as before.

Gu Bai originally thought that he would not react in this body that was not the same as the human body, but he did not expect that the body would gradually dissipate and disappear in the naked eye as usual.

"!! This thing... can use fighting skills without cells?" This is beyond the knowledge Gu Bai has learned.

In other words, this kind of technology is no longer something Gu Bai can understand.

Why did such a powerful super ancient civilization become extinct?

This is the doubt in Gu Bai's mind.

Then, Gu Bai used Dao Wu Ya again and successfully used it on this body.

The whole body exuded a faint red light, the pupils turned scarlet, the physical strength of the body increased dramatically, and the perception of the surroundings also increased significantly, as if he was using Dao Wu Ya.

After closing Dao Wu Ya, Gu Bai did not feel any discomfort from that body.

Gu Bai also had the answer in his mind. This body did not have the structure of a human, so it would not be attacked by Dao Wuya! Or this body absorbed so much of Gu Bai's vitality that Dao Wuya's consumption just now could not cause any waves. After using other cultivation methods and confirming that they could all be used, Gu Bai began to make potions. A month later. A "Gu Bai" squatted on the ground, constantly pouring all the potions in front of him into his mouth, and there were potion packaging in front of him. Gu Bai himself stood beside him, using a detection instrument to detect the approximate cell strength of "Gu Bai". 51130! This is the approximate cell strength of Gu Bai's clone at this time. It only took one month to increase the cell strength from 5 to more than 50,000, a full 10,000 times increase. Although the clone of the Death Nightmare Worm cannot practice, the absorbed energy will be converted into its own strength. And there is no need for potions. Simply taking the blood of the alien beast can absorb the energy in it to improve your physical strength. The reason why Gu Bai used the potion was because the feelings of this body would all be transmitted to Gu Bai. If he consumed the blood of the alien beast, it would taste a bit...

Unlimited absorption of energy to increase physical strength, able to use various skills used by humans, extremely strong recovery ability, severe cut injuries can be recovered in an instant, and the recovery of broken limbs has not yet been tested...

At the same time, it can be controlled no matter how far away it is, and the situation of entering a space crack or not in a space is unknown.

No life induction, cannot be detected by life detection equipment.

Using the stealth combat skill is the same as using the turtle breathing technique plus the stealth combat skill by the original body... and so on...

These are all what Gu Bai has studied for a month. During this month, Gu Bai stayed here to study it.

Conclusion, this death nightmare worm is indeed not a simple thing!

And more importantly, the Dragon Academy made this thing for commercial use because there are too many of this thing in a space crack, so it can only be handled in this way.

Gu Bai needs to save these death nightmare worms from dire straits and keep them all.

This death nightmare worm feels that one less is used. If it is put into commercial use, Gu Bai feels that it will definitely become extinct in a few years!

So Gu Bai now has another goal, to give all the death nightmare insects a home.

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