"You...are?" A surprised voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's me! Xiaoyue! I'm still alive!" Gu Bai's voice trembled when he heard the familiar voice.

After this, the other side responded after a few seconds.

"Is it really you? Brother?" The voice from the other side was a little choked.

"It's me!"

"I knew you were faking your death!" Gu Yue's tone was a little happy.

"Because of some reasons and opportunities, I am still alive now, you don't have to worry! And my current strength is also very strong, and I will have enough self-protection outside!"

Gu Bai's tone was confident.

"Well..." There was a response from the other side and then fell into silence, and Gu Bai didn't know what to say.

They haven't seen each other for more than two hundred years. Although there are many things to say, when they really contact each other, they don't know where to start.

After a long time, Gu Yue on the other side said:

"Where are you now?"

"I will return to Lincheng Base City in a while!" Gu Bai thought for a while and said.


"How have you been these years? You should be a big shot at the Sky-Splitting Level now!"

"That was, decades ago!"

Gu Bai heard a little bit of arrogance in Gu Yue's tone.

"So awesome, Xiaoyue!"

"Your yin and yang tone, it must be my brother! How about you, how have you been these years?"

"I'm doing very well!" Gu Bai gave an affirmative answer.

"Sister Yue!" At this time, a shout came from Gu Yue's side, as if there was something urgent.

"Brother, see you later! I have something to do! Remember to keep in touch!"


After hanging up the phone, put the communicator into the space ring. The communicator just used was not the communicator of Gu Yuan's identity, but the identity purchased on the black market.

Looking at the rapidly changing scene outside the window, Gu Bai's face showed a touch of confusion.

When he first left Lincheng Base City, he was 181 years old. When Gu Yue left Lincheng Base City and went to the North, Gu Bai was 135 years old.

Gu Bai's real age is now 373 years old. The two have not seen each other for more than 200 years, and have not been in contact for about 200 years.

Gu Bai has been very upset in these years. When he left without saying goodbye and pretended to die, his original intention was that his strength was too weak and he was burdened with immortality. He didn't want Gu Yue to worry about being a burden to her. Without him, Gu Yue could do what she wanted to do with confidence.

Now that more than 200 years have passed, his strength has reached the sky, and he has a death nightmare clone with millions of cells. He has the ability to protect himself in Longxia.

So Gu Bai wanted to be honest with Gu Yue and tell her that he was not dead.

But Gu Bai was very afraid. A few decades are enough to change a person, not to mention more than 200 years. He didn't know what Gu Yue would be like after more than 200 years.

Would it make him feel strange?

"Don't think about it. It will be revealed naturally after a while!"

Gu Bai shook his head softly in a mosquito-like voice, looking at the mountains and rivers of Longxia outside the window, and his thoughts flew to who knows where.

Half a day later.

The huge airship slowly landed at the airship station.

Arrived at Gu Bai's destination: Tianhe Base City

"We have arrived at Tianhe Base City. Passengers who have reached their destination please disembark and pack up your belongings and luggage! The airship will stay for one to two hours, please pay attention to arrange the time. The next stop is Pengshan Base City!"

Gu Bai's things were all placed in the space ring, so he officially stepped into Tianhe Base City with empty hands.

Tianhe Base City is an old large base city, located in the center of southern Longxia, with a superior geographical location. It is also the largest mecha construction base in southern Longxia.

At the same time, Tianhe Base City is also one of the base cities in southern Longxia that is closest to a super-large base city, and it is much more developed than the emerging large base city such as Lincheng Base City.

Leaving the Tianhe Airship Station full of sci-fi art, Gu Bai saw many hovering cars shuttling in the sky, and there were various air tunnels and signs in the sky to plan the routes of those hovering cars.

Tianhe Base City has a special point: it is not prohibited to fly

Humans or vehicles can fly at will.

The reason is that Tianhe Base City is a mecha manufacturing center, and it is often necessary to conduct some mecha experiments and debugging. Since the actual performance is unknown, it cannot be tested in the wild, so it is tested in the base city.

In addition, Tianhe Base City is the southern monitoring satellite launch center, and it is often necessary to launch satellites or perform satellite maintenance work.

The high-altitude work in Tianhe Base City has never stopped, so the no-fly zone was simply lifted.

Gu Bai took a taxi to a small island villa in the south of Tianhe Base City. The island is surrounded by an artificial river with some ornamental fish. Together with the river, the entire villa area covers an area of ​​about 3,000 square meters.

When he came here, Gu Bai made a phone call. Not long after, a staff member in formal attire came to Gu Bai.

"You must be Mr. Gu Yuan. I saw you today and you are really a good-looking man!"

"Sign the contract directly!" Gu Bai didn't want to listen to his bragging, so he said directly.

After all, he had heard these words too many times.

"Okay!" Then the staff used the communicator to slide a screen in front of Gu Bai.

Gu Bai quickly scanned it and said lightly: "I need the right to change the villa area, and I also need the priority to renew the contract. If I don't take the initiative to terminate the contract, you must not affect my life or break the contract in any form, otherwise you will need to pay ten times the rent!" "Just add all these to the contract!" "Okay, sir, but I need to tell my boss!" The staff member paused and nodded. The staff member ran to the side to make a phone call and came to Gu Bai again five minutes later. A new contract was drawn in front of Gu Bai. Gu Bai wrote his name after confirming that there was no problem, and paid the final payment of 5 billion. This will be Gu Bai's new place to stay for a while. After the staff left, Gu Bai passed the identity verification and entered the villa area. "The yard is quite large, it can be made into an artificial lake for fishing, hehe!" Seeing the spacious yard with a garden atmosphere, Gu Bai muttered, and then entered the villa. After putting some things in the space ring, Gu Bai sat on the luxurious sofa in the hall and began to think about the next path. The first reason for coming to Tianhe Base City is that Gu Bai wants to learn how to operate mechas and forge. The current environment is too prominent and a bit dangerous. It is safer to be a transparent person. Therefore, Gu Bai does not intend to touch the convenience of medicine and spiritual plants, but to find another way.

The second reason is that Gu Bai does not want to stay in a base city for too long. He wants to go out and visit other base cities.

After thinking about the general path of development in the base city, Gu Bai got up and went to the basement of the villa. He carried out a "domain" detection. After removing a monitoring device, a huge square glass box appeared out of thin air.

Hundreds of silver-green insects were jumping inside, and Gu Bai took one out of it.

Changed his appearance from Gu Yuan to Gu Bai, and his DNA changed accordingly.

The Death Nightmare Worm saw a living being, jumped to Gu Bai's arm, and began to devour vitality.

About two hours later, a "little Gu Bai" slowly took shape.

Gu Bai looked at the smaller version of himself with a smile on his face, and then took out a space ring and a communicator to contact Gu Yue from the space ring and put them on him.

He took out a large box of processed Sky-Splitting Blood from the space ring and gave it to the clone.

Soon, under Gu Bai's control, the strength of this Death Nightmare Bug clone was raised to the Ascension Level.

The energy absorbed by the Death Nightmare Bug is regardless of strength, and the Sky-Splitting Blood of the alien beast can also be used by the newly reproduced Death Nightmare Bug.

Now Gu Bai has two clones, one is the clone that he carries with him to protect himself, and the other is the clone that has just been reproduced to replace Gu Bai's original body in Lincheng Base City.

It's not that Gu Bai wants to use the clone to go back to Lincheng Base City to see Gu Yue, but more than two hundred years have passed, and he doesn't know the situation of Gu Yue and Lincheng Base City.

If his original body goes, it will be very risky. There is a 0.01% risk of dying, not to mention such a big risk!

Moreover, the clone is controlled by his own consciousness, which is actually not much different from his original body.

One advantage of doing this is that Gu Yuan's identity will not disappear, and the two are completely unrelated people in the outside world.

If something goes wrong when going to Lincheng Base City, it will only be the loss of one clone.

In addition, Gu Bai didn't know whether Gu Yue had married and had children in these years. As a brother who never appeared, how should he treat him...

Although he trusted Gu Yue very much, but other people... and so many years have passed, Gu Yue didn't know what changes would happen...

Gu Bai shook his head and controlled the new clone to buy the nearest empty ship ticket to Lincheng Base City.

At the same time, add Gu Yue's contact information.

Gu Bai: Xiaoyue, I will return to Lincheng Base City in five days! I should be able to arrive that night.

Not long after the message was sent, Gu Yue responded.

Gu Yue: OK! I'm in the South Border now, and I'll be back in a few days! Happy.jpg emoticon package

Gu Bai rubbed his sore eyes, feeling a little guilty. It was obviously because he was sorry for Gu Yue, and now he was a little defensive against Gu Yue when he went back.

Is it because he is older and more experienced... becoming more stable? Or is human nature like this?

The next day, Gu Bai found this construction company to renovate the villa area, fill the river surrounded by the villa, expand the villa area, and plan to transform this villa area into a small park similar to the one in Jiangbei Base City.

The villa was being renovated, and Gu Bai lived in the nearest hotel during the renovation.

When it was night, Gu Bai came to the underground black market in Tianhe Base City through some information from his connections.

The underground black market in Tianhe Base City was smaller and more shabby than that in Jiangbei Base City, and there were fewer people setting up stalls in the black market.

The reason was that Tianhe Base City was a top large base city, and the defense force in the base city was incomparable to that in Jiangbei Base City. It was much more difficult for the underground black market to survive here than in Jiangbei Base City.

Coming to the new underground black market, of course, he couldn't leave a bad impression on his black friends, so Gu Bai showed his best side, skillfully put on several layers of black silk headgear and wandered around the black market, attracting the attention of people around him.

Gu Bai was a little embarrassed to be looked at, and put on a plastic bag on his head to avoid tempting his black friends.

After walking around for a few times, Gu Bai saw a shop with a special black sickle logo and entered it.

"Bring things to Tianhe Base City every year in the future!" Gu Bai took out a card from the space ring and handed it to the front desk staff.

The staff took the card and began to check, then operated it and returned the card to Gu Bai.

"Okay, sir!"

Gu Bai took the card and left the black market.

The black market is basically just a few organizations, and they are all chained by various bases.

After all, if you are in the underworld, you must be big and strong, so strong that the official is afraid.

After returning to the hotel, Gu Bai entered a deep sleep state, his spirit left his body, and the death nightmare clone followed behind his spirit to escort him, and began his first spirit trip to Tianhe Base City.

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