Gao Wu: Work Hard? Who Would Work Hard After Being Immortal?

Chapter 84 Hao Zhengyi Leaves, The Old Dean Leaves

In the following days, nothing major happened in Jiangbei Base City.

Gu Bai told Huo Yuanzhong to think about it, but he didn't respond to him for several months. Huo Yuanzhong didn't contact Gu Bai later, which saved Gu Bai from rejecting him.

After the June college entrance examination, the results came out soon. Ma Xiaotao and He Tao's son He Rendong scored well, which was more than enough for him to apply for Jiangbei College.

Under Gu Bai's recommendation, he chose the spiritual plant major, after all, He Rendong's ability was related to spiritual plants.

In addition, there were two big gold swallowers, the death nightmare worm and the death nightmare worm clone that needed a large amount of alien beast blood to increase cell strength. Although Gu Bai made a lot of money, the money he spent was also increasing significantly.

Originally, he wanted to study potions but didn't have the money to study, so he could only work hard on his old business of spiritual plants to make more extra money.

When Gu Bai is bored, he often thinks of his old friends in Lincheng who have passed away now. It is a pity that he could not have a meal with them...

In the more than two hundred years since he was born, Gu Bai has seen too many separations and deaths, but now, Gu Bai still cannot face them calmly. Every time he thinks of them or encounters them, he feels sad.

Now Gu Bai is also a strong man that he could not reach at the beginning. After all, the death nightmare avatar is also a sky-breaking existence.

Heaven-ascending level, sky-breaking strong man, intermediate spiritual chef, intermediate spiritual plant master, intermediate pharmacist...

Things that he dared not dream of when he was young have now been realized.

He has also become a role model and a goal for countless people.

But looking back, what Gu Bai remembers most and misses most is the time in Lincheng...

At this time, it has been a year since Huo Yuanzhong invited Gu Bai.

A rare guest came to the company building where Gu Bai works.

"When will you come back?" Gu Bai picked up a half-person-sized ceramic jar and filled the cup in front of Hao Zhengyi. The aroma of spiritual plants and wine filled the entire first-floor hall.

"How should I know? The important thing is that you should pay more attention to the affairs of the college after I leave. After all, you are the only professor in the Spiritual Plant College!"

Hao Zhengyi said and drank the spiritual wine in the cup.

"It's okay, just let Xiao Tao do it!" Gu Bai shook his head indifferently.

"You are a professor of our college after all, can you give me some help!"

Hao Zhengyi was a little disappointed. Although Gu Bai was a professor of the college, it was very good to go to the college once a week. It was completely retirement. There were very few graduate students, and one or two a year was considered a lot.

"Fortunately, I have no morals, otherwise I would have been kidnapped by you! I am just an honorary professor, and you actually want to use me as a cow and horse!"


"Speaking of the college with so few professors, President Bai is willing to let you go?" Gu Bai took a big sip of spiritual wine and asked.

Hao Zhengyi chuckled, "Brother Bai is from the Bai family. Their family does not participate in high-level disputes, but I often interact with people from [Xinghuo], and he can't wait for me to leave..."

Hao Zhengyi's smooth Mediterranean face, which had drunk a lot of medicinal wine, also became slightly rosy.

Gu Bai smiled, "Hahahahaha... By the way! You are so old, why don't your family urge you to get married! It shouldn't be!"

Gu Bai has seen Hao Zhengyi's identity information. Hao Zhengyi is now over 100 years old and close to 200 years old. He is a powerful person who is close to ascending to the sky.

"What family? I don't have any family now, otherwise why would I leave and come to tell you!"

Hao Zhengyi said the saddest words in the most festive tone.

Gu Bai did not respond, and was silent for a while, and took the initiative to change the subject.

The two boasted to each other, and finally Gu Bai won miserably, and there were more and more ceramic jars scattered on the ground.

These are all spiritual wines brewed by Gu Bai with spiritual plant fruits when he was free. Although they are all half-baked techniques, fortunately the materials are good and the taste is not bad in the end.

The two did not become sleepy or confused because of the alcohol, but were a little tired. They lay on the ground holding their stomachs, as if the ceiling above their heads was a starry sky.

"Lao Deng, or when will you come back from doing something with [Xinghuo] this time!"

"I don't know... maybe I will come back, maybe I won't come back..."

"What a good answer!"

For a long time.

"Why don't you talk?"

Gu Bai turned around and looked at the bald Lao Deng, but Hao Zhengyi closed his eyes, his breathing gradually slowed down, as if he was asleep.

"I fell asleep after drinking a little..." Gu Bai complained.

"Take care!"

Hao Zhengyi smiled when he heard this.

"I haven't slept yet, I'm just a little tired..."

"I know!"


After Hao Zhengyi left Jiangbei College, the burden of the Spiritual Plant College fell on... Tao Youli as expected.

In the spiritual plant greenhouse of Jiangbei College.

Gu Bai put his hands on Tao Youli's shoulders and said earnestly:

"Xiao Tao, Professor Hao is not here, you have to do more for the college. If you have any problems, come... don't come to me, find professors from other colleges! If there is really no way, go to Principal Bai, if there is still no way, then... don't care!"

"You are the head of our Spiritual Plant College now! You must have some opinions!"

Tao Youli:...

Tao Youli was silent for a while, "Professor Gu, before Professor Hao left, he said that those graduate students could be brought to your company for internships..."

"What does he think of me? Who does he accept? Who does he teach?" Gu Bai shouted angrily.

"He said that if you agree, he will leave the laboratory's achievements and spiritual plant seeds to you, and the spiritual plant greenhouse will also be counted as yours, but you have to take care of it when you are free!"

"You are really good at judging people! Aren't they just a few graduate students? I'll take them!" Gu Bai's face changed when he heard this, and he patted his chest and said righteously.

After explaining some matters to Tao Youli, Gu Bai left Jiangbei College.

Hao Zhengyi arranged everything before leaving. Hao Zhengyi, who has been here for nearly a hundred years, also has feelings and responsibilities for this place.

Gu Bai did not return to the company building, but came to Jiangbei Welfare Home.

At this time, Jiangbei Welfare Home was very lively. The hovercrafts filled the open space in front of the gate of the welfare home, and some cars with special license plates could be seen coming here from time to time.

Gu Bai parked the car outside casually, showed his identity information to the security guard and walked in.

Surrounded by unfamiliar people, Gu Bai stood on the edge of the crowd, looking at the half-human-sized black and white photos in the distance with some emotion.

The director of the welfare home is gone, died of old age, and died with a smile.

Although Gu Bai was not familiar with the old dean, he still remembered what the old dean said to him on the day of his coming-of-age ceremony.

"Gu Yuan, I hope you can hold happiness in your hands, write the future with peace, bury happiness in your heart, stick to your heart, and the future is promising! At the age of 18, your life really begins!"

Another generation of people is leaving...

"Gu Yuan!" A familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from the side.

"Long time no see!" Gu Bai looked back at the two mature women who came over and smiled.

They were Sister Mei and Liu Jingting.

Sister Mei's face looked a little old, and there were already some signs of middle age.

And Liu Jingting took the anti-aging potion a few years ago. Although her face now has traces of time, she looks very young.

"I haven't seen you for many years, Gu Yuan is getting more and more charming!" Sister Mei joked as she looked at Gu Yuan in a formal suit.

Liu Jingting also praised: "Gu Yuan is now a big boss, a mature and successful man, of course he is attractive! Gu Yuan should be the best person who came out of our welfare home!"

"Hahaha, no, I'm just lucky!" Gu Bai said embarrassedly.


After greeting the two for a while, the three of them attended the memorial service and then went to a nearby restaurant to chat for a while before returning home.

Both of them have their own families and have taken different paths, not on the intersection of Gu Bai's path.

But no matter what it is now, Gu Bai has a very clear memory of both of them.

Years always slip away inadvertently, and life always has to go on.

On this day, a burst of "hehehe" laughter came from the bathroom of Gu Bai's bedroom.

It seems to be doing something strange...



There is one chapter left to make up for you tomorrow. I have something to do today and don't have time to write...

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