The black-robed man carried the middle-aged man to a hill, found a hidden corner and gently put the middle-aged man's body down.

"Who are you?"

The middle-aged man did not fall into a coma when he fell into the huge pit, but he was too seriously injured to move.

"How was it, was I handsome when I saved you just now?" A voice that Hao Zhengyi was very familiar with came from the black robe.

"Ah?" Hao Zhengyi, whose face was still oozing blood, asked in confusion.

The black-robed figure took off the faceless mask on his face, revealing Gu Yuan's face.

"Gu Yuan! What's wrong with you!"

Hao Zhengyi was shocked when he saw that it was indeed Gu Yuan, and his excitement almost made all the wounds on his body bleed.

"What's wrong, are you very excited?" Gu Bai, who was far away in Jiangbei Base City, controlled the Death Nightmare Bug clone and made a pose that he thought was very handsome.

"Why did you get involved..." Hao Zhengyi shook his head helplessly.

"Heh! Do you think I want to? Who made you be beaten back to your original state? If you were beaten to death when you were a half-orc, I would not know that birdman was you!" Gu Bai said unhappily.

"Cough cough cough..." Hao Zhengyi was about to speak and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Okay, okay, seeing you are like this, I won't bother with you!" Gu Bai waved his hand and used healing magic on Hao Zhengyi.

But the healing magic was like a stone sinking into the sea, and it had no effect on Hao Zhengyi.

"Don't waste your energy, I'm going to die!" Hao Zhengyi smiled calmly.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Gu Bai did not believe in evil and took out several bottles of healing potions from the space ring in his hand and wanted to give them to Hao Zhengyi to drink.

"My body genes are beginning to collapse! This is the price of forced beast transformation!" Hao Zhengyi shook his head.

Hao Zhengyi's battle suit had been severely damaged after the transformation. It was the same as wearing it. Gu Bai could clearly see that Hao Zhengyi's skin stained with blood had cracked, like a mirror about to break.

Now Hao Zhengyi is so energetic that he can talk like a normal person, which is just a flash of life.

Gene collapse is more serious than cell weakening. Genes have been forbidden areas for humans since the birth of mankind. In the past, some people wanted to extract superpower genes from cells and give them to others, but they failed in the end.

Genes are like a running program. No matter what is added or subtracted, it will cause it to collapse.

Hao Zhengyi endured the severe pain from his body and sat up. Gu Bai sat next to Hao Zhengyi.

"I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, Gu Yuan..." Hao Zhengyi looked at Gu Bai with a face like a broken tile, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, I practice the way of hiding. I don't believe in any genius getting a lot of resources, I don't believe in any desperate comeback, I don't believe in any cliff jumping to survive and meeting an old man, and I don't believe in adventures and survival. So the strength shown outside is two, three, four, five, six realms less than the real strength!"

Gu Bai spread his hands, indicating that he didn't want to either, because this world is too dangerous.

Hao Zhengyi rolled his eyes at Gu Bai when he heard this, but he didn't ask much, after all, everyone has their own secrets.

"Do you regret it?" Gu Bai asked suddenly.

"Of course I don't regret it..." Hao Zhengyi smiled cheerfully, his eyes full of longing.

"I grew up in a well-off family. I was the only son in the family. Until I was sixteen, I felt that I was the happiest person in the world!"

"But when I was sixteen, my father got into trouble! He was slandered as a woman who killed a man..."

"With the level of technology at that time, such a thing should not have happened! But do you know? A senior member of the city defense army guard department, in order to achieve political achievements and ensure that he could successfully become the head of the guard department. Directly put the crime on my father, who didn't even know what happened! This kind of thing only needs to be checked to know that my father is not the murderer..."

"My father just passed by there and Already... they were charged with this crime, and then secretly sentenced to death, without even notifying our family members! How ridiculous! They could execute the death penalty without even notifying our family members!"

"Do you know? Later, my mother spent countless time and money to find out that the real criminal was the son of that senior official! Then my mother went to the Southern Central Pengshan Base City to appeal to the Southern General Army Supreme Court, which took more than 30 years!"

"My mother was only 90 years old at the time, but because of years of hard work, she looked like a 200-year-old old man with white hair!"

"Finally it worked! Hahahaha!" Hao Zhengyi laughed a little crazy.

"For more than 30 years, only a few lawyers with a sense of justice were willing to help us. Finally, we succeeded! The General Military Court re-examined the case and sent some special supernatural people to deduce the past and confirm my father's innocence, but my father had been executed, so we were compensated with 100 million Longxia coins. The real criminal and those who participated in my father's case were also sentenced and expelled from the organization! Isn't it great to hear this?"

"One hundred million in compensation, and those criminals were also brought to justice! This is what we have dreamed of for many years! My mother cried for several days in front of my father's grave, and then she went home and... committed suicide!"

"Yes, those upper-class people's words brought me so much pain!"

"You know what? Later I investigated those convicted criminals... I found out that they were not sentenced, but were just warned and fired. They still lived a colorful life. It seems that the information on the Internet and those announcements were just for me to see!" "I remember that many people paid attention to our case at the beginning. After seeing that we were compensated 100 million, they were happy for us. Some people even thought that the compensation was too much, saying that we attracted public opinion on the Internet just to make the government pay more money!" "One hundred million to buy my family's lifelong happiness and a lifetime of pain, it's really a good deal!" "Gu Yuan, do you know? My real name is Hao Xingfu, and Hao Zhengyi is the identity I changed in the black market, just to wait for an opportunity..." "But it's not that easy, I Sometimes I even long for the primitive society in history books, where everyone only has a difference in wealth, not strength, and everyone has a miserable life. If you provoke them, you can just exchange one for one! But now I can't do it at all. Sometimes I feel guilty. I have practiced for a lifetime and my strength is only at the level of stepping into the air until I die. I don't even have the strength to avenge my parents! "

"It wasn't until the appearance of [Xinghuo] that things took a turn for the better!"

"I participated in [Xinghuo's] experiment, at the cost of my own life, let them help me with revenge! Although [Xinghuo] is not a good bird, it's enough to get their help to achieve the purpose!"

"Revenge is also done, but it's a pity that I didn't send away all the descendants of those people!"

At this point, Hao Zhengyi showed a smile on his face, with a little bloodthirstiness in his smile.

At the same time, Hao Zhengyi fell silent, looking into the distance with a soft look in his eyes, not knowing what he was missing.

Gu Bai also remained silent, and never advised others to be kind without seeing others suffer.

"Please bury me next to my dad after I die, Gu Yuan!"


"In Handong Base City, Handong Cemetery!"

"My mom is buried next to my dad. I hope they stay away from Jiangbei Base City, which is a sad place, so I didn't bury them here."

Hao Zhengyi lay on the ground again after he finished speaking, and gently closed his eyes, as if what he just said must have exhausted all his strength.

"I didn't expect that I could be so peaceful before I die!" Hao Zhengyi, who had just closed his eyes, opened his eyes again and looked at Gu Bai with a smile.

"Thank you, Gu Yuan..."

"I'm lucky to meet you!"

"When you first came to train intermediate spiritual plant masters, you almost pissed me off to death..."

"Hahahaha! No way! If I knew it, why would I need you to teach me!"

"By the way, let me tell you! In fact, I am a senior spiritual plant master!" Gu Bai suddenly said.



"Okay...ah! my teacher! I will call you...Teacher the future!"

Hao Zhengyi's voice began to break as he spoke.

His eyes were half closed, and his breathing was getting slower and slower.

Seeing this, Gu Bai continued to use healing magic on him, but it didn't work.

"Rubbish superpowers... What kind of healing magic is it? It's useless..." Gu Bai complained

Hao Zhengyi's voice was very soft, as soft as a mosquito's, "It's okay... Gu Yuan, I'm not afraid of... death, my family... is waiting for me..."

"So... tired... Gu Yuan... It's a pity... I couldn't go to... Handong to see... my parents... for the last time..."

"You... do you think my parents... will... blame me... for not leaving... offspring..."

Hao Zhengyi's voice became smaller and smaller, and his half-closed eyes slowly closed.

As he spoke, Hao Zhengyi's breathing gradually stopped, leaving only a slightly guilty smile.

"No, they won't blame you!" Gu Bai shook his head vigorously.

It's a pity that Hao Zhengyi can no longer hear or see.




Author: The May Day limit is 6,000 words, hurry up and let me breathe and replenish my body! ⌓‿⌓

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