"I haven't drunk your little 13-year-old son for 20 years!" Looking at the four-star cell potion in his hand, Gu Bai couldn't help but reveal a trace of nostalgia and self-mockery.

More than 30 years ago, his cell strength was more than 60,000. Normally, he should have stepped into the threshold of 100,000 cell strength in about 20 years.

Unexpectedly, more than 30 years later, the cell strength is only about 80,000.

Other combat skills and cultivation methods have not improved in these years.

In the following days, Gu Bai went fishing every day, and used the Great Dream Inner Scenery Sutra to practice when he had nothing to do...

In the blink of an eye, another 15 years passed.

It took 15 years for Gu Bai to step into the threshold of the Ascension Level.

Gu Bai, 306 years old, finally became a powerful Ascension Level!

And the Great Dream Inner Scenery Sutra has successfully entered the second level, the inner scene, which can control dreams after these years of practice.

After some experiments, Gu Bai suspected that this ability must be used together with the third level of out-of-body experience.

In addition, during these 15 years, Gu Bai quit his job as a professor and applied for retirement from the Jiangbei Welfare Agency to get some pocket money to spend.

Hao Zhengyi had been gone for so many years, and the academy had found an intermediate spiritual plant master to replace Hao Zhengyi's job. There was no need for Gu Bai to keep his position.

The spiritual plants in the courtyard illuminated by the morning light were full of green.

The fragrance emitted by the special spiritual plants made the air in the whole park extremely fragrant. From time to time, one or two small fish jumped up from the lake in the distance, and the breath of life came to his face.

Gu Bai got up, washed up, and left the yard.

Looking at the beautiful scenery around, I just felt that life was full of beauty!

The whole park has not changed much in thirty-five years. After Gu Bai spent some time fishing as usual.

He was ready to leave the park to do something in the black market.

At this time, the entrance gate of the park opened, and a beautiful figure ran in and flew directly into Gu Bai's arms.

Gu Bai pushed the figure away, with a slightly disdainful tone: "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

The figure had two ponytails, and she pouted her delicate face when she heard the words, "Uncle Gu, you were not like this before..."

"You are almost fifty years old now, and you can get married, so of course you should be careful!"

"I don't want to, I said I would marry Uncle Gu! Why are you like this!"

Gu Bai covered his forehead, "I am your mother's brother, what are you thinking!"

"You are not my mother's biological brother!" Ma Yinglan shook her head.

"If you do this again, I will take back all your rights to come in!" Gu Bai took a step back to keep a distance from Ma Yinglan, and at the same time turned on the communicator and gave Ma Yinglan a threatening look.

"I am wrong, Uncle Gu!" Ma Yinglan put her hands on her eyes and cried.

Gu Bai shook her head, "I have something to do, I have to go out, and give you a task!"

"Oh?" Ma Yinglan was interested when she heard the words, she couldn't think of a time when Uncle Gu would need help.

"Let's go fishing there. I hope to see at least ten fish when I come back. I want to eat them tonight! Don't go down to catch them. There are octopuses in there that you hate the most!" Gu Bai pointed to the fishing rod by the lake.


"Uncle Gu, why are you going? Let's go together!"

"No, go fishing quickly, or go back!"

Without waiting for Ma Yinglan's response, Gu Bai left the park.

Ma Yinglan didn't chase him after seeing this. After all, Uncle Gu said he had something to do. If she chased him, she would definitely be scolded, and Uncle Gu would complain to her mother.

Gu Bai breathed a sigh of relief after leaving the park.

"I have to find a chance to tell Sister Xiao Tao that Xiao Lan is getting more and more unbridled!"

Ma Yinglan also studied pharmacy at Jiangbei College. She is now a senior junior pharmacist. She used to work in a pharmaceutical company, but recently resigned and prepared to work alone. She must have nothing to do recently and is very bored, so she often runs to Gu Bai's place.

Gu Bai skillfully entered the Jiangbei underground black market.

But Gu Bai did not wear a black silk suit, but a flesh-colored silk stocking.

He thought that no one would recognize him this time. When passing by a stall, Gu Bai curiously asked the stall owner, "Hey, brother! Why hasn't the strong man next to you come for a long time? I haven't seen him for several years. Did he retire?"

The stall owner looked up at Gu Bai and smiled, "It's you, Brother Black Silk!"

"I'm not, you recognized the wrong person!" Gu Bai waved his hand.

"It's not a question of whether it's black silk or not, I can see your temperament at a glance!" The stall owner praised Gu Bai's twisted flesh-colored silk stockings.

"..."Gu Bai was silent, and secretly said that he would never wear stockings again in the future.

"The strong man should be very old now, maybe he has retired. Of course, it is possible that something happened to him!"

"Okay, thank you, brother!" Gu Bai nodded, not caring too much.

After all, it was just a chance encounter.

After walking for a while, Gu Bai came to a potion stall.

They were all old customers here, and Gu Bai asked directly: "How much does it cost to make the five-star cell potion?"

Five-star cell potions require enough contribution points to be purchased in the official potion store. Although Gu Bai has made some contributions to society with the awakening potion, Gu Bai's household registration is the son of an unknown wanted criminal, which will still be affected.

It will be a bit troublesome when buying, but it is not impossible to buy. The main reason is that Gu Bai does not want to expose that he has reached the level of ascension, so it is better to show others a lower strength.

Besides, high-star potions are too expensive, and it will be much cheaper to make them yourself.

"Five hundred million Longxia coins!" the stall owner said.

"Three hundred million!" Gu Bai responded.

"Deal!" The stall owner nodded, took out a book from the space ring and handed it to Gu Bai.

Gu Bai was stunned.

"No, didn't your stall say that you can't bargain? How can we do it this time?"

"It's the medicine that can't bargain. The medicine is all priced uniformly! The method of making medicine is not uniformly priced!" The stall owner explained.


After transferring 300 million Longxia coins.

Gu Bai asked, "Can you get the blood of the sky-breaking beast here? What's the approximate price?"

"Yes, about 40 billion per ton, how much do you want?"

"How many do you have?"

The stall owner's eyes lit up when he heard it!

A big customer!

"I can get you about 50 tons! If you want a large amount, I can give you a 9.8% discount!"


The stall owner couldn't hide his excitement when he heard it. If this deal was successful, he could retire directly with a huge commission.

"Hey, big man, how much do you want?"

"One hundred tons, I'll buy it from you when I have money!"

Gu Bai turned and left without a trace of wind and snow, leaving behind a cold back and a hurt person.


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